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Pedants' corner

Quashed not squashed

2 replies

teaandtoastwithmarmite · 13/05/2024 20:26

I keep noticing this when people talk about fines in our local retail park, ‘just call and contest it and they’ll squash it’. Is it a fly? 😆

OP posts:
Pocketfullofdogtreats · 13/05/2024 20:34

YANBU. What is it with English? Slightly different, but I've just been watching the Digging For Britain programme and they keep finding pots and saying they're 'associated with feasting activity'. Why not just 'feasting'?. Or even better, 'used at feasts'. Now see what you've done - set me off.

teaandtoastwithmarmite · 13/05/2024 20:44

Ha ha sorry 😆. You definitely have a point there.

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