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Why are people saying 'Unalived'?

14 replies

SnugglyJumpersMakeItBetter · 28/06/2024 19:10

At least online - I've never heard it in real life! I've come across posts claiming that the nazis 'unalived' the jews, and another where a woman with schizophrenia 'unalived' her children! It sounds so incredible disrespectful. Nothing else about the posts read like they were trolls or anything, just perfectly factual. I don't see what possible benefit there could be to using that (bizarre!) term rather than 'killed'?

OP posts:
TheCrenchinglyMcQuaffenBrothers · 28/06/2024 19:11

Because I think on some platforms death, die, dead, kill etc are banned and will get you deleted.

TodaysFishIsTroutALaCreme · 28/06/2024 19:12

I believe its because algorithms don't like works like died and suicide and killed etc so people are using more creative words

betterangels · 28/06/2024 19:13

Because of censorship on social media platforms, such as YouTube and Tiktok.

SquirrelSoShiny · 28/06/2024 19:14

I'm with you OP I absolutely hate this expression.

MagpiePi · 28/06/2024 19:16

I never knew it was because of algorithms. I thought it was an even more twee version of passed away or the even more cringe, passed.

QueenOfTheLabyrinth · 28/06/2024 19:17

Other platforms ban certain words so people say things like unalived (killed), grape/d (rape/d), PDF file (paedophile) to get around it. Using the correct words will get the video / post taken down or your comment deleted.

MrsDanversGlidesAgain · 28/06/2024 19:17

SquirrelSoShiny · 28/06/2024 19:14

I'm with you OP I absolutely hate this expression.

Me too. Cringe when I read it.

Hedgeoffressian · 28/06/2024 19:21

It’s disgusting and disrespectful

ShouldhavebeencalledAppollo · 28/06/2024 19:23

It’s all down to social media and leaking into real life.

as pp says, it’s widely thought that certain words will suppress the views your videos get.

Often videos with the words suicide in, get taken down in seconds.

paasll · 28/06/2024 19:24

I think it's awful.

In order to prevent suicide, people (particularly younger people) need to know about it. They need to know that there's an alternative and that people will help them.

Someone who left my kids' school a couple of years ago has recently committed suicide. It was completely and utterly hushed up and I found out quite by chance on an official website in the course of doing some unrelated work. My kids both knew and liked this kid and nobody has whispered a word of it anywhere.

INeedAnotherName · 28/06/2024 19:26

Agree with pp. Your posts will get taken down and you will eventually get banned from that platform.

I think (?) it's something to do with governments telling platforms they cannot glorify death or murder (or self harm) in case children see it. So they blanket delete/ban via a bot.

ErrolTheDragon · 28/06/2024 19:36

Surely by now the algorithms should be banning this sort of euphemism too, especially as it's more likely to be used in untoward ways than the proper terms?

MadYoke · 28/06/2024 19:38

MagpiePi · 28/06/2024 19:16

I never knew it was because of algorithms. I thought it was an even more twee version of passed away or the even more cringe, passed.

Yes, hate passed or passed away instead of died.

helpfulperson · 28/06/2024 19:45

paasll · 28/06/2024 19:24

I think it's awful.

In order to prevent suicide, people (particularly younger people) need to know about it. They need to know that there's an alternative and that people will help them.

Someone who left my kids' school a couple of years ago has recently committed suicide. It was completely and utterly hushed up and I found out quite by chance on an official website in the course of doing some unrelated work. My kids both knew and liked this kid and nobody has whispered a word of it anywhere.

Sadly it is well researched that suicide is contagious and that is why they tend to hush it up. This is because those teetering on the brink are likely to respond by thinking 'if they did it, I could do it' I have seen this myself in a workplace many years ago where we had a spate of suicides - these days we may have been able to put in more support but in those days it wasn't well understood.

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