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Baby white noise suggestions please?

16 replies

PuntoLon · 28/01/2023 21:13

Give me your best game changing white / pink / whatever noise suggestions that your babies slept better to please??!! Ideally digital ones coz fan is making the room cold in current weather and blocking his nose too. DC is 5 months old if that matters.

Have tried YouTube all night white noise ones, actual song lullabies, white noise app with Ac and hoover sounds and they haven't really done much.

Thanks a ton!

OP posts:
Hopeislost · 28/01/2023 21:24

Tommee Tippee Grofriend. DD3 still adores hers. Different sounds and volumes mean lots of options to see what works best for you.

cleowasmycat · 28/01/2023 21:29

Green noise on Alexa. Or brown noise.

NewNormalLife · 28/01/2023 21:32

dreamegg are great and portable


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Workbabysleeprepeat · 28/01/2023 21:32

We use MyBaby SoundSpa Portable Baby Sound Machine. Runs on batteries or electric. Runs all night. I found white noise wasn’t working because i didn’t have it loud enough. I turned it up a bit and works wonders. Machine was £13 on Amazon

AuntieEntity · 28/01/2023 21:35

DD had/has an Ewan the Dream Sheep & absolutely loved it. She still turns her face towards it in the night at the age of almost 5. One of the legs makes noises that replicate the noise a baby is supposed to hear in the womb, I think. Anyway, she loves it.

PollyMumsnet · 13/02/2023 11:37

Hi @PuntoLon thanks for posting! If you're still looking, we've got a guide to the best white noise machines, as recommended by Mumsnetters. If you have any feedback on the article, let us know🙂

parlourb · 15/02/2023 05:46

Ask Alexa for baby white noise , is what we used . Worked really well

AuntieDe · 31/08/2023 02:13

I am looking at a Dreamegg and a yogasleep, wondering which is the best. It is a gift, not for me.

testy1997 · 31/08/2023 03:29


Faz469 · 31/08/2023 04:14

I play what's noise via alexa. Works like a charm. Dps snoring also helps 🤣

Faz469 · 31/08/2023 04:14

White noise

AuntieDe · 01/09/2023 22:01

Thank-you for the suggestions. In the end we decided on a differant one, Vtech sleep trainer.

Massivescreen · 01/09/2023 22:08

We use the “Organic White Noise for Babies” which is on Spotify/ iTunes and have “story book storm” on repeat and set it to go off after 30 mins. We just have it on an old phone.

birdywillow · 01/09/2023 22:27

We've got a dreamegg, it's worked wonders for our dd.

Nottogetapenny · 01/09/2023 22:43

My daughter used YouTube Henry Hoover white noise! It got her little one to sleep in no time!

Snugglemonkey · 01/09/2023 22:51

I also love our dreamegg. We use pink noise.

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