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Can anyone recommend a good baby carrier for long walks?

12 replies

Crazydiamond106 · 21/04/2020 17:22

I’ve been looking at the ergobaby omni 360 which looks pretty good, can anyone comment or any other suggestions?

My baby is 3 mths and I feel too heavy for the sling now. I’d like something that will last till she’s a toddler and can do front in/out and back seats. I do a lot of hiking (outside of lockdown) so looking for something really comfortable rather than just popping to the shops etc

OP posts:
Sipperskipper · 21/04/2020 18:11

We had the ergobaby 360 (not omni, this was 2017) and it was great. We trekked the Yorkshire Coast with 2 month old DD very happy in it, and did plenty of really long walks with her in it until she was about 1. It was brilliant! She got too heavy for front carrying around then, so switched to back carrying with it, but she hated not being able to see everything and just looking at our necks! We then bought the little life hiking carrier which we still sometimes use now and shes about to turn 3 (shes good at walking now though, thank god!)

Due DD2 in August and looking forward to getting her in the Ergobaby!

Abouttimemum · 21/04/2020 19:47

When DS got to 6 months we bought a little life carrier, really recommend it, he’s 1 now and absolutely loves it, it’s lightweight and really comfortable, and space in the side and underneath for nappies and wipes etc. It’ll last him through toddlerhood so really worth it.

Selfsettling3 · 21/04/2020 19:49

I love our manduca not the prettiest or the smallest when packed down but very comfy. You can hire slings from a sling library by post.


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Brianna83 · 21/04/2020 19:51

We have the omni 360 and love it, it will be ideal for what you want. Only thing I would say is that if you plan to use heavily in the warmer months you might consider getting the newer mesh version as it can get quite hot and, even on our daily walks during lockdown, LO and DH have been rather sweaty!

MeadowHay · 21/04/2020 22:48

We have a little life but only DH uses it and we didn't get it until DD was around 10m old but we wished we had bought it sooner. I think your baby is a lot too young for it yet though but something to consider for when they're bigger.

snowybean · 22/04/2020 07:21

I have an Ergobaby from 2017 which was fantastic. It was second hand, passed down from my brother. In March we took our 10 week old on a five hour walk up a mountain, including going off the footpath and following a large stream (multiple crossings) and across a large bog. It might have been a silly route to take with such a tiny baby, but the Ergobaby performed amicably.

Baby is now 17 weeks and fits well in there.

LBB2020 · 22/04/2020 10:18

We used an ergo 360 until DS was 2 years and now have a Phil & Teds backpack carrier which he loves as he can see out easily

Seaglasss · 22/04/2020 12:40

I use a tula explore and I love it!

ncqtime · 22/04/2020 14:42

Standard Tula. Fits my chunky one month old and 18 month old comfortably on long walks

Elephantonascooter · 22/04/2020 14:47

Ergo 360 and its brilliant. Got it when DS was about 3 months old, he's now 18 months and climbs into a back carry himself. It's ideal and highly recommended it

randomsabreuse · 22/04/2020 14:48

Love my Manduca. It's a bit (-massively-) tired now after taking DC1 to 2.5 and DC2 to 18 months. Both had some allergies so got washed a lot due to incidents. I do have a couple of woven wraps as back ups for when the main sling is in the wash. Looking at getting a toddler sling to replace the Manduca because DC2 is a heavy lump compared with DC1

InAPrettyCabinet · 22/04/2020 14:54

Tula baby for definite. I had one and moved up to the toddler when ds grew. He went in it until he was three on my back!

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