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Best stretch mark cream?

13 replies

hannah9176 · 12/03/2019 02:34

Can anyone recommend a stretch mark cream and when to start using it? I had a look online and they seem to vary from £5-£40 a tube which seems a bit excessive to buy on a whim so thought it might be better to hear from personal experiences? Thanks!


MNHQ update:
We appreciate this thread is a few years old now, but if you've come across it while on the lookout for stretch mark treatment advice, our guide to the best stretch mark cream has been recently updated. Made up of recommendations from Mumsnet users as well as skincare experts, it includes a wide range of tried and tested options, from creams to oils, lotions and butters. We hope it's helpful! Flowers

OP posts:
sunshineandshowers21 · 12/03/2019 02:40

i used bio oil daily from around 10 weeks. i’d add a few drops to my bath and then after a bath or shower i’d smother myself in it! a bit pricey over the whole pregnant but i’ve used it for 3 pregnancies and have no stretch marks.

JordanCatalano4Eva · 12/03/2019 03:22

By a cheap one because if you’re gonna get stretch marks you’ll get them wether you use cream or not.

Tavannach · 12/03/2019 03:31

Bio oil.

Roxyxoxo · 12/03/2019 03:34

Burts Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter, I used it everyday after a shower and sometimes just to relax, no stretch marks (but that could be down to genes)! It smells and feels lovely anyway, Amazon usually have it on offer.

FormerlyFrikadela01 · 12/03/2019 03:35

There is no cream or oil that will prevent stretch marks, it's largely genetic. I'm obese, have stretch marks on my thighs from puberty but didn't get any from pregnancy.

Just find a nice cream that you enjoy and accept that you may get stretch marks but at least you'll feel moisturised.

Smotheroffive · 12/03/2019 03:50

Eating well, healthily with vit e and c in direct from diet will be far more beneficial that any oil that sits on top on your skin can possibly be.

Also good oil (on salads or cooked foods) for omegas,. It will help support your muscle which supports the skin.

No creme here, no stretch marks. Oh, a couple on my boobs after birth as feeds were dropped when babies were older.

le42 · 12/03/2019 05:46

I used bio oil and coco butter everyday of my whole pregnancy, ate well and was absolutely covered... ☹️ Sorry to say but I think they occur in the middle layer of skin so no amount of creams prevent though they can help soothe the itchiness

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Margot33 · 12/03/2019 06:05

Bio oil

cliffdiver · 12/03/2019 06:18

With both pregnancies I used bio oil as soon as I found out I was pregnant and didn't get a single stretch mark - except the ones around my vulva, didn't think to oil there ConfusedGrin

bobloblawlawblog · 12/03/2019 06:46

I used body shop mango body butter the whole way through and didn't get any. I think it is supposed to be more about making sure the skin is well hydrated rather than using a stretch mark specific one

secretlyhermione · 12/03/2019 07:40

I use the weleda oil for pregnant women. Recommended by lots of pregnant friends. I started using it right away.

nuggles · 12/03/2019 08:31

My midwife told me to moisturise from the inside out ie drink lots of water.

Massage your skin to encourage elasticity - I used Kokoso baby oil religiously for both my pregnancies and only a few stretch marks.

You’ll know what works for you. I personally couldn’t stand the smell of half the stretch mark creams on the market

Singerleon · 12/03/2019 08:44

I moisturise with a body shop coconut butter one when I remember (which is about 3 times a month roughly!)
34 weeks into pregnancy 2 and only one stretch mark so far. I’m overweight anyway so it must just be genes because I’ve done nothing to avoid stretch marks! Have them on my thighs from growing as a teenager though Hmm

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