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Flying with children

28 replies

hugshugshugs · 27/02/2022 19:18

Planning a long distance flight with an infant and preschooler. Any advice?

OP posts:
Piggyk2 · 27/02/2022 19:21

Keep your pram with you right until the boarding gates DO NOT listen to the check out when they say they can keep it for you it's because it's easier for them not you.

Greentomatoes21 · 27/02/2022 19:30

You know those A5 zippy plastic folders? I found those great for separating toys, tidying pieces away, easy access to find them in bags. If preschooler will watch movies - comfy headphones are helpful.

Brunonononooo · 27/02/2022 19:34

Following because we are doing the same at the end of April with an almost 4 year old and 7 month old Blush

hugshugshugs · 27/02/2022 19:36

Headphones good call. Any experience using the cares airplane seating system thing?

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Parker231 · 27/02/2022 19:40

For the preschooler prepare a bag of activities - stickers, mini toy, comic etc. Give them out at regular times - works a treat as they quickly learn that they play with one item and soon there will be another.
We did numerous long haul flights with DT’s at that age - key to a successful flight is in the planning!

MaizeAmaze · 27/02/2022 19:46

Buy a seat for the Infant. It's useful for dumping stuff in, even if baby remains glued to you.
Get a sling for the plane, and airport, incase your pram goes to the baggage carousel.
Take a drinks bottle they will rink from, and decant any plane drinks into that. DO NOT let them drink from the open cup however great they are with them at home.
Don't take too much on the plane.
If it all goes horribly wrong, it's only 12 hrs and your unlikely to see anyone again, so just do your best and ignore any twats.

hugshugshugs · 27/02/2022 20:14


Buy a seat for the Infant. It's useful for dumping stuff in, even if baby remains glued to you.
Get a sling for the plane, and airport, incase your pram goes to the baggage carousel.
Take a drinks bottle they will rink from, and decant any plane drinks into that. DO NOT let them drink from the open cup however great they are with them at home.
Don't take too much on the plane.
If it all goes horribly wrong, it's only 12 hrs and your unlikely to see anyone again, so just do your best and ignore any twats.

Ignore any twats. Is that really a thing? Do people really complain about children on a plane?
OP posts:
candlesandpitchforks · 27/02/2022 20:55

@hugshugshugs yes but that's usually reserved for the kids that have their Ipads on full volume no headphones with bong noises every 10mins and the kid kept hitting back of our chairs and running down the isle knocking peoples drinks over while the parents got pissed and ignored the kids. I only said because that noise was keeping my DD awake.

Most people understand tbh, as long as your considerate it will be fine. Don't panic !

RetireReady · 27/02/2022 21:04

Some old bitch whined and tutted whilst on a night flight back from the canaries due to my 4 yo DD being overtired and crying because TUI keep the fuckin lights on a 4 HR flight so they can hurtle up and down selling booze and shit to people regardless of it being midnight or later.

Favourodds · 27/02/2022 21:05

Did transatlantic with my 18 month old recently. Show no fear, take lots of snacks, be prepared to just roll with the day (she didn't nap for the full 10 hour flight out, lol). Google pre-school plane activities so you at least feel organised with stuff to do. But we never really got round to any of them, I'm not actually sure what we did do...?

Do you drink? Have a couple of drinks.

And like everyone else said, fuck em. Noone wants your baby to stop crying more than you, noone is more stressed in that moment than you, anyone who chooses to add to it by being an arse needs to get in the sea.

Harrysmummy246 · 27/02/2022 21:42


Headphones good call. Any experience using the cares airplane seating system thing?

Might need a 2 pin adaptor for your kids headphones- husband thankfully had one for DS this last week.
Snacks. More snacks.

Infant in a carrier is way easier than trying to keep and manhandle the pram while you climb steps with the toddler.
LaChanticleer · 27/02/2022 22:03

Some old bitch whined and tutted whilst on a night flight back from the canaries due to my 4 yo DD being overtired and crying

Mumsnet coming up trumps again with the ageist sexism.

If your child was crying for the whole flight, I’m not surprised the people around you were irritated.

BobbysKnuckles · 27/02/2022 22:16

Ooh good tips here, following. We'll be taking an almost 5 year old, a 2 year old and a 7 month old on holiday in May, slightly nervous about keeping everyone entertained!

MaizeAmaze · 27/02/2022 22:26

Yes, twats are a thing. I've had a guy calling me racist because I didnt want his foot through the gap between the seats and resting next to my sons head because I fants dont need all the space. Same guy actually made me hit the attendant call because he had a screaming fit at the family infront of me with an unsettled baby, and Dad was standing up (and therefore staring at the problem guy) trying to bounce the baby.

Different flight, I've had a guy refuse to sit next to me and 2 small kids. Aparently I was incapable of looking after them without a man.......

RetireReady · 27/02/2022 22:36

@Chanticlear not ageist...factual. it wasn't all the flight it was the last hour and she wasn't the only one having to put up with it, but she was the only one making me feel like shit. Her own husband was embarrassed by her complaining so fuck off with your 'ageist sexism' comment.

dipdye · 28/02/2022 01:29

Er, yes people don't like sitting next to screaming children on flights and they let it be known.

Blondie1984 · 28/02/2022 01:56

Spare clothes

Groomofthestool · 28/02/2022 02:26

I found my DC couldn't comfortably watch the tv screens in the back of the seats as they were too small and you couldn't angle them down enough so we ended up putting cartoons on our phones with headphones for them. I'd recommend an iPad if you have one for this reason

sheusesmagazines · 28/02/2022 03:50

I flew long haul with my DS at 6, 8, 10, 12 months, sometimes alone. Lots of snacks to kill time! I gift-wrapped some new toys for the flight too but probably needn't have bothered. Like PP I prepared for lots of activities but didn't need them. He was feeding a lot of the time, eating snacks, playing a bit, and sleeping.

We have a Babyzen yo-yo buggy which can go into the cabin as it fits overhead.

I had no nastiness, only kindness from other passengers. The flight attendants really looked after us as well. They made sure I had an empty seat next to me (none of the flights were full) and I was on the bulkhead/bassinet position.

Check with the airline in advance about bassinets for infants and seating arrangements. Also food, some flights we got free Ella's pouches I think.

Will be interested to hear about CARES too as we are about to fly with a 3 year old and 4 month old and we are likely going to get one.

MissDynamite23 · 28/02/2022 04:05

We just flew short haul (4 hours) with 3 year old and 4 month old and it was surprisingly easy. Nothing much to add really beyond what others have suggested except having an neck cushion for the three year old to nap and also a cushion for your arm/lap if you’re going to be holding the infant for long periods. My arm was v achey after holding the baby whilst he slept.

Snacks, iPad and headphones, sticker books all worked well for us. Being allowed to choose a magazine, and having the inflight meal both added enjoyment. Having some high value sweets for the occasional moment of bribery was useful! DD had a trunki (bought second hand for £10) and a little rucksack that she was in charge of. We also bought one of those LCD writing pads for drawing and playing O and X etc.

For the baby, having a selection of easy to grab toys / sensory books was helpful.

hugshugshugs · 11/03/2022 22:04

Thanks for the advice so far it's been great. I'm all stocked up I think my whole carry on luggage will be snacks and nappies. And just to add to the fun teething has started. Here it goes.....

OP posts:
cigarettesNalcohol · 11/03/2022 22:14

Can you take food through security now or do you have to buy snacks in the department lounge ?

cigarettesNalcohol · 11/03/2022 22:16

Departure* lounge


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Picklesandbeans · 11/03/2022 22:22

Lots of extra clothes. DC and you..... speaking from experience

hugshugshugs · 12/03/2022 12:37

You can't take snacks? Surely that can't be the case!

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