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Carrier for toddler/preschool

15 replies

snowman212 · 19/03/2021 02:38

My little one is 2 years old, but weighs 20 kg (45 lbs). Need a carrier for when she gets tired on walks. Recommendations please?

OP posts:
GrumpyHoonMain · 19/03/2021 12:33

Tula’s toddler carriers. They’re really expensive though even second hand - would be cheaper to buy a pushchair.

snowman212 · 19/03/2021 15:28

Thanks @GrumpyHoonMain
I do have a folding pushchair, but don't want to bring it to the park and push an empty one for the most of the walk...

OP posts:
snowman212 · 19/03/2021 15:29


Tula’s toddler carriers. They’re really expensive though even second hand - would be cheaper to buy a pushchair.

I've seen those. They are very expensive and not many second hand ones. Are they comfy?
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BertieBotts · 19/03/2021 16:00

You need a preschool carrier at that weight. I don't know a huge amount of companies that offer them, this one does though:

GrumpyHoonMain · 19/03/2021 16:40

@snowman212 - yes very comfy. We bought one from amazon to try with DS and he loved it. Our concern was more about the cost - particularly as I would probably only be able to physically carry him until 3 (so another year and a half), and DH was struggling already.

snowman212 · 19/03/2021 16:49

[quote BertieBotts]You need a preschool carrier at that weight. I don't know a huge amount of companies that offer them, this one does though:[/quote]
Thanks, looks like another good option, with some of the add ones it is a bit pricey too, but cheaper than Tula

OP posts:
snowman212 · 19/03/2021 16:50

[quote GrumpyHoonMain]@snowman212 - yes very comfy. We bought one from amazon to try with DS and he loved it. Our concern was more about the cost - particularly as I would probably only be able to physically carry him until 3 (so another year and a half), and DH was struggling already.[/quote]
Thanks for sharing your experience. I look into second hand ones

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snowman212 · 19/03/2021 16:50


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Elisheva · 19/03/2021 17:00

I used an Ergobaby sling with DD until she was at least 3.5. You can get them on eBay for quite reasonable prices.

GrumpyHoonMain · 19/03/2021 17:29


I used an Ergobaby sling with DD until she was at least 3.5. You can get them on eBay for quite reasonable prices.

Ergobaby can get very claustrophobic with bigger babies if you want to front or side face. Tula’s great because there’s less padding as it’s designed for 20kg up.
Elisheva · 19/03/2021 18:08

True, I only used it to carry her on my back.

larrythelizard · 19/03/2021 18:52

We've got the osprey poco backpack. DS is 15kg and a lump but manageable in this as it has a waist strap and a chest strap as well as fully adjustable shoulder straps and back.

There's a few different versions but ours has an inbuilt sunshade which is good as well as a rain cover (which we've never used).

Looking forward to using it again once it warms up a bit!

ShutUpAlex · 19/03/2021 18:55

I had the connecta for mine and carried her u too she was nearly 5 but she is very dinky!

PomegranateQueen · 19/03/2021 18:58

I had a connecta for mine, I think they are now called integra. They fold down very small so I could pop mine in my handbag and take it out when needed.

noodlmcdoodl · 20/03/2021 11:08

I’ve been using a Tula Toddler for the past almost 3 years. Sounds like it’s weight rather than age that’s the key! The label on mine says it’ll go up to 60lbs. Weather or not my body will is another matter. I bought it when DS was 18 months and used it a lot. I really couldn’t be doing with a buggy. We do lots of walks (as in countryside, mountains) and I live somewhere hilly, tiny shops and few pavements. I’ve gradually used it less and less (as you’d expect) - he’s now 4.5 and weighs 38lbs. He will walk 6 miles (albeit at 4 year old pace and requiring lots of encouragement)... but sometimes, it’s just easier to pop him in it. Like pre-school pickup. He’s so tired, it’s not worth the hassle and stress of walking him home. So I’m using it 3 x a week now. It’s super handy to stash in a bag ‘just in case.’

It’s always been very comfy to use and distributes his weight well.

I bought it second hand and know I won’t lose much when I sell it on. It was a big initial outlay but given the amount of use it’s had and the sheer joy we both get from using it... it’s been worth it (and I’ll probably only be a tenner out of pocket).

As an aside I get so fucked off with the judgy looks and snidey comments I get from other parents at pickup. Yet these idiots pick their kids up by car!! FFS! Presumably for similar reasons.

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