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Cots! Which one should I buy?

22 replies

atvh · 05/10/2020 21:23

My DS is about to turn six months and has slept in a Snuzpod in our bedroom until now, which he's loved. I now need to buy a cot for his room to move him into, but am bewildered over which one to go for. Does anyone have any tips or recommendations?

I did like the look of this one but am put off by the mixed reviews!

This thread is quite old now so some of the suggestions may be out of date, but if you’ve landed here looking for cot bed recommendations, we’ve recently updated our best cot beds page with lots of great options, as tried and tested by Mumsnet users and their kids. We hope you find it useful.

OP posts:
glasshalfsomething · 05/10/2020 21:25

Looks like a sensible choice in terms of colour and design; but reviews are off putting.

Wayfair, Ikea and Argos all do reasonably priced white cot beds too.

doireallyneedaname · 05/10/2020 21:26

We used the Snuzpod and moved him into a Snuzkot when he was 6 months. It’s the Snuzkod Skandi or whatever - safe and looks nice!

ScarMatty · 05/10/2020 21:32

I would go for something reasonably priced as we ended up ditching the cot at 18 months and switching to a small double so I could climb in at night if DS was poorly etc. Works much better


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atvh · 05/10/2020 21:35

Thanks @ScarMatty. When you say a small double, do you mean like a proper adult sized bed?

OP posts:
FoxtrotSkarloey · 05/10/2020 21:39

We've got one of those and it's absolutely fine. Have had it as a cot on all three levels and it's a slight pain having to unscrew it to move the height each time but it's not that bad. Haven't changed it to a bed yet.

Yes it's not fancy but it also means I don't flinch every time DS rams one of his toy trucks into it! I can't see what you get from a more expensive frame.

I firmly think (exactly the same as beds for adults) that it's the mattress you select which will make the biggest difference.

Itllbeaninterestingchristmas · 05/10/2020 21:40

That looks a good one. Very similar to one I was given in construction. It’s a bastard to put together. I didn’t use it for long as cot because cot refusing ds could climb out of it really easily and before he could climb the mattress settings were wrong for leaning over. My dad however altered it so the cot bed bit is the same height as my bed so ds can sleep in bed next to me.
The old 1970s cot I was given with a proper drop side is much better

hauntedvagina · 05/10/2020 21:42

I've had two of these, they're fine. Easy to change the height on, very sturdy.

Icannotcook · 05/10/2020 21:45

I have one of these. Can also get them in white and it turns into a toddler bed to make the transition easier Smile

atvh · 05/10/2020 21:56

Thanks. Has anyone got an Ikea cot? They seem very good value, but are they sturdy enough and what are the mattresses like? I'm considering this one...

OP posts:
Avery7 · 05/10/2020 22:00

I wouldn't spend money on one; people are always giving them away on local fb groups. Just buy a new mattress for it.

ScarMatty · 05/10/2020 22:36


Thanks *@ScarMatty*. When you say a small double, do you mean like a proper adult sized bed?

Yes, just a normal adult small double
olderthanyouthink · 05/10/2020 23:30

Floor bed?

Something you can fit in (currently boobing DD in her Stokke sleepi with the side off, my back hurts)

FizzingWhizzbee123 · 05/10/2020 23:37

A decent mattress is most important. Aside from that, as long as the cot meets modern safety standards, you can’t go far wrong.

Bear in mind that you may not convert a cot bed into a toddler bed. I deliberately bought one which converted, then DS turned out to be a train fanatic and we decided to get him a train shaped bed which he absolutely adores. You don’t know what age your baby will move from a cot to a bed either, some move as early as 15-18 months, others stay in a cot until nearly 3.

I’d probably just buy a good value cot (agree with looking second hand) which meets your needs for now, fork out on a decent mattress and just get a separate bed when the time comes as you’ll know what meets your needs better at that stage.

Mosasaur · 05/10/2020 23:41

The child who slept next to me in a Snuzpod was not willing to sleep alone in a cot bed. I ended up lying on the floor beside the cot. In the end I gave up and bought an adult size bed so I could get in and persuade him to sleep then sneak away.

pandafunfactory · 05/10/2020 23:43

Our ikea cot did two of our kids, so roughly 6 years and a good four years for friends kids(with new matttress). It's now under our bed waiting for grandchildren

FoxtrotSkarloey · 06/10/2020 01:49


A decent mattress is most important. Aside from that, as long as the cot meets modern safety standards, you can’t go far wrong.

Bear in mind that you may not convert a cot bed into a toddler bed. I deliberately bought one which converted, then DS turned out to be a train fanatic and we decided to get him a train shaped bed which he absolutely adores. You don’t know what age your baby will move from a cot to a bed either, some move as early as 15-18 months, others stay in a cot until nearly 3.

I’d probably just buy a good value cot (agree with looking second hand) which meets your needs for now, fork out on a decent mattress and just get a separate bed when the time comes as you’ll know what meets your needs better at that stage.

I completely agree with this about not knowing when your DC will make the move away from a cot (some are almost throwing themselves over the side before they're two and others are quite content until four) but I found so little cost difference between cots and cot beds I went cot bed to keep options open. Worth pricing up whatever you prefer if potential longevity comes into your decision making.
Caspianberg · 06/10/2020 06:11

We have the IKEA one that has drawers under. Bought a little green sheep mattress for it. It’s study and the drawers are handy for keeping all baby bedding and blankets in

Gettingonabitnow · 06/10/2020 12:52

Word from the wise - don’t get one with slats in the sides, I’m sat here stopping my 9 month olds arms and legs getting stuck through the gaps as I try to get her to nap in it. Get one with solid sides! x

Lockdownseperation · 06/10/2020 14:49

I’m with @ScarMatty. DD1 only slept in her cot from
3 to 6 months as she moved into our bed at 20 months she moved into her own small double bed. DD2 is 14 month and has never slept in a cot, her small double bed is ready for when she moves into her own room.

Abouttimemum · 06/10/2020 15:05

We bought a second hand mammas and papas cot bed from Facebook and invested in the mattress instead. DS is 18 months and I can’t see a time when he won’t be in a cot lol, but even if he doesn’t use it as the cotbed in due course that’s fine as we didn’t pay through the nose for it.

Mylittlepony374 · 06/10/2020 15:10

We had ikea cot. Not sure of name but was around 40euro and did 2 kids. But id also be like @ScarMatty, a bed I can jump into with them works best.

ScarMatty · 06/10/2020 19:31


The child who slept next to me in a Snuzpod was not willing to sleep alone in a cot bed. I ended up lying on the floor beside the cot. In the end I gave up and bought an adult size bed so I could get in and persuade him to sleep then sneak away.

Haha this was so so me!! The snuzpod was fantastic but it traumatised DS when I tried to separate him from me
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