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Does this baby monitor exist?

15 replies

elm26 · 10/10/2023 10:29

Hi everyone

FTM, currently live in a flat so easy to keep an eye on bubs when she's in her cot however we are moving to a house in January and also she's staying at my parents this weekend so would like to buy a camera.

I don't want to spend a lot, so £60 is my budget. How do they work, baby is obviously low down in the cot, can I get one that tilts right down from a shelf? Needs night vision as she sleeps in our room with lights off whilst we watch TV in living room, would like it to connect to my phone. Not bothered about sound. Does a camera like this exist within my budget or do I need to lower expectations?

Thanks in advance!

OP posts:
ShirleyPhallus · 10/10/2023 10:33

Don’t bother with a baby monitor, get an indoor security camera. They’re cheaper and work exactly as you say - night vision and connect to your phone

ours came with bright red lights but I covered them with some electrical tape

ShirleyPhallus · 10/10/2023 10:33

You can buy an arm that connects to the cot or pop it on a high shelf (make sure you don’t have wires dangling in the baby’s cot)


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CrispAppleStrudels · 10/10/2023 10:34

Oh sorry, didnt realise that link was so long! 😅

Devilsmommy · 10/10/2023 10:34

I've got a baby/pet camera that links to app on phone. 360° turn and 90° tilt. £25 on Amazon. It's brilliant

elm26 · 10/10/2023 10:34

ShirleyPhallus · 10/10/2023 10:33

Don’t bother with a baby monitor, get an indoor security camera. They’re cheaper and work exactly as you say - night vision and connect to your phone

ours came with bright red lights but I covered them with some electrical tape

Great idea! Anything with the word baby associated with it shoots the price up. Thank you!

OP posts:
elm26 · 10/10/2023 10:36

ShirleyPhallus · 10/10/2023 10:33

You can buy an arm that connects to the cot or pop it on a high shelf (make sure you don’t have wires dangling in the baby’s cot)

Thank you! DH is a sparky so would be no wires dangling anywhere lol he's very anal about wires. Even phone chargers etc are arranged in a specific way 😅

OP posts:
elm26 · 10/10/2023 10:36

Devilsmommy · 10/10/2023 10:34

I've got a baby/pet camera that links to app on phone. 360° turn and 90° tilt. £25 on Amazon. It's brilliant

Thank you! Would you be able to send me the link? 😊

OP posts:
Devilsmommy · 10/10/2023 10:38

@elm26 I can't do the links but just type into Amazon galayou baby/pet monitor and it should come right up

Devilsmommy · 10/10/2023 10:39

@elm26 galayou 2k WiFi pet camera. It's £20 today, prime day😁

Dyra · 10/10/2023 11:01

We got an indoor camera too. We figured once we were done with it, we could repurpose it for home security.

Torganer · 10/10/2023 11:14

We got this:
Works perfectly and has been abroad etc. Corded and no Wi-Fi so great for holidays (also some people are concerned about hacking). We also have a security camera in there and it isn’t as good at all. The baby monitor is so much clearer at night. Highly recommend this one, still going strong!

PollyMumsnet · 08/11/2023 17:18

Hi @elm26 thanks for your thread! If you're still looking for recommendations, you might like our guide to Mumsnetters' best baby monitors. If you have any thoughts or feedback on the article, do get in touch 🙂

Best baby monitors UK: plus handpicked Black Friday deals | Mumsnet

Hand-picked by our expert editors, these are the best baby monitors for 2023. Plus the latest and best Black Friday savings on baby monitors.

Unpopularopinionbut · 08/11/2023 23:37

We got a Vtech baby monitor from Argos for around £50. It has night vision, which is surprisingly good for that price. The only downside, is that you can't link it to your phone as it has its own screen receiver to see the video. However, I wasn't going to shell out over £100 just for a monitor that would link to my phone.

The receiver actually turned out to be quite handy, as if you need to turn the sound off, it has a light which goes green for light noise and then red for full on crying.

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