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Breast feeding. Nipple cream?

22 replies

Sweetpea86 · 06/05/2017 08:29

I'm 37+6 with my 2nd child. I attempted to breast feed my little boy and failed massively and went on to formula after a week.
So now I'm determined to get it right 2nd time around.

Nipple cream? I'm reading conflicting things some advising which nipple cream and some saying not to use it and just rub breast milk on nipple after.

I'm confused.

Last time I did use nipple cream and I do remember feeling slippy and sweaty.

What did you do?

OP posts:
Kiwi32 · 06/05/2017 08:31

Lansinoh pure lanolin (assuming no allergy to lanolin!)

Use a small amount just on the nipple itself after every feed. No need to wipe off before baby feeds. Also makes a great lip balm!

About £10 a tube but mine lasted ages and ages as you need such a small amount.

seven201 · 06/05/2017 08:31

You need lanisoh (sp?) in the purple tube. And for the first week or so maybe paracetamol. I also used nipple shields for the first month as it was too painful without. My dd is now 10.5 months and combination fed (as she's at nursery now). Good luck. Also, find out where your local breastfeeding help groups are and when etc. So you feel prepared.

vfoster · 06/05/2017 08:32

I used lanisoh cream and couldn't have done without it. I really struggled to breastfeed and found it so hard for the first 6 weeks but the cream was a god send. After 6 weeks it was like breaking through a barrier and it became a million times easier!
It was a while ago since I breastfed but I'm pretty sure the breastfeeding health visitor recommended it to me.
I'm 30 weeks pregnant with number two and noticed it was on offer in Mothercare last week so stocked up!

vfoster · 06/05/2017 08:33

Oh and big cabbage leaves stored in the fridge! Makes an odd smell but they really relieve the aching for the first few weeks!

silkpyjamasallday · 06/05/2017 08:39

Lanisoh is the saviour, and as PP said it is quite pricey but DD was/is ebf and I still have almost the whole tube after 7 months. Fantastic stuff

thisismadness77 · 06/05/2017 08:40

Another vote for lanisoh.

Sweetpea86 · 06/05/2017 08:41

Ah great I think the cream is a winner then Grin. Will defo try the cabage leaves hehe.

Yes I have a health vistor coming on Monday to do a session with me. Smile

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NotAnotherUserName5 · 06/05/2017 08:50

Definitely buy the lansinoh cream!

I tried to do without it (to save a mere few pounds!) and regretted it when I sent DH out to the shop whilst in pain.

It was on the top of my list this time for sure.

GardeningWithDynamite · 06/05/2017 08:54

Having had a May baby and a September baby, I'd also say that lanisoh works a lot better when it's slightly warmer. It's very thick and goopy but spreads better if it's not too cold

vfoster · 06/05/2017 09:23
TestingTestingWonTooFree · 06/05/2017 09:52

Another vote for lanisoh. Warm the tube in your armpit or under a boob if it's rock hard.

whirliebird · 06/05/2017 09:56

I use coconut oil. It's lovely and natural and contains the same acid (lauric acid) as breast milk.

CatsCantFlyFast · 06/05/2017 10:25

You can get lansinoh on prescription - it's expensive and whilst I'm not one for using prescriptions unnecessarily it's the least the NHS can do to support breastfeeding imo. It's awesome and does not need to be wiped off before you feed (some alternative nipple creams do as they shouldn't be injested by babies) but it will stain any clothes it comes into contact with

Lansinoh after EVERY feed (even if your nipples feel fine) for a few weeks and also lots of air to your boobs whenever you can

WhamBamThankyouGeorge · 06/05/2017 10:27

Don't use too much lansinoh though or the baby will slip off when trying to latch on and then you'll be in a vicious circle of needing more because of pain etc.
I agree with pp who said it needs warming up otherwise it is too solid and hurts to put on and you end up with too much.

af2000 · 06/05/2017 11:52

Totally agree with all the comments about lansinoh. I also recommend highly the Multimam cold compress strips. You can get them from Boots and I thought they were fantastic in those early days and weeks.

You will be told that if you're doing it properly it shouldn't hurt. That is certainly true but there is a period of time where the baby is learning how to latch and you are learning how to get them latched, and this is bound to make your nipples sore. I think I wish I had known this before hand, and that it is normal and will pass, so that you don't feel like you're somehow failing with it. Ask for help, arm yourself with the number of your local lactation counsellor and maybe find out if there are any breastfeeding cafes in your area where there are also advisors (there were loads in my area of London but not sure about other areas).

Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world etc etc but it is bloody hard at times. It is one of my huge bugbears that there isn't more honesty about how hard it can be at times.

chocoraisin · 06/05/2017 12:52

Hi! I'm going to buck the trend here. I failed massively with DS1 - cut nipples, tongue tie etc, lansinoh did not save it for us. I was given these: and they are like witchcraft magic.

You express a tiny bit of your own milk onto your nipple (antibacterial and moisturising all by itself) after each feed then wear these inside your bra. Put a breast pad in front of them and they aren't obvious. They prevent anything from touching your nipples at all when they are sore, and the silver is a natural healing thing anyway []] used for centuries - check out wiki for history lesson on that topic!

In Italy these are recommended by midwives in hospitals for all new mums. Not sure why they aren't known about more here :) I've kept mine ready to reuse for number 3, and lent them to two other mums so far who have suffered with cracked/bleeding nipples and managed to clear up all symptoms within 2 weeks and keep feeding!

Gannetseatfish · 06/05/2017 13:29

I'm with choco. I used lansinoh but when I had proper cracked (bleeding) nipples I felt it sealed the wound and stopped it from healing. A bit of milk and then airing as much as possible healed them quicker. We fed for 18 months and this was only at the very beginning so don't be put off by the gruesomeness!

AudreyBradshaw · 06/05/2017 21:20

Lansinoh is also excellent for chapped/dry/sore lips!

Used lansinoh initially but I preferred Bennett's nipple cream. I found it less sticky. Think I got it from Asda.

bumpertobumper · 06/05/2017 21:53

I agree with the pp about the silver shields.
Made such a difference, just wish I had discovered them before dc3. First two babies I was in tears every feed for the first few weeks with cracked bleeding nippes. With these things they were still a bit sore but nothing like as bad and healed up shop much sooner.

Sweetpea86 · 09/05/2017 15:33

Thanks ladies for all your wonderful advice, my health vistor came and give me some breast feeding support yesterday and really helped to see what went wrong last time. Feel so much more prepared this time. Grin

OP posts:
Fruitcorner123 · 09/05/2017 16:35

I clicked on this just to say lansinoh but see a few got in there first. And invest in some decent breast pads from mothercare or somewhere rather than cheap ones from a supermarket. They make all the difference in the early days. wishing you all the best with your baby

mummz · 14/06/2023 20:46

Just realised this is an old thread but I was reading when looking for recommendations for a nipple cream so thought it’s still relevant.

For people who don’t know, Lasinoh is not animal friendly as its ingredient Lanolin is derived from sheep’s wool. I’m not vegan but didn’t want to use an animal derived product but luckily I found a product which works better which is completely natural and is vegan. It’s amazing honestly Generation Mama Nipple Balm

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