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Pedants' corner

Help me please, pedants

7 replies

PracticeorPractise · 05/06/2024 17:58

I am never sure about this one but know enough that I need to check it Grin.

Should this be PractiSE or PractiCe please, in this context?

Help me please, pedants
OP posts:
Greaterorlesser · 05/06/2024 18:00


REP22 · 05/06/2024 18:01

Definitely practice.

PracticeorPractise · 05/06/2024 18:03

Lovely, thank you.

I didn't write this, I hasten to add. It's in a school policy I'm reviewing!

OP posts:
BriocheForBreakfast · 05/06/2024 18:07

Practise is the spelling for the verb and practice is a noun except in the US where they use practice for both.

dancerdog · 05/06/2024 18:10

The way I remember whether it's a C or S in this instance is by thinking of advice/advise.

MadKittenWoman · 05/06/2024 18:30

Practise is the verb, practice is the noun. Think: "I advise you to take my advice."

Wavingnotdrown1ng · 05/06/2024 18:49

‘Good practice’ - adjective and noun (‘practice’ with a ‘c’).

The verb is with an ‘s’ - e.g. I need to practise the piano.

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