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Joie Versatrax

5 replies

Hannah310523 · 29/12/2022 20:50

Hi, does anyone have any experience with the 3in1 Joie Versatrax travel system please? Would love to hear it as we are thinking of buying one.

Thank you

OP posts:
Amipreg1 · 29/12/2022 20:54

We have it and I love it! It really easy to put up/fold down, baby seems to be comfy and it's really smooth to push.

If you want to know anything in particular let me know.

Borgonzola · 29/12/2022 21:04

I like mine. Wanted to go for something a bit more upmarket but DP likes to be thrifty so we compromised with this one.


  • we bought the separate bassinet but DD never liked it. She went in the flat section of the main back facing pram relatively early, around 2 months (barely used pram in first month due to heatwave) and was fine with it, she's quite nosy so likes looking around
  • the flat bed can still be really cosy if you get a decent foot muff. They needn't be too expensive.

We got the fleece one from John Lewis.
  • it folds down easily and fits in the boot of my little Corsa.
  • the section underneath is large, which is very useful.
  • our car seat slots in with the adapters from the bassinet. Really useful to have this option.
  • rain cover and cup holder included!

  • I don't think it's the most robust or smooth. Mine can sound a bit creaky sometimes and it doesn't feel as high end as a Nuna or Uppababy.
  • mine is prone to have a slightly sticky front wheel but might just be mine!
  • worst part is the sunshade/canopy.

It doesn't pull down far and tends to pull back up. Can get really annoying when you're constantly pulling it down. Plus it doesn't have a section that you can attach baby toys to so she can get a bit bored.
  • we had to buy a separate sun shade - the Snoozeshade I think it's called.

Basically you get what you pay for. It's a good and reliable mid range pram with decent bits thrown in. It doesn't feel fancy but baby will be safe and comfy.
bluebellaa · 29/12/2022 21:06

It's okay, not great. The stroller seat isn't particularly padded and the angles mean baby has the tendency to slide down depending on what they're wearing. Carry cot is fine. The frame itself collapses easy enough but can be awkward to open back out without smacking yourself if you grab the wrong bit. The car seat though is pretty terrible. The straps constantly get caught on the isofix hook underneath meaning they don't tighten properly/evenly and you have to get baby back out to sort it, and the head pillow isn't removable so likelihood is by ~6 months, baby's ears are being folded forwards and they're generally getting quite scrunched underneath the cushion (it's supposedly usable up to 13kg, LO is 8.5kg and I'm already not comfortable using it for any longer journeys!).


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Hannah310523 · 29/12/2022 22:14

Thanks everyone, it’s the Versatrax version isnug 2 we are looking at, is this the model you guys have? The canopy had a zip and extension on this model, is it too short even with this? We will only be taking it on walks around the park and flat ground so hoping suspension won’t be too much of an issue. And we will definitely be purchasing a foot muff for the winter months, this won’t be an issue right away though as baby is due in June :)

OP posts:
Borgonzola · 01/01/2023 17:56

I'm not sure, it looks the same as mine. We bought it in June I think.

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