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Pedants' corner

It is a WAITING list...

29 replies

Theydogethystericalovertheslightestthing · 13/06/2024 06:22


And those who serve you in an eating establishment are waiters and waitresses, not wait staff..
While I'm here, for any police perps, it is attempted murder/assuault/fraud, not attempt
Sorry, for the early rant, but these incorrect (sorry, American) pronounciations has tipped me over the edge today!

OP posts:
CelesteCunningham · 13/06/2024 06:26

But aside from attempt instead of attempted (afaik) they're not incorrect, they're just not your preferred terms. Confused

Holidaaaaay · 13/06/2024 06:29

You spelt assault wrong.

BiancaBlue · 13/06/2024 06:30

OP, sorry to do this, but it's 'have' not 'has'.

WhatThenEh · 13/06/2024 06:33

Police perps? Criminals who are in the police?

And give me an American pronunciation (nice bit of anti-Americanism there, btw) any day over a subject and verb not agreeing.

WhatThenEh · 13/06/2024 06:35

(And it's pronunciation, not pronounciation. Surely the number of errors in your post must mean it's satire?)

BiancaBlue · 13/06/2024 06:38

You could also argue that 'while' is rather American. My preference would have been 'whilst'.

ASighMadeOfStone · 13/06/2024 06:42

They aren't incorrect pronunciation. Or incorrect anything. They're US English. Even if they were incorrect, they'd be incorrect lexis not pronunciation.

But it's good to see Muphry quite so magnificently in action. I don't think I've ever seen so many actual English mistakes made by one OP complaining about things they don't like.

BiancaBlue · 13/06/2024 06:45

ASighMadeOfStone · 13/06/2024 06:42

They aren't incorrect pronunciation. Or incorrect anything. They're US English. Even if they were incorrect, they'd be incorrect lexis not pronunciation.

But it's good to see Muphry quite so magnificently in action. I don't think I've ever seen so many actual English mistakes made by one OP complaining about things they don't like.

Waiting for someone to come and tell you it's 'Murphy' Grin

TheOnlyLivingBoyInNewCross · 13/06/2024 06:51

And your final sentence has two more commas than it needs.

Mamette · 13/06/2024 06:55

And those who serve you in an eating establishment are waiters and waitresses, not wait staff..
While I'm here, for any police perps, it is attempted murder/assuault/fraud, not attempt
Sorry, for the early rant, but these incorrect (sorry, American) pronounciations has tipped me over the edge today!

Er… glass houses and all that.

CookieCrumbles23 · 13/06/2024 07:11


entiawest · 13/06/2024 07:13

It's nothing to do with pronunciation - wait list is pronounced correctly (at least I've never heard it pronounced incorrectly)
It's a term which has come into common parlance in certain contexts; eg: education when reporting numbers for oversubscribed schools or courses

2chocolateoranges · 13/06/2024 07:14

And breathe!

rant over.

CheeseSandwichRiskAssessment · 13/06/2024 07:28

Waitlist can also be used as a verb Grin

As others have mentioned those are correct in American English, except for attempt fraud, I've never heard that?

An Oxford-educated colleague from London once asked the office "what is 'whilst,' is that the American version?" so it's safe to say "while" is in common usage in the UK.

Ladyluckinred · 13/06/2024 10:01

I really don’t understand your post, OP. You surely cannot be that pedantic if you also make spag mistakes. Are you okay with your own errors? Or do they tip you over the edge too?

CelesteCunningham · 13/06/2024 11:22

Wrong thread!

Funnywonder · 13/06/2024 11:44

Oh dear. The pedants are pissed/pissed off (delete as appropriate.)

CarolinaInTheMorning · 13/06/2024 12:19

Waiting list? Who is doing the waiting? Is it the list? I prefer wait list.

And no American ever has said "attempt murder/assault/fraud" instead of "attempted."

saturnspinkhoop · 13/06/2024 12:21

Can I add ‘serves’ to that list? I think it fits well. For example, ‘contains 2 serves’ versus ‘contains 2 servings’.

Theydogethystericalovertheslightestthing · 13/06/2024 21:04

Holidaaaaay · 13/06/2024 06:29

You spelt assault wrong.


OP posts:
Scampuss · 13/06/2024 21:07

Next time, proofread before posting...

Theydogethystericalovertheslightestthing · 13/06/2024 21:08

Ladyluckinred · 13/06/2024 10:01

I really don’t understand your post, OP. You surely cannot be that pedantic if you also make spag mistakes. Are you okay with your own errors? Or do they tip you over the edge too?

Hoist with my own petard all over the place!!
Sorry, everyone I ranted and posted without due care and attention. A flush (well, leak) of hormones
I am going to eat worms...

OP posts:
RefusingToPlayYourGames · 13/06/2024 21:10

Ladyluckinred · 13/06/2024 10:01

I really don’t understand your post, OP. You surely cannot be that pedantic if you also make spag mistakes. Are you okay with your own errors? Or do they tip you over the edge too?

What's a "spag" mistake? 😂

FellowshipOfTheBing · 13/06/2024 21:12

Spelling, punctuation and grammar


CheeseSandwichRiskAssessment · 14/06/2024 03:52

It's hoisted, among other errors. I agree this has to be a windup.

Surely it would be more fun to make up an outlandish story in AIBU than something here but say la vee.

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