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Anti stretch-mark creams! Advice please!

45 replies

Octoberfest18 · 15/03/2018 17:18

Hey, So I'm getting to that point where bump is just about starting to show and I think I should start using some sort of cream or oil to combat belly stretch marks (not to mention boob and bum stretchmarks!!).

A friend gave me half a bottle of bio-oil she had left over which I started using this week. So far I quite like it, but it is pretty oily and I am not sure how much it's going to end up rubbing off on clothes.

I've also looked a the Palmer's Cocoa Butter stretch mark cream in Boots but the smell is so strong I really don't think it would help my morning sickness.

So, I was wondering what other creams or oils people would recommend. Friends have suggested LUSH or Burt's Bees. But would love to get advice on others.


MNHQ update:
This thread is a few years old now, but if you've landed here while on the hunt for stretch mark treatment options, our guide to the best stretch mark cream has been recently updated to reflect current availability. It's made up of a wide range of options, from cream to oils, lotions and body butter - all tried, tested and approved by Mumsnet users.
Hope it's helpful! Flowers

OP posts:
ItsLikeRainOnYourWeddingDay · 15/03/2018 17:20

Some people are genetically more likely to get stretch marks. If your one of them no amount of cream or lotion will help. Creams etc just keep the skin lubricated they won’t stop them.

Lapin387 · 15/03/2018 17:29

I used hideous expensive mama mio and didn’t get a single mark. Then my milk came in and my breasts developed loads of stretch marks 🤷‍♀️

Nanasueathome · 15/03/2018 17:30

I recommend Decleor Prolagene gel

boboismylove · 15/03/2018 17:37

I used bio oil and only got a few which only showed AFTER i had the baby. They were reddish but quickly faded to white and now can't really see them.

i don't know if the bio oil worked but i don't think it can hurt to keep moisturised :)

sugarycerealfan · 15/03/2018 17:54

I use bio oil and have no stretch marks yet (34 weeks today) but honestly I think it's just luck and I keep waiting for them to appear!
However, as my bump grew it got really itchy, I think using anything on it means that it helps the itch Smile

LucyLou19 · 15/03/2018 17:56

Bio oil! 2 pregnancies and no stretch marks,started using it again this time for my 3rd xx

Indigo89 · 15/03/2018 18:42

On the bounty pregnancy app there is a discount code MAMA20 which will get you 20% off Mama Mio products.

I wouldn't have paid full price for them but bought a bump butter and an oil which soaks in really nicely and doesn't leave a residue. It's ginger and lime scented so should be good of you're suffering morning sickness. Only been using it a week but I'm pleased so far. Whether it keeps stretchmarks at bay, time will tell.

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ElizabethLemon · 15/03/2018 19:00

I used bio oil the 1st time and didn’t get stretch marks. This time I’ve been a bit lax and haven’t used anything up until a week ago when I noticed some silvery lines appearing. I bought the mother’s balm from neals yard, it is oily but solid so doesn’t make a mess and it doesn’t smell at all which is what attracted me.

Marmite27 · 15/03/2018 19:01

I’ve just used body shop body butter

princesspxx · 15/03/2018 19:03

I use Vaseline cocoa butter. I haven’t got a big bump and barely any stretch marks - but I think it’s helping somewhat! X

Faze84 · 15/03/2018 19:09

I think it helps but its u likely you will avoid them. I remember my mum saying she didnt get stretch marks with her first but loads 2nd time.

I used bio oil a lot first time, no stretch marks. 2nd time i got them in last 4 weeks of pg with loads appearing AFTER i gave birth. This is despite the oil. I still think i came off fairly well. I don't mind them.

Geneticsbunny · 15/03/2018 19:18

I agree with Alanis Morissette lady. It is almost entirely genetic and there is nothing you can do. Think of it like a medal for being a mum. Work those stretch marks like an awesome lady.

neomamma · 15/03/2018 19:25

I had no stretch marks right up until 38 weeks...and then they appeared in spite of all the creams and oils...but they fade quickly. I think I remember reading that pale-skinned women are more prone to them...which probably explains why I didn't escape...

Wolfiefan · 15/03/2018 19:26

They're a waste of money! Don't bother!

KochabRising · 15/03/2018 19:29

It’s genetic and depends on the strength of the lower layers of skin and the speed and amount of skin expansion.

There is not a single commercially available product that can penetrate the skin to the depth that would make a difference (whichbis a good thing because skin is a barrier) so all stretch mark prevention creams are lying ;)

Creams can help with the itchy skin you sometimes get and it’s sometimes nice to moisturise /massage. None of it will prevent stretch marks. If you’re going to Get them you will.

Pseudoscience cosmetic marketing is a personal bugbear of mine.

user1499786242 · 15/03/2018 20:18

I used various oils in my first pregnancy and ruined so many clothes and even had to change my mattress as I would put it on before bed and one day changing the bed there was a rancid oil stain!
No stretch marks tho but I honestly think it's because my diet was so healthy as that's all I was craving (oily fish, veg, water)

This pregnancy... well I'm fat as a house and craving pure crap so I'm expecting to get them
Not using oil as I don't want to ruin all my stuff again TBH

RockinRobinTweets · 15/03/2018 20:37

I’m using the bemama oil

Bellamuerte · 15/03/2018 20:42

No cream or oil can penetrate deeply enough into the skin to stop you getting stretch marks. You either get them or you don't. Don't waste money on what is essentially an expensive moisturiser.

GummyGoddess · 15/03/2018 20:47

There's nothing you can do. I used bio oil/stretchmark oil stuff on one side of my bump last pregnancy (couldn't resist the experiment). I got matching stretchmarks on either side. It doesn't make any difference I don't think.

However I scar very well and I knew that even if I did get them they would fade significantly which they did. I have teeny tiny ones appearing now for DC2 but because I know that they will fade I'm not crying over them this time.

May I recommend getting a dermaroller for stretchmarks? I used it on others and they were significantly improved. I would try it on my stomach but I didn't think they were that bad at all after a few months, so didn't fancy needling myself.

Chocness · 15/03/2018 21:31

Mamma mio over here. I had a very large bump during first pregnancy (10lb baby!) and not one stretch mark. Now on second pregnancy and still using it. Also helps with itching as the skin stretches.

mischiefmanaged01 · 15/03/2018 23:02

I’ve been using bloom and blossom cream, so far so good and smells lovely. I’m almost certain I will get stretch marks but just like having bump time a couple of times a day when applying the cream 😍

dinosaurkisses · 15/03/2018 23:14

Agree with Kochab- no cream or oil has been proven to reduce the likelihood of stretch marks.

My mum only got some small ones in the last two weeks of pregnancy with twins- I was the same when I had DD, and they've mostly faded five months post birth.

I used bio oil from week 12 until I got sick of the smell of it at week 16 and stopped using it after I read that I was wasting my time applying it.

I just used baby oil in the shower after that to stop the bump itch which was nice, and only cost like £2 a bottle. I’m sure if I’d carried on with the bio oil or something similar I’d be adamant that it had stopped me developing any more.

RubyBoots7 · 15/03/2018 23:30

Scientifically, there's no evidence that any creams or oils can prevent stretch marks. It's genetic.

Anecdotally, I'm really massive, have used bio oil maybe twice because someone gave me a bottle, and I don't have any marks. My Mum was exactly the same.

But if you have an itchy bump it does feel nice to moisturise. Any moisturiser will do.

Afterwards, if you do get stretch marks, then bio oil is good for reducing scarring.

Kittypillar · 15/03/2018 23:33

Another one for the Mama Mio tummy rub oil here. Tbh I had it as a gift when I found out I was pregnant, otherwise I might not have bought it in the first place as it isn't cheap - I'm a bit hooked now though, it just smells so nice and does really help with the itching.

As several people have said, it is largely down to genetics/skin elasticity but don't let that worry you. It will be all be fine either way and stretch marks are nothing to fret about at such a wonderful time :)

GummyGoddess · 16/03/2018 14:01

Thought I'd just add, I never got the stretch marks on the area of skin that was taut, my bump was free of marks. It was on the squishy bit just below my bump. This makes me think that there's nothing I could have done, the skin wasn't being stretched so there was no reason for them to appear.

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