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36 replies

My3boys9910 · 28/02/2019 12:13

Has anyone taken omega 3 in pregnancy...ive read good things online...But when i asked my g.p she said "Hold on a minute and i will look it up" (Types in her own google search) 🙄 It says theres no evidence to say if its good or i would say no!!...Annoying...i want to get as much nutrtion to this baby as possible...Im eating well...taking folic acid...But i would love to give the supposed benefits of fish oils aswell...

OP posts:
SpottedTiger · 28/02/2019 12:33

I took it as part of my prenatal vitamins, don't know if it's done any good or not but wanted to give her the best possible start. Make sure you get a pregnancy grade one though as the ones that are from fish liver are high in vitamin A and dangerous for baby. I think boots own brand and pregnacare max prenatal vitamins both have the fish oil element as well as folic acid and vit D.

coral13 · 28/02/2019 12:43

I take Algae Oil Omega 3 (I'm vegan so don't eat fish).

Omega 3 are important but it depends on if you are already getting it in your diet or not.

physicskate · 28/02/2019 12:49

COD liver oil is bad, but it's fine to take fish oil!! It might not help, but more omegas won't hurt...

My3boys9910 · 28/02/2019 12:49

Thanks doesnt say it has any vitimain A...ive read online guidlines are 250mg a day?!...are 1200mg too much..??

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GabbyGal · 28/02/2019 12:50

I take the pregncare vitamins that come with a separate omega 3 capsule to take every day.

My3boys9910 · 28/02/2019 12:50

@psychickate...thankyou...yes i remember hearing now that cod liver oil is bad...thats what had me worried

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Lumene · 28/02/2019 12:55

I took omega 3 supplements with my first and the baby had such a massive head of got stuck. No idea if the supplements contributed but I didn’t bother taking them the next time!

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My3boys9910 · 28/02/2019 13:04

Omg really @lumene was there any major problems...or just a baby with a bigger head?...i have csections...but obviously wouldnt want to affect the babys head in any way!Thats crazy

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Lumene · 28/02/2019 14:04

we were both ok in the end. No idea if it was anything to do with omega 3 of course but given there is a potential link to increased head size, I wasn’t taking any chances the second time!

Lumene · 28/02/2019 14:07

So wasn’t worried about baby’s health, just getting them out safely! Head size was literally off the charts, but we have a few big heads in the family too. So no need for the help of omega 3!

Aurea · 28/02/2019 14:08

I would definitely recommend taking omega 3 fish oils when pregnant and breastfeeding. My mum is a nutritional therapist and swears by them to aid the developing brain. I took them religiously and both my sons are very smart, in fact my first born is off to Oxford in the Autumn. Just never know......

My3boys9910 · 28/02/2019 15:11

Thanks everyone...think i will take one every other day...the big head story has scared me lol!!Byt apreciate any storys good or bad X

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Lumene · 28/02/2019 16:50


I ate lots of fish (within guidelines) the next time.

JE87 · 28/02/2019 20:09

So much conflicting information! I read an article yesterday on my pregnancy app saying definitely not to take fish oils! Who knows!!

coral13 · 28/02/2019 21:07

Fish oils aren't an issue - it's fish liver oils that they say to avoid due to Vit A (which is stored in the liver)

My3boys9910 · 01/03/2019 08:03

Very conflicting info...and such a preciois thing to take risks with i know...

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GemmaJen · 01/03/2019 08:42

I spoke to my midwife and she said it's fine to take them, just be wary that you can overdo it if you also eat a lot of fish too.

My3boys9910 · 01/03/2019 08:46

@GemmaJen you know what mg??...the ones i bought are 1200mg...Seems a lot?

OP posts:
GemmaJen · 01/03/2019 09:19

Mine are 1000mg - Tesco brand, I was using the Morrison brand previously but ran out.

blondeirishmummy84 · 01/03/2019 09:32

I take the pregnacare plus vitamins with the extra omega 3 supplement as its supposed to be good for baby brain development.
Surely they wouldnt sell it if it was dangerous.
I took it for DS1 and he is a healthy happy baby.

PBobs · 01/03/2019 09:35

I just have mine included in my prenatal tabs.

Aurea · 01/03/2019 09:42

These are the ones my mum (qualified nutritional therapist) recommends. She says it's important to source the fish from clean waters, which these are.

They are on offer at the moment.

lorirexsins · 01/03/2019 18:25

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Supergran58 · 01/03/2019 18:41

There is a link between plenty of omega 3 in the diet and advanced language at age 7 or 8 I believe. Certainly seems to have worked with grandson - he ldeveloped language early and quickly. I put it down to me dosing up his mother (teenager) with omega 3 (the ones in pregnacare). He also had a big head on the 97th lentils. He still does but not a big face - just head circumference so not noticeable.

Supergran58 · 01/03/2019 18:42


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