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Pedants' corner

Stop putting ‘I’ as the object in a sentence

102 replies

ProfessorPeppy · 16/06/2024 17:45

Everyone does this. Everyone. It’s so simple: if you’re the subject of the sentence, you’re ‘me’.

DH and I bought a chihuahua- correct

DCs and I took chihuahua for a walk - correct

The chihuahua barked at DH and I - WRONG

Please send the chihuahua back to DH and I - WRONG WRONG WRONG!

If in doubt, take out DH to hear how wrong it sounds:

Please send the chihuahua back to I.

The chihuahua barked at I.

Thank you 😥

OP posts:
haddockfortea · 16/06/2024 17:48

You know people will only go and get it the wrong way round and use 'me' instead, don't you?

Me and DH both agree on this. 😂

ThunderQween · 16/06/2024 17:52

Me is confused

BitOutOfPractice · 16/06/2024 17:53

I don’t mind it when people say it. I do mind when they write it.

eg if someone says “me and dp are going to the pub”, I’m sanguine. Write that and I inwardly rage.

AllLopsided · 16/06/2024 17:54

Don't you mean 'if you're the object of the sentence you're "me"?' GrinGrinGrin

'Tis the accusative after the verb...

Don't get me started on 'give the Chihuaha back to DH and myself' Hmm

AllProperTeaIsTheft · 16/06/2024 17:54

Everyone does this. Everyone. It’s so simple: if you’re the subject of the sentence, you’re ‘me’.

Surely you mean 'If you're the object of the sentence, you're 'me' '?

longdistanceclaraclara · 16/06/2024 17:54

Myself doesn't know what to think.

Totally with you op.

AllProperTeaIsTheft · 16/06/2024 17:55

Not everybody does it.

ProfessorPeppy · 16/06/2024 18:00

Yeah sorry I wrote object initially, then rewrote my post accidentally replacing it with subject 🤦‍♀️

This is the problem with being a pedant, you inevitably hoist yourself with your own petard.

OP posts:
ProfessorPeppy · 16/06/2024 18:01

Note correct use of ‘yourself’ Grin

OP posts:
fiestaforevertilnow · 16/06/2024 18:01

AllProperTeaIsTheft · 16/06/2024 17:55

Not everybody does it.


I most certainly don't.

ProfessorPeppy · 16/06/2024 18:02

To be completely fair, I did get it right in the title 👏

OP posts:
AllProperTeaIsTheft · 16/06/2024 18:20

fiestaforevertilnow · 16/06/2024 18:01


I most certainly don't.

I neither Wink

ScottishScouser · 16/06/2024 18:25

I usually assume people who do it are a it thick so generally disregard anything they say.

They then get angry at not being listened to and ignored but get defensive when you point out why!

I then get accused of being disablist (when did that become a word) and get shouted at!

unsync · 16/06/2024 18:25

AllProperTeaIsTheft · 16/06/2024 17:55

Not everybody does it.

Myself most certainly doesn't. 😬

I must admit to a certain morbid fascination on some threads. Having been educated in the 1970s and 1980s, I have assumed that English Language is no longer taught. Is that the case?

Damekitty · 16/06/2024 18:26

So today I posted a photo of myself and my dad on Facebook with the caption ‘ My Dad and Me’ . I was told it should be ‘My Dad and I’.
Who was right?

gleefulstar · 16/06/2024 18:28


My dad and me is correct.

Take everyone else out of the sentence and see what sounds correct.

Damekitty · 16/06/2024 18:30

Gleefulstar thank you, that’s what I thought but I began to doubt myself.

ASighMadeOfStone · 16/06/2024 18:32

ScottishScouser · 16/06/2024 18:25

I usually assume people who do it are a it thick so generally disregard anything they say.

They then get angry at not being listened to and ignored but get defensive when you point out why!

I then get accused of being disablist (when did that become a word) and get shouted at!

Maybe when people started being unpleasant about other people's language mistakes without taking into consideration that those people may be dyslexic etc.

oObyeOo · 16/06/2024 18:34

ThunderQween · 16/06/2024 17:52

Me is confused

No, I is confused

oObyeOo · 16/06/2024 18:35

ASighMadeOfStone · 16/06/2024 18:32

Maybe when people started being unpleasant about other people's language mistakes without taking into consideration that those people may be dyslexic etc.

Nah, you can usually tell when someone’s a bit thick.

Pocketfullofdogtreats · 16/06/2024 18:35

gleefulstar · 16/06/2024 18:28


My dad and me is correct.

Take everyone else out of the sentence and see what sounds correct.

I get confused with this too. So, a photo with My Dad and Me is correct - great. But what about My Dad and Me went to the beach - not correct!

dudsville · 16/06/2024 18:36

Jokes aside, I barely went to school. I'm ok, I ended up going to university, getting a first, later a doctorate, but I don't know the bones, the fundamentals of grammar. So whenever one of you posts in "pedants' corner" I take a look. I've found your explanation helpful - this is the one I would've got wrong "The chihuahua barked at DH and I". Thanks!

ProfessorPeppy · 16/06/2024 18:40

Pocketfullofdogtreats · 16/06/2024 18:35

I get confused with this too. So, a photo with My Dad and Me is correct - great. But what about My Dad and Me went to the beach - not correct!

Just take the other people out of the sentence and it should become obvious.

A PP asked about English language teaching in schools: my DC know where to put a semi-colon and all about fronted adverbials, but there’s so much to cram in and so little time.

My friend is a lexicographer and tells me to chill out about it. He says language is always changing and there’s no such thing as ‘correct usage’.

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ThunderQween · 16/06/2024 18:41

oObyeOo · 16/06/2024 18:34

No, I is confused

I'm just going to use "one" and "oneself"

Pocketfullofdogtreats · 16/06/2024 18:42

gleefulstar · 16/06/2024 18:28


My dad and me is correct.

Take everyone else out of the sentence and see what sounds correct.

Actually, I think I get it. It's because 'My Dad and Me' is actually This is a photo of my Dad and Me' (object), whereas 'My Dad and I went to the beach' is subject
As you were!

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