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Toys for babies 12 weeks old

14 replies

babyblues21 · 06/07/2021 15:40

What types of toys and activities can people recommend please for a 12 week old baby? I'm struggling to think of ways to stimulate and entertain my baby other than chattering away and signing to her (which she's very smiley and responsive to), her play mat, and her tummy time mirror. What else can I do?


This thread is a little old now, but if you’ve landed here looking for the top baby toys, we’ve recently updated our best baby toys page with lots of great options for your baby's first year, as tried and tested by Mumsnet users. We hope you find it useful. Flowers

OP posts:
babyblues21 · 06/07/2021 15:41

Sorry that should have been *singing, not signing!

OP posts:
NavigatingAdolescence · 06/07/2021 15:42

Rattles, those scrunch toys with different sounds and textures (Einstein toys)? Otherwise what you are doing sounds great.

(I started signing with my daughter from about 8 weeks. It was brilliant so look into that if you can.)

waitingforwinter · 06/07/2021 15:48

@babyblues21 What you’re doing sounds great 😊 at that age my DS loved the Fisher Price Kick & Play Piano Gym.
He loved to kick the keys and hear the music and he’d do tummy time on it and watch the lights. He still sits and plays with it now at 8 months! Or will stand and play with the piano if I take it off and put it on the sofa or footstool 😊


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Blippibloppi · 06/07/2021 17:01

Lamaze toys are great - the butterfly and good old captain calamari are our faves!

NavigatingAdolescence · 06/07/2021 17:05

They’re the ones!

Purple21 · 06/07/2021 17:12

Disco ball light! My LO used to love watching it on the ceiling and walls.
Anything noisy tbh! Rattles, hand bells, foil sensory blanket, you can get sock and wrist bands with bells in and animals on, bubbles, water play mat!

parietal · 06/07/2021 17:20

the best toy for a baby at that age is you (or another adult). also, just being in cafes / parks and seeing people with you is great.

DeloresPickleRick · 06/07/2021 17:24

Their own hands. At that age, mine were quite happy trying to get their hand in their mouth and the having a good old gum on it.

Sophie Giraffe and anything else they can chew on really.

babyblues21 · 06/07/2021 17:43

Thanks everyone, some great ideas Smile

OP posts:
bobcatinthewild · 06/07/2021 17:47

With youngest we had a sensory ocean themed tummy time mat you filled with water. Was great fun hitting it and fishes swimming across and something a little different.
All of mine also enjoyed a play gym and rattles.

Gladiolys · 06/07/2021 17:54

My baby’s absolute favourite thing at that age was a foil blanket. Kept him busy for ages!

You can also tie things (ribbon etc) round her ankles to help her find her feet. That’s a good one and helps them with learning to roll etc.

Poppy709 · 06/07/2021 18:49

Another vote for Lamaze here, my little boy also really liked this

He also had a sensory box we got from a music class and loved the Pom Pom thing (like the ones cheerleaders have) I used to wave it around while singing to him and he would laugh his head off, he also enjoyed the sensory scarf wafting it over his head while he was lying down so that was a useful kit, if you google baby sensory box I think they sell loads on Etsy xxx

Sunshine1996 · 06/07/2021 19:48

Highly recommend the baby Einstein star! DD was absolutely blown away with it even at 8 weeks. I attached it to just above her playmat. She adores it now still even at nearly 7 months.

waitingforwinter · 06/07/2021 21:04

@babyblues21 How could I forget about the the Lamaze toys 😅 Captain Calamari and Freddie the Firefly are the favourites in this house! Also second someone else’s suggestion of the water mat. Great for tummy time 😊 we got one for about £6/7 on Amazon.

If you use Instagram then I recommend following “An Activity A Day” - she has great suggestions for toys for each age group and activities that you can do (most using household or cheap objects) to help baby achieve milestones 😊

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