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Maternity Support/Bump Band

3 replies

Dinosauraddict · 27/11/2019 15:30

I am currently 25 weeks pregnant and over the last 10 days I have started getting back pain (apparently not helped by anterior placenta). My midwife suggested buying a support band for the bump and back but looking online there are hundreds to choose from and I don't know where to start. I need one I can wear all day for work but no other requirements - can people give me any recommendations of particularly good ones please?

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Yummymummy2020 · 28/11/2019 13:55

I have the belly bandit upsie belt and found it great! It’s a bit pricey but it did help me a lot and it grows with the pregnancy!

R2D2abc · 28/11/2019 15:24

@ my physiotherapist let me try some and found that this one was the most comfortable one. It is best if you can go somewhere to try some and see which one is best for you and also size wise.

I have PGP and I need one to relieve the weight off my pelvic bones and support my pelvis. Last pregnancy I was given an elasticated material to pull over my bump.
I was so confused this time on which one to buy also, there seems to be loads out there. But this one I found is well priced and was recommended by a physio so taught it must be fine.

Dinosauraddict · 01/12/2019 07:14

Thank you both - have ordered a couple options to test!

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