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Baby carrier for petite people?!

19 replies

LaceyLou42 · 05/11/2020 20:49

Hi I am 5 ft 2 and have a slim frame and I would like a baby carrier so my 6mo can face both inwards and outwards! I don’t want the stretchy sling type. Obviously with Covid I cannot go and try any on and I have tried the “babyway” one which is HUGE on me and feel like it hangs wayyy to low for me to feel comfortable to put baby in. He’s currently about 17lb. Thanks!!

OP posts:
LaceyLou42 · 05/11/2020 20:49

PS I live in UK

OP posts:
LaceyLou42 · 05/11/2020 20:50

Oh and one which I can easily do on my own would be a plus!

OP posts:
Greypurse · 05/11/2020 20:55

No advice but following!


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ByGrabtharsHammerWhatASavings · 05/11/2020 20:56

The connecta and integra are supposed to be some of the best for petite people. I used a connecta myself and it was very comfy, but I never tried it outwards facing so I'm not sure if it can be used that way. Stay away from the baby bjorn range. I had one which I thought would size up or down for me and dh to share and it drowned me and killed my back. I've heard good things about ergo baby as well and seen a few petite looking women wearing them. You can get good deals on ebay for all of these.

ByGrabtharsHammerWhatASavings · 05/11/2020 20:57

I'm the same height and build as you btw

LaceyLou42 · 05/11/2020 22:33

Thank you! The first two you mentioned aren’t designed for baby to face outwards but the ergo one looks like it could tick all the boxes!

OP posts:
Rainallnight · 05/11/2020 23:05

I’m tiny - even shorter than you! - and got on really well with the Connecta, though as you say, it doesn’t have all the features you want.

Bananasplease · 05/11/2020 23:23

I'm about the same height as you and slim build too. I had the ergo 360 and it worked well for me. The one I had had a velcro belt part which was really good but check before you buy as some of the variations (including the breathable version) have clips rather than velcro. I had one of those as well and it was more awkward and I was left with miles of spare straps.

CatnipEverdeen · 06/11/2020 00:02

I am same height as you OP and used ergobaby non-stop when we were out and about. I could comfortably set it up on my own too. When DS was around 14 months I moved to one of those rucksack type carriers (Deuter Kid Comfort), which I would also highly recommend!

MoorGirl · 06/11/2020 09:38

I’ve just bought the infantino for 6 mo DD and it’s great! Only one I’ve found that cinches in tight enough.

MoorGirl · 06/11/2020 11:37

@LaceyLou42 yes that’s it. Very good value for money.

MoorGirl · 06/11/2020 11:39

@LaceyLou42 sorry it’s actually this one although not sure what the difference is except for colour and price! I bought it on amazon @ £29.99

hemhem · 06/11/2020 11:44

I used Ergo 360 with both my DC, I am 5'4 size 8 and know people smaller who also loved it. Its expensive but I've used it regularly for 5 years in total, and my 2yr old still fits it now (carried on my back) which is great for longer walks when she gets tired halfway and we don't have the buggy. When both DC were around 6m I would use it front facing for awake walks and inward facing for their naps and meant I wasn't stuck with a buggy or at home for all naps

Mistymeow · 06/11/2020 19:05

I’m 5’1” and petite build- I second the ergo baby 360. Fits perfectly and the support is great.

randomsabreuse · 06/11/2020 21:41

If you're quite petite try to get used to a back carry - as the babies get long enough to get in the way on the front.

Connects/Integra can have petite straps which helps.

I found a woven (not stretchy) wrap very adaptable once DC got too heavy for a stretchy!

Ihaveoflate · 07/11/2020 14:10

I am a small framed 5'3" and I have a Connecta, bought second hand on eBay for £35. It's easy to back carry as well.

It's worth remembering that even carriers designed for forward facing (like Ergo 360) suggest you should only do this for up to 20 mins at a time. It's much better for babies to be in the frog leg position facing the wearer.

skkyelark · 07/11/2020 16:26

Another petite person with an Ergo 360 (and a Deuter, actually, but I don't use that around town). With the Ergo, if baby is on my front, I get on much better if I cross the straps, so you might find the same. It's much more secure on my shoulders that way, plus it takes up more of the strap length (and is in the instruction manual, so an approved option). I also second Random's point about a back carry once their legs are longer!

Inthewoodshed · 08/11/2020 08:35

I'm 5'1" and a size 6 - the Ergobaby Omni 360 is excellent and comfortable. You do need to make sure it's done up as tight as it'll go, but it works really well for us (16lb DC right now).

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