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pregnancy support belt

10 replies

ilovecake77 · 28/06/2019 10:21

Can anyone recommend a maternity support belt as im only 20 weeks pregnant but suffering with lots of back pain and not sure what the best one is to buy!

OP posts:
GinMama1 · 28/06/2019 10:46

No idea whether or not it's the best one but I found this very helpful

Angelinthenightx · 28/06/2019 13:16

I have the jojo one i use it when im really bad ,i also have love your bump bando at mothercare that i wear when im out.
If u go for the jojo size up im a size 12 and went for the L the bando i went M
I have ligament pain & it does help me,im 21wks x

pregnancy support belt
pregnancy support belt
Daffodil2491 · 28/06/2019 19:47

If your in that much pain ask your midwife to refer you, or self refer if you can to the local physio department, I did and have some great advice and exercises and have been referred for aquanatal hydrotherapy classes. Don’t suffer in silence, my physio said, discomfort is normal, lots of pain although common can be sorted out! Take care x

DuchessSybilVimes · 28/06/2019 19:51

My midwife told not to use these if possible, as it allows your muscles to weaken further and then you end up in more pain.

Sorry, not what you asked but just thought it worth mentioning.

ilovecake77 · 28/06/2019 20:28

Thanks for the advice,i think i will have a word with my midwife to see if i can see a physio!

OP posts:
GinMama1 · 28/06/2019 20:53

@DuchessSybilVimes they've been recommended to me by 3 physios in 2 pregnancies!

faelavie · 28/06/2019 20:57

I have one similar to the one posted above, from Amazon. It helps a little but I'm finding it's been so hot and humid recently I've not wanted to wear it. I'll be 25 weeks tomorrow and back pain is making me miserable

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DuchessSybilVimes · 28/06/2019 22:21

GinMama1 well that's bloomin' annoying, I didn't get one on her say-so! Grr.

Triskaidekaphilia · 28/06/2019 23:10

I was using a jojo maman bebe one, found in a charity shop so possibly an older model. Helped a bit but once I got referred for physio they gave me a much better one. I have pgp but only in the back of my pelvis, it's worth asking if you can get referred for the back pain.

frazzledasarock · 28/06/2019 23:14

I was recommended one by my physio during my previous pregnancy I got it off amazon, it’s a serola sacroiliac maternity support belt.

My physio adjusted it for me and showed me how to wear it to get maximum support.

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