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best washing up powder for newborn clothes.

9 replies

tyra1978 · 01/05/2014 16:43

I am 34 weeks pregnant and I am going to start washing the baby's clothes. what is the best washing up powder for this?

OP posts:
rosielea · 01/05/2014 16:44

I've always used fairy non bio x

tak1ngchances · 01/05/2014 16:45

Persil non-bio and Fairy non-bio are both fine.

You can use the powder or liquid. Liquid is gentler but it will not remove poo stains as it doesn't contain bleach!

You can also try Comfort Pure fabric conditioner to make the fabrics softer.

gatti · 01/05/2014 16:56

Thank you!!

Can I just clarify one thing - I was told not to use fabric softener/conditioner on baby clothes... bit confused now.. is it ok? and if so from what age?


JRmumma · 01/05/2014 17:00

Any laundry detergent is actually fine but id always use a non-bio as a precaution for the first few weeks in case of allergies/reaction to bio or scented.

By a month old DS's stuff was just chucked in the wash with ours and i use value-type bio liquid and there have never been any problems.

tak1ngchances · 01/05/2014 17:01

Yes fabric softener is fine, but I would use something like Comfort Pure as it is a light fragrance and has been through a lot of allergy testing (so it looks anyway!)

JRmumma · 01/05/2014 17:02

Also, softner is fine. Again stick to fairy or comfort pure at first just in case of reactions. Plus it smells so nice!

slightlyinsane · 01/05/2014 17:08

I've used any non bio and fairy or comfort fabric softner. As for poo stains the only thing that's ever worked is fairy washing up liquid. Squirt abit on add water rub in put in machine as normal. It's worked for fresh and dried in stains of various types, poo, food, red wine, grass and blood to name a few. Amazing stuff.

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KatraAllandra · 01/05/2014 17:48

I use the Surcare range of laundry detergent and softener because I have delicate skin and an allergy to artificial fragrance. My dermatologist reckons these will be gentle enough for even the most delicate baby skin.

MintyChops · 01/05/2014 18:30

I use Ecover laundry liquid and fab cond, smells lovely but doesn't over-power the lovely smell of baby!

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