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Does any stretch mark lotion actually work?

28 replies

CAG12 · 25/09/2019 12:42


Before wasting my pennies on stretch mark creams and lotions, does anyone have any advice about which ones worked for them?


MNHQ update:
This thread is a few years old now, but if you've come across it while searching for advice on stretch mark treatment options, our guide to the best stretch mark cream has been recently updated to reflect new releases and current availability. It contains a wide range of options, from creams and butters to balms, oil and lotion - all tried, tested and approved by Mumsnetters and skincare experts. We hope it's helpful! Flowers

OP posts:
melissa1215 · 25/09/2019 12:44

Tbh I used every cream from the moment I had my positive test I tried bio oil, palmers coco butter, everything that said stretch mark cream and I'm absolutely covered in them. I think it's genetic as my mum has them too and my aunt got them

Ihopeyourcakeisshit · 25/09/2019 12:46

Save your money.
You will either get them or you won't.
I didn't get a single stretch mark and didn't use anything.

HJWT · 25/09/2019 12:47

@CAG12 Its defo genetics and different in every pregnancy, I hardly got any with DD maybe 2 little ones on my bump! This time with DS I have loads huge thick purple / red stretch marks 😪

Defo get a nice cream though, you can get palmers on sale quite often! You will want something when your bump is itchy xx

TerribleCustomerCervix · 25/09/2019 12:48

I never bothered with anything other than a bit of baby oil in the shower to stop itching- got a couple from week 39 with both dc, but they faded remarkably quickly- less than a month.

My mum was the same when she was pregnant with twins, and my sister as well. None of us bothered with bio oil or anything.

Definitely a genetic thing.

Teddybear45 · 25/09/2019 12:48

Bio-oil or shea butter will keep your skin supple (dry skin tends to keep stretch marks for longer) enough pre-birth. Post birth, get a retinoid body cream - it’s the only thing that will reduce the scarring but you have to keep it going

cakeordeath89 · 25/09/2019 12:52

I've been using Palmer's cocoa butter and at 31 weeks I haven't got marks but that's not necessary cause and effect. I am however, incredibly veiny as I have thin skin. Perhaps I'll have them closer to due date or after baby arrives. I do have stretch marks on my thigh from when I gained and lost weight at university so genetics suggest I can get them.

To be honest though I just really enjoy the feeling as it's really soothing and when I've had a shower I like to spend time rubbing it in and talking to the baby.

If you're really concerned about the stretch marks, I'm not sure the science is there.

gkeal3 · 25/09/2019 13:36

With my first baby at 19 I smothered myself daily in palmers tummy butter. I swore it was what stopped me getting stretch marks and I've used it all the way through with all my babies since and I'm now on baby 4 (age 35) and you wouldn't even know I'd carried children at all. My stomach skin is firm and stretch mark free. Every midwife I've seen through this pregnancy comments on how my stomach looks like I've never had children! Maybe I'm just lucky,
My mum was covered in them and has had half the amount of babies I've had so I'm unsure on the genetic link. I do think maybe if you're going to get them you're going to no matter what and I could just be lucky enough to have subtle skin but no harm is moisturising your tummy anyway and if you get them it's worth it xx

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7Worfs · 25/09/2019 13:47

I used Bio Oil on bump mornings and evenings, and didn’t get any stretch marks.

I wish I used it on my thighs and butt too, as I gained a lot of weight there and got stretch marks Angry

userabcname · 25/09/2019 13:51

I used loads of lotions and potions first time and was literally entirely covered in stretch marks on my torso. This time I've not even moisturised once and have none (well, no new ones certainly). Save your money.

Everafter1 · 25/09/2019 13:51

They're genetic. If psychologically you'd feel better about using them (just in case) then I probably would just buy one. Other than that, I wouldn't bother.

LolaSmiles · 25/09/2019 13:55

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Bubblebubble123 · 25/09/2019 15:57

I used almond oil. No stretch marks. And I am prone to getting them usually!

breakfastpizza · 25/09/2019 16:05

I've tried them all and the only thing that's ever offered any improvement on existing stretch marks is vitamin c serum w/ derma rolling.

I can't comment on preventative treatments.

SoftBlocks · 25/09/2019 16:09

I used Mio and This Works and don’t have any but I don’t know if I would’ve have got any if I hadn’t used anything.

OkayGo · 25/09/2019 16:10

I used bio oil daily and I am covered in them

GummyGoddess · 25/09/2019 16:19

Not that I've seen, but dermarollering afterwards really minimises them.

LolaSmiles · 25/09/2019 16:31

gummy What's dernarollering? Blush I've never come across it.

jamilla82 · 25/09/2019 16:35

I'm not sure but all my friends and friends of friends that used Mustela swear by it, i used Mustela pregnancy day and night with my first born and didn't have one stretch mark. Pregnant again and using it again.

GummyGoddess · 25/09/2019 16:37

Like a paint roller with little needles in that you go over the marks with.

ameliathomas84 · 25/09/2019 16:38

The best thing is olive oil, the trick is if your regularly moisturising with anything it will make your skin more supple but it is down to genetics

Frizzy1986 · 25/09/2019 16:38

I've used nothing in either pregnancy and haven't got any stretch marks at all. My sister and mum don't have any either.

I find it funny though, as I did get about 4 stretch marks when I put on weight about 12 years ago but nothing when pregnant. I did lose the weight before getting pregnant so I wonder if my skin was just used to stretching.

Andersonx3 · 25/09/2019 16:40

I use bio oil but my mum is covered in stretch marks, I'm 30+4 and currently have none but feel like they may arrive later!

helacells · 25/09/2019 16:40


ELM8 · 25/09/2019 16:44

I've been using palmers and burts bees - love them both. No stretch marks so far (31 weeks) but as previous posters have said I think a lot of it is genetic.. I just quite like the ritual of moisturising the Belly every night!!!

Sparadrap · 25/09/2019 16:48

As PP have said it’s down to genetics. If your mum/gran/sisters got them then you probably will, no matter how much cream or bio oil you use. I also heard that you are more likely to get them if you are very young as your skin hasn’t lost elasticity.

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