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Too early for maternity clothes, what do you wear?

39 replies

MyLittleBeee · 15/05/2018 13:29

It's too early to buy any maternity clothes but my waistband is getting tight.. what do you wear on your bottom half?
It's work wear I'm struggling with mostly. Tops are fine but bottoms are impossible..

OP posts:
Stephisaur · 15/05/2018 13:34

I'm in my fat jeans.

Well, at the moment I'm in a flowy dress because the heat is killing me!

If you have to wear smart trousers to work, could you look at sizing up or getting something with an elasticated waist?


Fitzsimmons · 15/05/2018 13:36

I think at that stage I used a hair bobble through the button hole and over the button on the trousers to do them up, making them a bit wider without having them fall down if that makes sense, and then long tops to conceal it.

Carboholic · 15/05/2018 13:36

I'm in my fat jeans. - hahahahahaha that is an awesome expression! We all OWN fat jeans, I just didn't know a name for them...

Carboholic · 15/05/2018 13:37

OP - maternity trousers are REALLY comfortable and imo look really well under most clothes. Can you just get some of them already? Noone will know, and you'll be SO comfy.

dinosaurkisses · 15/05/2018 13:42

Just cave and get some maternity clothes- I lasted until 16 weeks in my normal jeans before I snapped and bought some over the bump skinnies from mothercare. The minute I put them on I scolded myself for squeezing into my normal clothes for so long when maternity trousers are the most comfortable thing in the world!

The earlier you buy them the lower the cost per wear as well!

wildgarlicflowers · 15/05/2018 13:44

Just size up and choose cheaper clothes you will use them after the bang for a little while too ( I thought the bump that had taken 9 months to grow would deflate the minute the baby was born) no it takes a while and you will want to be comfortable post birth so good investment. I wore normal clothes mostly throughout my pregnancy apart from the odd special dress

wildgarlicflowers · 15/05/2018 13:44

Baby not bang Blush

pregnant woman meditating

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K9pal7 · 15/05/2018 13:52

I have a pair of maternity jeans which i got on offer and they are so comfy. My work trousers i just use a hair bobby atm but bump is growing fast so don't know how much longer that'll work. Going have to get a proper pair of maternity work trousers just don't want to spend the money on them😂

Coffeist · 15/05/2018 14:46

I'm only 9 weeks but trying to think ahead. I would wear smart trousers to work but I bought some loose fit trousers with elasticated waistband (& size up). Primark has some cheap ones that are good for summer but bought some more expensive ones from John Lewis - which I should be able to wear later as they are meant to be loose fit anyways.

FASH84 · 15/05/2018 14:53

Dresses, empire line or a line

MyLittleBeee · 15/05/2018 15:09

Sooo tempted with buying maternity clothes but scared I'll jinx things!

Might try the bobble trick for my work trousers and hope no one notices!

OP posts:
didsomeonesaybunny · 15/05/2018 15:14

I’ve been lucky in that jeans are still fitting at 21 weeks but soon I’m going to have to bite the bullet and retire them for a while.

I’ve been buying some inexpensive floaty dresses that are a size up to account for the growing bump. You may still get some use out of them after baby is born as they won’t be miles bigger.

Next have some nice maternity wear and very inexpensive so worth taking a look. I got a ribbed maxi dress from there last week but my bump isn’t filling it quite yet so I feel a little silly wearing it.

theruffles · 15/05/2018 15:28

I managed with the hair bobble trick to make my normal jeans last a little bit longer, otherwise skirts/trousers with elasticated waistbands.

I haven't wanted to spend much on maternity wear so I've brought things on eBay and tried to stick to key things that'll see me through - a couple of pairs of maternity jeans, a few dresses and tops and the odd skirt. Jojo Maman Bebe do lovely maternity clothes but I'd never pay full price for them, so eBay is ideal.

happymummy12345 · 15/05/2018 15:30

I just got the next size up. Never bothered with maternity clothes at all

Paranormalbouquet · 15/05/2018 15:33

I got some "treggings" in m+s for £20. Nice thick material, elasticated waistline and fine with a top which covers tummy. Got them in January when I was really bloated in early pregnancy. Miscarried but had nasty infection so was bloated and sore for a while and was glad of these for work. Back in them now as 8 weeks again and trousers are pinching me! Still fitting into high waisted jeans comfortable for now anyway.

INeedNewShoes · 15/05/2018 15:37

A bump band from Jojos you attach it to your trousers/jeans to expand them a little and it also gives a nice layering effect.

DrWhy · 15/05/2018 15:38

Work is fine as my wrap dresses are still fitting nicely at 12 weeks and not highlighting the appearing bump too much. Home is much harder, I’ve just bought some maternity jeans as I’m not being at uncomfortable for weeks like I struggled on last time with my regular jeans half unzipped. Unfortunately I don’t really have enough bump to keep them up at the moment so they skip down and annoy me - leggings would be best but then I need a long flowy top and that makes me look obviously pregnant! Once I’ve told work I will just give up and go for leggings!

Emmafh3 · 15/05/2018 16:04

I got my maternity jeans really late, but wore them after baby. Even when I'd gotten back to pre baby weight and less.
go for comfort - and try them on. I personally hated the over the bump ones, especially when it was so warm.

hammeringinmyhead · 15/05/2018 16:16

I wore my ASOS maternity jeans for the first time at 11 weeks. I'm 14 today and in my last pair of normal jeans (boyfriend!). I say just go for a pair of maternity trousers and a long top.

LeeMiller · 15/05/2018 16:22

I'm in the same boat. I have some dresses and loose tops but I fancy some jersey/tube skirts - should I get a maternity over the bump one or is that ridiculous when you barely have a bump? Would a normal one (in a bigger size?) be ok?

Latenightreader · 15/05/2018 16:28

I am struggling to find maternity clothes in store rather than online, and am finding some of the suggestions on here very helpful. Has anyone seen non-skinny maternity jeans?

Bojangles33 · 15/05/2018 16:53

I started wearing maternity leggings and jeans about 12-14 weeks I think? Before that bump bands were my saviour!

Havetothink · 15/05/2018 17:25

Buying maternity clothes is not a jinx, and maternity work trousers look just like other trousers, no one will know. Or you can just wear leggings and fold then down a bit at the top. Second baby for me and I pulled out the maternity stuff at about 10/11 weeks, it's whatever's comfortable, pregnancy is uncomfortable enough without crushing into a pair of right trousers.

louella99 · 15/05/2018 19:39

@Latenightreader try Peacocks! They have items in store and I've definitely seen a few different styles of jeans. Not somewhere I usually shop but one of the few places with maternity stuff in store. H&M too.

laurG · 15/05/2018 21:45

I wore lots of maxi skirts and wide leg trousers with soft elastics waists. Try uniqlo and h and m. Didn’t buy maternity stuff initially as it’s lots more expensive. I caved in about 28 weeks and got some leggings and maternity jeans.

I’m 32 weeks now. Just bought a few summer dresses / tunics from h and m in a bigger size. Loose fitting ones. Again much cheaper than real maternity clothes.

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