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What were your very first pregnancy symptoms?

172 replies

sophhhxo · 12/06/2018 23:20


Just wanting to see what sort of things people experienced, I know everyone is different!

What were the first symptoms of pregnancy that you experienced?


OP posts:
fuzzywuzzy · 12/06/2018 23:22

Excess saliva! Weird and gross, I’d find my mouth filling up with saliva constantly made me gag a bit. Also metallic taste.

These were way before I got a bfp.

Fevertree · 12/06/2018 23:24

Spots in front in my eyes when bending/balancing during my usual exercise classes

DryHeave · 12/06/2018 23:25

Sore boobs.

Belfastbird · 13/06/2018 00:03

Not getting drunk when drinking!

Mrstobe90 · 13/06/2018 00:11

My boobs went HUGE overnight. I went to a fitting for my wedding dress a week before and it was fine.
The next week, they couldn't do it up over my bust and there was a 2/3 inch gap.

makeitso · 13/06/2018 00:32

Tea tasted funny.

2good · 13/06/2018 00:38


pregnant woman meditating

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NationalEspresso · 13/06/2018 00:38

Rage and intolerance.Blush

PerfectlyDone · 13/06/2018 00:40

Overwhelming tiredness - I'd fall asleep whenever I sat down anywhere.

And sore boobs - that's when I twigged Grin

MaryPoppinsPenguins · 13/06/2018 00:43

Heartburn and a metallic taste in my mouth. And little squiggly pains in my lower abdomen.

melodybirds · 13/06/2018 01:01

I had abdominal cramps and pooed everything out. I was amazingly empty at the end of it!

CarbonatedBeverageFiend · 13/06/2018 04:03

dizziness, extreme tiredness and sore boobs

MrsY87 · 13/06/2018 05:28

Unquenchable thirst....feeling like I had a hangover but I hadn't been drinking!

Tangleteaser85 · 13/06/2018 05:34

Sore boobs and really short tempered Grin

TheWomp · 13/06/2018 05:36

Crying. Lots of uncontrollable crying.

ToManderleyAgain · 13/06/2018 05:38

Heightened sense of smell

Drchinnery · 13/06/2018 05:39

I didn't get any, just thought I was putting on weight mentioned it to a colleague my boobs were getting fat and couldn't do my work shirt up! Then I got period cramps but no period and randomly decided to test, was already nearly 9 weeks!

Sauvignonblanket · 13/06/2018 05:42

Really, really thirsty - it was the same the second time round too.

Febe123 · 13/06/2018 06:13

Heart rate was high before my missed period

Then after period due had sore boobs and cramps

Markygirl1995 · 13/06/2018 06:19

Montgomery bumps and seeing all the time

Markygirl1995 · 13/06/2018 06:19

Weeing **

nervousseacreature · 13/06/2018 06:24

Metallic taste and a seriously runny nose!

goose1964 · 13/06/2018 06:27

Coffee giving me heartburn, on all 3

FuckMyUterus · 13/06/2018 06:28

Absolutely horrendous lower back ache, to the point that I cried walking home from work. And I couldn't make it through a day without at least 2 naps.

ItsClemFandangoCanYouHearMe · 13/06/2018 06:31

I never had symptoms both times until I took a test then BAM I😂

First was a very unexpected pregnancy and I didn't have a period for 2 months but that wasn't unusual for me and when I tested suddenly nothing fit and my boobs were agony
Second time I just started feeling green a couple of days after the test but not much else.

At the time I felt I had every symptom but looking back, it was easy to talk myself into it Grin

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