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Knickers in pregnancy - do you buy maternity ones?

33 replies

Difficultyear2015 · 06/12/2016 23:16

I'm 14 weeks and still wearing my pre pregnancy knickers under my bump but they are starting to get a bit uncomfortable around my hips and digging in.

Do people generally buy maternity knickers?

Am anyone recommend anything comfortable which won't show many lumps/bumps through dresses?

OP posts:
Bellabelloo · 06/12/2016 23:21

I'm 32 weeks and wearing my normal knickers - French knickers and things, but have got a pair of maternity Spanx for the tighter dresses!

Jeezypeepers · 06/12/2016 23:29

I needed to buy bigger sizes, and found the big full type of pants much comfier than any I would usually wear (I put on a LOT of weight though so you may be able to avoid that curse!) Xmas Blush

EddieStobbart · 06/12/2016 23:34

Pregnancy converted me to big pants and I have never looked back.

Probably not the answer you were looking for...

BelafonteRavenclaw · 06/12/2016 23:37

Someone on MN suggested Sainsbury's knickers were the best when I was pregnant with DS2 and I still buy them now. I love my big pants.

sj257 · 06/12/2016 23:52

No I just wear Sainsburys high legs

Cineraria · 06/12/2016 23:57

Another vote for Sainsbury's knickers here. I wore their short style ones from around when I was six weeks pregnant and had such awful indigestion and swollen stomach from it that normal knickers were too painful. I'd have gone without rather than wear them!

Kel1234 · 07/12/2016 00:16

I wore my normal knickers the whole way through my pregnancy. Then for after the birth I got some full briefs from primark. Worked fine for me

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Cuppaqueen · 07/12/2016 00:24

Still in my normal knickers - I tend to wear thongs or bikini briefs that sit low under the bump anyway. A friend has gifted me some delightful enormous granny pants (which she had left over, never wore iyswim) for after the birth. Sexy Grin

PeachBellini123 · 07/12/2016 02:23

I just bought a size (or a couple of sizes Blush) up.

DrinkingCocktailsInTheSunshine · 07/12/2016 02:26

Have never worn maternity knickers. I just bought some a few sizes bigger and they were great for c section recovery as well.

TheInimitableMrsFanshawe · 07/12/2016 02:39

I got minis/bikini style because they went under the bump.

Whatsername17 · 07/12/2016 06:38

I wear the shorts style ones a couple of sizes bigger. They are very comfy.

lovelycats · 07/12/2016 06:43

Full briefs, 2 sizes bigger than normal. Soooo comfy.

newmumwithquestions · 07/12/2016 06:46

Anothe vote for shorts style ones in the next size up. Mine are m&s I think, all cotton and very comfily stretchy. I'm still in them too 😳

SharkBastard · 07/12/2016 06:50

Just got some unsexy M&S full brief knickers in a couple of sizes up. Bump is growing but the knickers are super comfy and supportive!

DoubleCarrick · 07/12/2016 07:01

I bought massive pants that came up to my belly button when I was around 12 weeks. Although now I'm 35 weeks I seem to back back into my normal pants. I guess it's where the bump has come out of my pelvis my undies now no longer dig in to anything

MrsStinkey · 07/12/2016 07:02

I loved the primark "comfort" pants when pregnant. Nice and soft and sit over your bump.

MiniAlphaBravo · 07/12/2016 07:03

I'm 31 weeks and just wearing my usual ones which are low so not affected by bump. For after the birth I have some full briefs a few sizes up from primark.

SpaceDinosaur · 07/12/2016 07:06

Another vote for primark here

I live in thongs. I got their lace things just a size up. Currently 37 weeks. They sit under my bump, don't dig in, uber comfortable!
At night I'm wearing little shorts, again primark, again under bump and a size larger than I was. They are juuuuuuust starting to dig in. But I'm not changing now! Grin

For after birth, I've got some of their high waisted, black Bridget Jones pants... the pack is 4 for £2!

Maternity pants are stupidly expensive!

tilleuls · 07/12/2016 10:25

I'm a really big fan of h&m maternity knickers!! They just seem to dig in less than other big pants I've bought...and they're really soft, all cotton.

GinIsIn · 07/12/2016 11:47

I wasn't planning to - was just wearing the primark and M&S high waist briefs in a few sizes up .... but then I bought a pair of the Jojo maman Bebe ones and they are soooo much better! They have a built in bump support so they are really comfy.

Blondeshavemorefun · 09/12/2016 05:34

Yes brought mat ones

Normal knickers were uncomfortable /tight about 10/12w and have up to tummy ones about £2 per pair off eBay - obv new 😬

I tried under the bump but uncomfortable

TheManicMummy · 09/12/2016 10:04

From the moment I found out I was pregnant again out came the HUGE Bridget Jones Primarks Finest Pants... Amazingly Comfortable! You'll never look back xx

SumAndSubstance · 09/12/2016 17:14

I didn't know maternity knickers existed Blush - never needed them in my first pregnancy (or this one so far), but do generally wear quite low knickers. I'm another one who bought massive pants for after the birth though, came up to my belly button (note to self: dig out massive knickers).

Becciilouisex3 · 09/12/2016 17:15

I never did! Just bought some in the next size up. The stretchy material ones so they didn't cut in! They're fab for after birth as well when you have your maternity towels on and you're sore. Not right and comfy Smile

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