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Washing baby clothes

20 replies

fibeee · 18/02/2020 22:44

Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for what to wash baby clothes in?

I’m in the process of getting everything washed in preparation for the baby. I used fairy non-bio tabs that my MIL bought us and the smell is so strong and overpowering. I even washed the stuff again and put it through an extra rinse cycle and the smell is still turning me.

Any recommendations for something less offensive to a sensitive pregnant nose?

OP posts:
Bol87 · 18/02/2020 23:04

I’m just in the process of washing all our baby stuff from the loft - my whole house stinks of washing powder! But thankfully I do like the smell.. it should fade quite a bit once dry & hung up or in a drawer! It’s probably just because you are doing so much washing all at once!

I’m using Percil NonBio, I prefer Fairy smell wise. Maybe go have a sniff of all the non bio detergents in the supermarket, see which one is most tolerable?!

Also, I use Fairy Cotton fabric softener which is a bit less harsh on the nose I think! It helps to mark some of the detergent smell!

Megan2018 · 18/02/2020 23:08

I used Fairy non bio and it smelt fine to me? I have since swapped to Aldi non bio instead which is good and also cheap.
I washed all the clothes before she was born-but since she arrived she now wears everything unwashed Shock Blush the novelty wears off pretty fast Grin

fibeee · 18/02/2020 23:13

Thanks for the replies! I’m wondering if there’s too much detergent in the capsules. Will look into getting a bottle of liquid detergent where I can at least control how much is going in the machine.

Will try and have a sniff at Persil tomorrow and see if it’s more tolerable.

OP posts:
2dogsand1baby · 18/02/2020 23:27

We found the same with the capsules! Also that they didn't always dissolve at 30°C... We use liquid non-bio now but just put a little bit in the machine each time 🙂

kickingk16 · 18/02/2020 23:42

Ecover non-bio is worth a look as an alternative. I use the non-scented stuff for my kids as baby and 3 year old both suffer from eczema. Once you start using it you realise how overwhelmingly strong the normal scented detergents are (I have some persil capsules but they give me a headache now when I use them).

Violets is super gentle but very expensive brand, so I'd say only worth using if you have eczema sufferers who are sensitive to detergents.

Notso · 18/02/2020 23:53

You can just use whatever you usually use and like the smell of. There really is no need to use non bio.

From the NHS website;
There's no evidence that using washing powders with enzymes (bio powders) or fabric conditioners will irritate your baby's skin.

Christmadtree · 18/02/2020 23:56

Try and eco egg. Very little scent to them which does take a bit of getting used to, but it was a life saver when I was pregnant and couldn't stand the strong smells.

Also save you a fortune in the long run and help save the environment for your little ones future Smile

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mumof2under2sohelpmegod · 19/02/2020 00:05

I went crazy washing everything with first, then i realised that everyone who holds ur baby hasnt washed their clothes in the same stuff and thats all over the babies skin and its fine? Do what you have to do to make you feel prepared, but if you reeeeeeally think about it, it's probably a bit OTT. I defo didn't with my second! X

happymummy12345 · 19/02/2020 00:06

We only ever used fairy non bio gel. No smell to me. I'm not a fan of strong smelling washing powder to use a generic term.

happymummy12345 · 19/02/2020 00:07

Though I never bothered washing anything before it was used. Tbh I didn't even realise it was a thing

Mumof1andacat · 19/02/2020 00:15

Babies grow very quickly, if you was everything you wont be able to take it back for the next size up. I ended up exchanging a lot of stuff as he grew out of it or just died get the chance to wear it.

Chista · 19/02/2020 00:20

I think Fairy have changed their formula recently. I used to love the smell, now its horrible, smells very chemically and very overpowering. Looking for another detergent now

Howzaboutye · 19/02/2020 00:23

Daz powder. Not a strong smell. Only thing that got all the stains out when weaning, poonamis etc.
As long as the washing machine rinses the clothes, and they don't have a strong smell it will be fine.

Primrose89 · 19/02/2020 10:05

I just washed them with our normal Persil non bio. Baby has never had any skin issues at all! When he gets new clothes now I dont tend to wash them before wear.

fool11 · 19/02/2020 10:25

We used fairy non bio liquid, smell is not as strong , quite faint compare to the capsules. Couldn’t use any fabric conditioner as my dd has very sensitive skin.

icanhearapindrop · 19/02/2020 10:43

I washed all my baby clothes in Fairy non bio as it seemed that was what everyone did, but like you, found the smell so overpowering, and I love the smell of washing powder usually. I use normal (cheap) supermarket bio washing powder for all of our clothes now and my DC have never had any skin problems.

Megan2018 · 19/02/2020 11:54

New clothes are treated with chemicals so that’s why most people wash first, if you have ever been in a clothes factory and seen it you’d look at your clothes very differently! But as I said above, I stopped worrying about it after a while, with the exception of vests-I always wash new vests as they are closest to skin.
I don’t use fabric softener though, as we have family history of eczema and it can be triggering.

fibeee · 19/02/2020 18:06

Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I gave the non-bio Persil a sniff at my local Sainsbury’s today and thought it was pretty strong. Settled for some Sainsbury’s own brand non-bio liquid in the end and am currently rewashing everything to get the Fairy smell out!

Had DH open all the windows in the house when he came home from work to air the place out before I came home. He thinks I’ve lost the plot.

OP posts:
TheSandman · 19/02/2020 18:10

It's hard to tell because I've been using it so long - since my 17 year old was a baby - and maybe I just can't smell it any more but Lidl's non-bio is pretty scentless.

user1333796 · 19/02/2020 18:14

Research says non bio isn't better for skin. It's just a marketing scam, Google for studies. Just use whatever you usually use. Definitely switch from non bio for dark or colourful clothes because non bio fades them awfully.

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