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Wipeboard or whiteboard?

40 replies

Dilbertian · 06/06/2024 16:51

Both make sense, in a painful way. But I know which one I think is correct!

OP posts:
NotTooOldPaul · 06/06/2024 16:57

I think it is a whiteboard

Mum2jenny · 06/06/2024 16:59

Whiteboard, as opposed to Blackboard

DoublePeonies · 06/06/2024 17:05


ZipZapZoom · 06/06/2024 17:06

Whiteboard. In all my years of teaching I've never heard anyone say wipeboard, I'd presume they were actually saying whiteboard but had an accent?

QualityDog · 06/06/2024 17:08

Whiteboard pens have whiteboard pen written on them.

I've never heard anyone say wipe board.

AllTipAndNoIceberg · 06/06/2024 17:10

Whiteboard. But ‘wipeboard’ seems like a textbook example of an eggcorn.

DeadbeatYoda · 06/06/2024 17:22

It's a whiteboard. Someone has just been mishearing, me thinks.

IncompleteSenten · 06/06/2024 17:24

As in a board that is white.
Same as blackboard is a board that is black.

Although I am sure when I was a kid they were a really dark green more than a pure black.

But that's not the point.

It's whiteboard.

Vroomfondleswaistcoat · 06/06/2024 17:24

Whiteboard. It is possible to wipe a whiteboard, but not essential.

YellowDots · 06/06/2024 17:24

Maybe it's write board.

IncompleteSenten · 06/06/2024 17:26

A blackboard would equally be a wipe board if a white board was a wipeboard. You wipe chalk off a blackboard. So it's a black wipeboard.

StaySpicy · 06/06/2024 17:28

You also get interactive whiteboards which generally aren't wiped.

DeadbeatYoda · 06/06/2024 17:28

@AllTipAndNoIceberg I was today years old when I first heard the expression 'eggcorn'. Thank you for increasing my lexicon.

NotTooOldPaul · 06/06/2024 18:14

IncompleteSenten · 06/06/2024 17:24

As in a board that is white.
Same as blackboard is a board that is black.

Although I am sure when I was a kid they were a really dark green more than a pure black.

But that's not the point.

It's whiteboard.

If it is black it is a blackboard.
If it is green it is a chalkboard.

CelesteCunningham · 06/06/2024 18:28

IncompleteSenten · 06/06/2024 17:26

A blackboard would equally be a wipe board if a white board was a wipeboard. You wipe chalk off a blackboard. So it's a black wipeboard.

And you can stick something to it with gluetack, which is what my DD calls blutack.

BarcardiWithGadaffia · 06/06/2024 18:51

Dilbertian · 06/06/2024 16:51

Both make sense, in a painful way. But I know which one I think is correct!

Surely you know which one is correct, what do you mean by which one you think ?

Chewbecca · 06/06/2024 18:54

Eggcorn - what a fab word, thanks!


Dilbertian · 06/06/2024 19:35

Dc told me their teacher wrote a list of instructions which included that they should write the answers on their wipeboards. Dc did not query it in class, but told me about it and then wrote down what they had seen.

OP posts:
BarcardiWithGadaffia · 06/06/2024 20:02

Dilbertian · 06/06/2024 19:35

Dc told me their teacher wrote a list of instructions which included that they should write the answers on their wipeboards. Dc did not query it in class, but told me about it and then wrote down what they had seen.

Thats pretty worrying, how could one qualify as a teacher and not know the name of a basic piece of equipment?

ZipZapZoom · 06/06/2024 20:06

Dilbertian · 06/06/2024 19:35

Dc told me their teacher wrote a list of instructions which included that they should write the answers on their wipeboards. Dc did not query it in class, but told me about it and then wrote down what they had seen.

How old is DS? I honestly can't think of any class I've ever taught where at least one child wouldn't have corrected that kind of glaring error.

I'm also amazed this person works in a school and doesn't know the name of such a basic piece of equipment, was there a TA in the class who also didn't mention it?

circular2478 · 06/06/2024 23:15

Interactive whiteboard is the big thing in the class that replaced a blackboard. Wipeboards are the small A4 sized boards kids get to write on with a marker that can be wiped.

ZipZapZoom · 07/06/2024 06:33

circular2478 · 06/06/2024 23:15

Interactive whiteboard is the big thing in the class that replaced a blackboard. Wipeboards are the small A4 sized boards kids get to write on with a marker that can be wiped.

The small boards used in class are also called whiteboards and have been in all the schools I've ever worked in which must be well in the hundreds. As a previous poster said you write on them with whiteboard pens. Confused I've literally never come across anyone who called it a wipe board, where abouts are you from I wonder if it's a thing outside the UK?

Beepbeepvroomvroom · 07/06/2024 06:36

circular2478 · 06/06/2024 23:15

Interactive whiteboard is the big thing in the class that replaced a blackboard. Wipeboards are the small A4 sized boards kids get to write on with a marker that can be wiped.

The small ones are called whiteboards not wipe boards.


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GrammarTeacher · 07/06/2024 06:51

Small ones are mini white boards.
That's what they are in the catalogue I can't afford to buy a new set from.

Momstermunch · 07/06/2024 06:57

I would call them whiteboards, however it's way over the top to start slating the teacher (for those of you that have). If you Google wipe board, those little whiteboards come up. It's entirely possible the teacher ordered them from somewhere that calls them wipeboards and/or she calls them that to differentiate between them a larger whiteboard.

It's hardly solid proof that she's an idiot who shouldn't be teaching.

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