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Pregnancy pillows - are they worth it?

51 replies

Firstbaby2019x · 17/01/2020 05:25

Hi all
I'm well into my second trimester and have started to get uncomfortable with back pain, esp at night, due to growing bump.

Considering pregnancy pillows to help with getting a comfortable night sleep but are they any good? Or just a fad?


MNHQ update:
This thread is a few years old now, but if you've landed here while on the hunt for a supportive maternity pillow, we've recently updated our guide to the best pregnancy pillow here. It includes a wide range of options, from budget buys to pillows you can also use for infant support and those best for back ache and/or sciatica - all tried, tested and approved by Mumsnetters. Hope it's helpful! Flowers

OP posts:
IvinghoeBeacon · 17/01/2020 05:34

If you’re worried about it being a fad, have you tried using extra normal pillows wedged under bump / between legs / behind back? The advantage of pregnancy pillows is that they won’t move around like several normal pillows will, though they come in different shapes and sizes so you would need to figure out what shape would suit you best, but if you find that an arrangement of normal pillows works for you then you wouldn’t need to buy a special one. I found a shaped pillow very helpful, and continued to use it when feeding etc after the baby was born, so I would say it was worth it, but I didn’t spend a great deal of money.

user1483387154 · 17/01/2020 05:36

I loved my pregnancy pillow, a lot of people use them to help with breast feeding afterwards but that didnt work for me.

Oakeyy · 17/01/2020 05:40

I used a V shaped pillow to support my behind my back and a regular pillow between my knees to support. Much cheaper than a pregnancy pillow and really helped. Also been very useful whilst feeding.

Mummy2one2016 · 17/01/2020 05:45

I had terrible SPD from about 2 weeks after nights of sleeping with endless pillows. I invested in a dreamgenni worth every penny. Used it for feeding to in the early days and then to help sit my little one up when he was a bit bigger

Mummy2one2016 · 17/01/2020 05:45

25 weeks that should say

Murph90 · 17/01/2020 06:01

I got the mamas and papas one. It’s been useful to ensure I stay on my side as much as possible when I’m asleep. If you have a look on their website at the shape you’ll see it’s essentially just an expensive V shaped pillow so you could just get one of those if you don’t went to go to the expense. I think I would just do that next time.

Letsallscreamatthesistene · 17/01/2020 07:03

Yes yes 100% yes get one. Im 31 weeks and cant sleep without it

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user1493413286 · 17/01/2020 07:05

I didn’t have one in my first pregnancy and now I’m my second I don’t know how I lived without it. It’s so useful; it helps with my discomfort in my hips, supports my back and helps stop me rolling into my back

Alarae · 17/01/2020 07:07

I have a cheap v pillow from Argos and it helped a lot in the earlier months.

Im now 35 weeks and while it still does help, I am just uncomfortable in general so it hasn't made everything easy.

Newbie1981 · 17/01/2020 07:09

God send here!

Elmo230885 · 17/01/2020 07:11

I got one from Asda or possibly Tesco. Only needed it for bed a little bit but found it very helpful when breast feeding. So far its seen me through two pregnancies and subsequent feeding. Its known as the booby pillow in our house! I think it was about £15.

GrassWasGreener · 17/01/2020 07:14

One I got mine I couldn't work out hire I had gone without it for so long. Loved my bump pillow. I got the round clever mama one that doubles as a baby pod

Minormiracle · 17/01/2020 07:18

I still sleep with mine. My youngest DC is nearly 6...

Dinosauraddict · 17/01/2020 08:45

I ordered my pillow at 7 weeks. I'm now 32 weeks and haven't slept without it - it's come on holidays, into hospital, to family homes etc. It's the only way I have a hope in hell of sleeping comfortably at night!

MustardScreams · 17/01/2020 08:47

I wouldn’t have slept for more than 20mins at a time without my pillow. They are a godsend, especially when you’re bigger.

I could prop myself up to ease heartburn, support my back and bump. Slept like a log!

BeautyAndTheBump1 · 17/01/2020 12:31

I have a dreamgenii and honestly its the best thing i've ever purchased.

BarkandCheese · 17/01/2020 12:35

Minormiracle my sister still sleeps with hers and her youngest is nearly nine! Grin

greenemerald · 17/01/2020 18:16

I have the queen rose from amazon and it's been amazing - so much more comfortable now at 20w since I bought it. Helps me stay on my side and I don't get upper back ache like I used to.

ktjb39 · 17/01/2020 18:23

I had a v shaped cushion and it was used constantly - for sleeping, sitting, resting baby on etc I still use it now and my eldest is 10!

secretllama · 17/01/2020 18:44

I bought the pharmadoc one from amazon and I love it! My husband jokingly complains about the space it takes up in the bed though Grin Considering still using it after baby is here though since it's so comfy x

helloooomeee · 17/01/2020 18:53

I always wanted one but persevered with extra normal pillows for pregnancy 1 and 2, my third pregnancy was twins and I gave in and bought a dreamgenni worth every penny and wish I'd bought one first time round.
My babies are 10 months now and I still use it to so I can bottle feed both babies at the same time.

StarlyBeee · 17/01/2020 19:08

Deffo mines amazing and at night I have like a pillow fort and have slept like a baby since 2nd trimester! Hubby worries I won't want to get rid and he will have the battle the fort forever hahah

Engard · 17/01/2020 19:09

Nope. Bloomin hate mine. It's went into storage at about 22 weeks because I was so sick of it. I find a wedge pillow under tummy much more comfortable.

AprilFernLouise · 17/01/2020 19:22

100%. I'm 35 weeks and the insomnia is real but it's not because I'm uncomfortable. Dont think I'd cope without my pillow. It's a u shaped one

PollyRoe16 · 17/01/2020 20:16

I had a bbhugme pillow, they are ££ but it was honestly the best money I've spent during pregnancy!

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