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Toys for newborn?

10 replies

Cluelessfirstimer · 05/08/2022 20:39

Toy/swing/bouncers for 7 week old?

Baby is very alert - HV was shocked at how alert /awake he was for his age... which is great. Tiring but great! He was 5 2 at birth and was very jaundiced so I'm so happy he is so "awake" now

I dont have much at the moment except a mat which he looks utterly bored with bless him.

Any advice on bouncers/swings/toys I can buy for his age?

OP posts:
MajorCarolDanvers · 05/08/2022 20:45

Baby gyms are the best thing at this age.

Don't get a swing till he can sit up.

Skyla01 · 05/08/2022 20:46

My DD really liked a mat with an arch hanging over, with dangling toys. She spent an age trying to grasp the little toys! From 6 weeks or so she would sit (but very reclined) in a bouncer which had a bar across the front with toys to reach. 7 weeks is still very little though, I'm not sure mine played with much else until 12wk plus.

Sillystripytail · 05/08/2022 20:59

We had a swing like this for DS, suitable from birth. He LOVED it. It was good for naps too. Don't know if you can get this one anymore, there's some on eBay.

Toys for newborn?

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hellosunshineagainx · 05/08/2022 21:00

Baby gyms, good for tummy time and exploration leading to rolling. Also the aoft books that have different textures/mirror etc

hellosunshineagainx · 05/08/2022 21:00

hellosunshineagainx · 05/08/2022 21:00

Baby gyms, good for tummy time and exploration leading to rolling. Also the aoft books that have different textures/mirror etc

Soft* books!

anonanonanon123 · 05/08/2022 21:04

My baby now 17 weeks at that age had

  • play gym (Mat with arch and hanging toys)
  • foil blanket (emergency blanket £1.50 on Amazon they lay and kick on it it’s sensory)
  • lamzee sock and wrist rattles
  • black and white books
  • couple of musical soft toys (look at little tykes)
  • some other hanging toys (look at lamzee)
  • a tummy time roller (mine is mothercare from boots)

now he also likes this little Einstein piano, and a push buttons steering wheel thing, soft crinkly baby books, soft rattles, teething keys

MolliciousIntent · 05/08/2022 21:06

Bouncers and swings etc are unnecessary imo

Do you have a baby gym, or any contrast cards? Both DDs loved those til about 4m.

TheLovleyChebbyMcGee · 05/08/2022 21:08

My son loved an O ball when he was really young, its easy to grip and colourful, cheap too.

FatAgainItsLettuceTime · 05/08/2022 21:15

I was going to say foil blanket but @anonanonanon123 beat me to it.

My DDs fiery favourite toy, I got a couple from the pound shop. Loved laying on it, crinkling it and looking at it shine. When she was bigger she'd crumple it, wrap it around herself, waggle it about under the light.

Honestly a bit annoying as she also had expensive fancy toys which she hated or ignored to play with a £1 blanket.

Cluelessfirstimer · 05/08/2022 21:33

Thanks all for thw great suggestions! I'll take a look and get some of these :)

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