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White Noise - HELP!

14 replies

KateEC91 · 28/12/2020 22:42

Hi! Just want to get an idea of how common/uncommon our experience is and to ask for some advice please.
My baby has had white noise playing throughout the night since he was born. As soon as it stops, he wakes. We now have an echo dot in his room playing it for him.
I have several concerns;

  • Is this common for other babies?
  • Any advice of how to wean him off of it aside from turning volume down gradually etc
  • Is this safe?? I’m starting to panic about potentially harmful waves from the echo dot???
OP posts:
Nightmanagerfan · 28/12/2020 22:45

We do the same as you but with an Alexa. We have it on medium volume from bedtime until we go to bed (to cover background noise etc), at which point I go in and turn it down to very low. The plan is to turn it off completely soon so it’s just on for the first little bit.

I don’t think it’s harmful

LittleRa · 28/12/2020 22:45

Four words:
Ewan. The. Dream. Sheep.

TK1930 · 28/12/2020 22:46

My 3 year old still has white noise Grin


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gotyerhat · 28/12/2020 22:46

Ewan is more expensive to run than my fucking car. The guy eats batteries. Stick to the echo. Any scary wave effects are arguably less scary than the effect of nobody sleeping.

iamloading · 28/12/2020 22:47

We did exactly the same. On all night every night until she was 1. Then it broke and we went cold turkey. Zero issues!

heatered · 28/12/2020 22:47

I was the same apparently. My parents would leave a radio on very low and would sleep well. I didn't know this until my teenage years when I would regularly fall asleep with my Walkman on.( got through a lot of batteries) My Dad told me about the radio when I was a baby. I'm now 40 and fall asleep through films easily. I think long term it hasn't done me any harm.

Scautish · 28/12/2020 22:50

There are no harmful waves. The electromagnetic waves (which is what WiFi uses) are present whether you are playing something or not. The white noise generated is just sound waves - which is just the molecules of air vibrating. You have nothing to worry about re waves.

Findahouse21 · 28/12/2020 22:50

Dd1 had a fan every night until she was 4. Dd2 has alexa - much easier to take on holiday.

YouJustDoYou · 28/12/2020 22:53

My oldest, and oldest, needed it for years. He's almost 8 now and fine...but now I need it 😁 He was just that kind of baby. But it hurts no one, it's no big deal, just do what works for you and your baby

Lou573 · 28/12/2020 22:55

We just have a little white noise machine - £20 from Amazon if I recall. A god send for naps to drown out the noisy 5year old.

PeggyMoo · 28/12/2020 22:58

We used white noise up to 2.5 years - was great for naps and masking noises from creaky floorboards. DC definitely didn’t need it all that time as slept fine without it when we stayed with relatives etc.

Took white noise machine out of room when DC2 arrived!

Letsallscreamatthesistene · 29/12/2020 05:59

I have a MyHummy. It plays for 12 hours straight. Everyone says it eats batteries but that hasnt been my experience at all. I think I must change the batteries once every 2 months or so.

brainstories568 · 29/12/2020 09:00

We use white noise (via an old phone, it's just a free app) with our almost 2 year old and have done since his first week or two of life. It just runs all night/through his nap. He sleeps at the childminder without it and also does when we forget to turn it on, but likewise, we don't see the harm in it. As someone else has said, the WiFi signal is there regardless of whether you're using the device or not and sound waves are just the air vibrating.

FizzingWhizzbee123 · 29/12/2020 09:25

My 3 year old still has white noise! He turns it on himself before bed. Should he ever ask to not have it any more, it’s easy to fade out over a few days, but until then we’ll keep using it. Personally I find I sleep better with white noise too, even as an adult.

I tried a few versions, but a proper plug in white noise machine from Amazon for £25 was the best. Better quality sound, no WiFi internet connection needed, no batteries. Just solid and reliable.

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