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Pedants' corner

Is there a name for overemphasising in a sentence?

7 replies

Pistachiovillian · 29/05/2024 11:34

I am sure there is but I can't think of it.
E.G. 'We sometimes don't always get it right' or 'I always never do that'?

Thank you! Trying to further educate myself with things such as this.

OP posts:
museumum · 29/05/2024 11:39

Two things that mean the same thing so one is not required is called a tautology.

Pistachiovillian · 29/05/2024 11:55

thank you @museumum Smile

OP posts:
elQuintoConyo · 29/05/2024 12:04

I came here thinking you were asking for examples along the lines of: " could I BE wearing any more clothes?" a la Joey/Chandler in Friends!

Tautology <goes off to google more>

somethingwickedlivesnextdoor · 29/05/2024 13:19

Tautology, repetition or redundancy.

Pistachiovillian · 30/05/2024 10:48

Thank you all. I think I am reasonable at English and knowing words and meanings but always room for improvement. Come to think of it, I always thought that 'english' to describe the language rather than the nationality should have a small 'e'? Mumsnet autocorrects it to a capital.

OP posts:
butterpuffed · 02/06/2024 08:15

English is a proper noun and always written with a capital E.

Pistachiovillian · 02/06/2024 22:21

Thank you. That is one that I could have googled, to be fair.

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