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Soft nappies?! Please help!

13 replies

babyno2dust · 18/04/2024 19:53

Can anyone please recommend nappies that are soft around the waist band?

LO was using pampers new baby, any other we used when he was born gave him a sore bottom.
We tried nappies from Aldi, Lidl and Sainsbury's.

We found the pampers new baby ones were perfect and he's had no trouble with these.
These nappies stop at a size 3, so we are now using the pampers baby dry, but they feel so rough and plasticy around the waist band and have give LO a horrible rash/dry skin all around his tummy and back where they sit.

Can anyone recommend a brand we can try where the nappies are more soft?

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Yourethebeerthief · 18/04/2024 19:56

So are they in size 4 now?

I think it was either size 3 or 4 that I started on the pull up pants. I hate nappies with tabs, pull ups are much better.

The pampers ones in the purple packet are lovely and cottony feeling. Very soft, stretchy waistband. The red packet are stiffer feeling to me, I don't like them.

babyno2dust · 18/04/2024 20:02

Yes they are in 4 now, the pampers ones we have currently smell as if they are scented as well so unsure if that isn't helping!

Didn't think about trying pull ups! Will get a packet of the purple ones and see how we get on. Thank you!

OP posts:
Cheepcheepcheep · 18/04/2024 20:03

Good shout on pull ups - my two have eczema and I’ve seen fewer rashes as soon as I move them over. I think it’s to do with the glue.


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ohpumpkinseeds · 18/04/2024 20:04

Do they still make the premium protection pampers? They were always very soft. Second. PP tonight about trying the pull up versions too.

HoorayForRain · 18/04/2024 20:12

Pampers Harmonie nappies are great, as are the Boots own-brand bamboo nappies, in my experience.

User284725 · 18/04/2024 20:29

It's been a few years since I've bought nappies, but I always found Lidl ones were the softest by far. You could also consider cloth nappies if comfort if your priority. You can get lovely soft bamboo and velour ones.

Lynsey5 · 18/04/2024 20:48

Have you tried Lidl pull ups ? That is the one we use with my 1,5 year old who has very sensitive skin. I don't like their regular nappies but pull ups are very soft around the waist.

ViveLaOeuf · 18/04/2024 20:58

Asda little angels pull ups have a very soft waistband from memory. Can't remember about the nappies though.

WishesPromised · 18/04/2024 21:04

Reusable nappies got rid of all rashes for mine and I never looked back. Was much easier that I expected too.

Koala2022 · 18/04/2024 21:16

I tried loads of different ones when I was on the hunt for softer nappies. I have settled on the Pampers Premium Protection ones for now (the ones in the purple packets). They do them in both the usual style and pull ups. I used Tesco own for a while and liked them but they're not as soft as Pampers PP. The others we liked were Rascal and Friends (Tesco) - really good at night and very soft too.

fuckityfuckityfuckfuck · 18/04/2024 21:41

WishesPromised · 18/04/2024 21:04

Reusable nappies got rid of all rashes for mine and I never looked back. Was much easier that I expected too.

Much more comfy too. Do you remember the old fairy bio ads? There's a reason they used a terry cloth nappy as the example of softness.

Keepsmiling2948 · 18/04/2024 22:10

Another vote for pampers pull ups. Brilliant! I use the red pack ones for day and then night version for bedtime. They always look lovely and comfy and no leaks.

babyno2dust · 18/04/2024 23:52

Thanks everyone for all your suggestions!
Going to check out reviews for all the different ones mentioned

Thanks againSmile

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