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DreamGenii pillow - worth it?

23 replies

PegLegAntoine · 28/05/2017 20:55

Just that really, it's several years since my last baby and then I just borrowed a long pillow from my mum, but she doesn't have that anymore.

OP posts:
Ripasso · 28/05/2017 21:47

I love mine, stops me rolling over onto my stomach and is very comfortable. I wish I had bought it sooner.

Teakind · 28/05/2017 22:07

Very worth it. I couldn't sleep without mine and now baby is here, I'm using it when breastfeeding.

rightlittlered · 28/05/2017 22:14

I know a lot of people who love theirs but I thought mine was really sadly, a total waste of money. It went flat and didn't last too long Sad. Didn't give me enough support. I've since purchased one of those large pillows, that wrap all the way around your body, from eBay of all places. Think it cost about £20 including a cover. It's fabulous as I've had really bad hips since my first labour and I can sleep comfortably again now that I'm 30 weeks pregnant. Husband does call it my 'Great Wall of china' though, as it's quite large!!

happymama99 · 28/05/2017 22:18

Absolutely worth it! I didn't have one with my first, but did for 2nd and 3rd. Less back and pelvic pain and less waking up! Definately get one!

AlexandraEiffel · 28/05/2017 22:23

I had one but really didn't get the hype. Flat patches, big bits not that big. Second pregnancy I got a beanbag one that was rubbish too! If I was pregnant again I'd just use a bunch of pillows.

Topsyloulou · 28/05/2017 22:41

I had one & really didn't get on with it. I used it for about a week & slept horrendously. I like to move about it the night & I found it far too restrictive. I slept much better not using anything & am planning on doing the same again this time.

furryelephant · 28/05/2017 22:42

I bought a 12ft long pillow I think from Amazon when I was pregnant and loved it! I had it going down behind my back, round between my legs so supporting my hip then find my bump and all the way back up to my head Grin

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Mistletoekids · 28/05/2017 22:44

I found mine rubbed and woke me up sore

Put a squashablenpillow between your legs and firmer one behind your back same thing

CaptainWarbeck · 29/05/2017 05:49

I borrowed one from a friend and it's amazing. Didn't find it as comfy in the early stages, but in the last couple of months it's great. I sleep much better with the support and like a pp said it stops me rolling about in bed into uncomfy positions.

Plunkette · 29/05/2017 05:54

Worth every single penny.

someblondegirl · 29/05/2017 08:16

I couldn't get on with it either, I found it made me more uncomfortable in the night.

Lules · 29/05/2017 08:20

I used mine for one night. Hated it so much I chucked it in the bin the next day. I had a low tolerance for things pissing me off when very pregnant.

Sparklyuggs · 29/05/2017 08:45

I love mine, worth every penny and hoping to use it afterwards as a bf pillow. I was bought a huge U shaped pillow but I didn't like it, I felt too trapped in it.

CaptainWarbeck · 29/05/2017 08:47

Lules Grin at your low tolerance

olympicsrock · 29/05/2017 08:54

Waste of money

Hollyhop17 · 29/05/2017 08:58

Dont get on with mine. I need to constantly change the side I'm sleeping on to be comfortable and I found it too restrictive and a massive faff to rearrange it every half hour.

fudgefeet · 29/05/2017 08:59

I loved mine! I called it Brian.

MmmMalbec · 29/05/2017 09:03

Sometimes used mine and sometimes don't. Didn't at all in the last pregnancy. Find it makes my boobs sweat Confused, hate having to fanny about with the back bit when I change sides and the bit that goes between my legs has gone really flat. Also doesn't stop me rolling on my back! I prefer a pillow nest!

PegLegAntoine · 29/05/2017 19:19

Thanks all, very mixed views!

I think what worries me is that it seems quite small. I am NOT a small woman even without pregnancy to contend with Blush :o so I'm not sure if it'd be big enough?

I love the look of that absolutely massive U shaped one but our bed is only an ikea double and I take up enough room myself as it is Blush

I've also remembered I used to sleep with an extra pillow between my knees anyway.

OP posts:
arbrighton · 29/05/2017 19:33

I've got to 35 weeks just propping my knees with a pillow which helps with my back/pelvis and restless legs (which I do all the time anyway)

I've occasionally tried pillow under bump and it hasn't helped so far

I can't see the need for anything else

raviolidreaming · 30/05/2017 13:25

I'm another fidgety sleeper and hated it.

Finola1step · 30/05/2017 13:30

Worth every penny. I bought mine over 9 years ago when pregnant with ds. Used it throughout both pregnancies and newborn stages. Then used it as an extra pillow for reading in bed. Dd, aged 6, now has it on her bed as she likes to cuddle up to it. And it is still in great condition and the removable cover washes well.

Abrahamkin · 30/05/2017 14:26

I had a Theraline original maternity and nursing pillow. I loved it! In fact, 2 years later, I still sleep with it Grin. We call it my boyfriend!

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