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Recommendations for a good stretch mark cream.

8 replies

Bellsx · 05/03/2020 15:37

Hi I was just wondering if any of you lovely ladies could recommend a good stretch mark cream please 😊

MNHQ Update
This is an old thread, but if you’ve come across it while searching for advice or information on stretch marks our guide to the best stretch mark cream has been recently updated to reflect current availability and new releases. It includes a wide range of options from oils to butters, cream and balms designed for stretch mark prevention, relief and treatment. It’s been compiled using the advice of skincare experts as well as Mumsnet user recommendations. We hope it’s helpful! Flowers

OP posts:
tadah6 · 05/03/2020 15:44

I've been using the Palmers stretch mark cream in the morning and then bio oil before bed and not had a mark so far! I'm 35+5 today 😊

Recommendations for a good stretch mark cream.
kithop · 05/03/2020 16:07

I used bio oil throughout my pregnancy and didn't get any stretch marks. I forgot to use it at all after the birth but that didn't seem to matter. I'm 6 months postpartum now.

fool11 · 05/03/2020 16:58

I was using Mustela one with my first and didn’t get any stretch marks. Also using with my current pregnancy.

Hodge85 · 05/03/2020 18:46

I second @tadah6 been using it since I was 12 weeks and I'm nearly 26 weeks now. Skin feels fab and not a stretch mark in sight so far Smile

Letsallscreamatthesistene · 05/03/2020 20:39

Bio oil!

Ive accidentally done an experiment on myself by only putting it on my stomach, and not on my boobs or bum.

Im 38 weeks, ive got stretch marks on my boobs and bum and none on my stomach - I think its the bio oil!

MockingJay27 · 05/03/2020 21:12

I've used palmers stretch mark cream every night, no stretch marks yet at 38 weeks. Baby is 90th centile so not a small bump. I've heard it's more a genetic thing.

mrssunshinexxx · 06/03/2020 07:05

I alternate each evening between bio oil and palmers cocoa butter, put it on your boobs too if you would like them to be stretch mark free ! D

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Bellsx · 06/03/2020 08:59

Thank you ladies 😊

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