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Tips on food to bring for 1yr old long haul flight?

11 replies

cocoo43 · 23/05/2022 11:14

Hey I would love to for some suggestions on what foods to bring going on a long haul flight 10hrs direct to the Caribbean

My son is 1yrs old what type of foods should I bring or what kind of foods did you bring when travelling with a toddler

Spoke to airline and they said it's fine to bring food for toddler

Thanks xoxo

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cocoo43 · 23/05/2022 11:15

Btw they has baby jar food for infant who's travelling in lap which my son will be I'm just scared it won't fill him up as much

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HSKAT · 23/05/2022 11:16

What times your flight?

Snacks, raisins, oat bar, puff crisps etc

linerforlife · 23/05/2022 11:17

I took a 1 yr old on a flight last year and took small sized snacks that take a while to eat to act as a type of entertainment. So Cheerios, raisins, tiny cubes of cheese, hoop crisps, breadsticks, those tiny cheese crackers in different shapes etc.

cocoo43 · 23/05/2022 11:21

@HSKAT it's early afternoon x

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skgnome · 23/05/2022 11:23

How good is your toddler at eating?
is he used to proper meals? Or more of a grazer?
how big are his usual portions?
is he likely to steal food from your plate?
when DD was that age I used to take a couple of pouches, some fruit, rice crackers, raisins, baby bells, some cheerios (or similar) in a small container
my DD was pretty much a grazer, and she always stole my bread roll or some of my pasta / rice - ordered the chicken and gave her a bit of that as well
so I just focused on snacks and shared my food - if hungry I ate some of her snacks 😂
she was still big on milk, so just got premade formula past security and got some hot water from the airline to warm it

cocoo43 · 23/05/2022 11:31


Each day it's different but most of the time hw does eat his food his portion sizes very on if he's extra hungry that day and yea he's always stealing food from me and his dads plate lol

So i guess we'll give him some of our food on the plane to he's kind of got over drinking milk he will have it in the night but that's it

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AppleBirdBrush · 23/05/2022 11:36

Avoid nuts. I know you probably wouldn't give a one year old whole nuts but if they eat peanut butter sandwiches or whatever. We took a load of nut bars for snacks on a recent flight and there was an announcement asking not to open anything containing nuts as someone had an allergy, we got hungry! My own stupid fault that it didn't occur to me (was obviously not an issue as I don't want to put someone at risk).

MrsPelligrinoPetrichor · 23/05/2022 11:38

Take pouches/jars. Banana, raisins, bread sticks ,some cereal, plus milk. It's only 10 hours and he'll be asleep hopefully for some of it, he's only 1, he can't eat that much surely?

cocoo43 · 23/05/2022 11:39

@AppleBirdBrush this one I know for sure as I'm travelling with my little brother who has a big nut allergy but thanks for the tip anyway ❤️

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Caspianberg · 23/05/2022 14:22

we have flown a few times the last 6 months with Ds who was 15 months- 2 years

i packed a small lunch box with more lunch savoury items. Like a bento type box with little dividers
then a few smaller snack boxes with savoury/ sweet

’lunch’ - cold sausages cut up. Little cream cheese sandwiches, cucumber and yellow pepper, blueberries.

savory - some mini bread sticks, rice cakes, savoury cheese cracker type things

sweet - a couple baby yogurt pouches ( novelty as we don’t have at home usually), little biscuits, raisens.

if your flying afternoon then they can have regular breakfast at home and pick up some lunch at airport.

I tried not to take anything too sticky or messy.

motogirl · 23/05/2022 15:12

I used to take sandwiches, yogurt covered raisins (aka sweetiesGrin) string cheese, mini pack of chopped apples, carrot and grapes (they used to have pick and mix fruit and veg in supermarket) and also British airways always offered a childrens meal once over 1. Also took juice cartons too plus any toys they could fiddle with quietly and books

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