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Holiday toys for older children

2 replies

FattyFatCakes · 17/02/2020 13:11


Does anyone have any recommendations for toys / books / games to take on holiday that are suitable to use on the beach / by the pool please?

At home my dc play Lego (inside) or football (outside) all day long but we’re off on holiday and it will be too hot for ball games / too nice to be indoors.

I’ve bought masks for snorkelling and we have some basic pool / beach toys but I really don’t want them to be bored! There must be some exciting things I haven’t thought of?!

I’ve searched previous threads but they all seem to be aimed at much younger children. My dc are 6 and 8.

Thank you

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Caspianberg · 17/02/2020 14:38

Zoggs diving sticks for in the pool
All ages love a decent bucket and spade imo.
Card games like uno, top trumps
Paper and pens/pencils for drawing indoors, or around pool in shade when it is hot. or those fancy adult colouring books ie the harry potter ones
Books to read

FattyFatCakes · 17/02/2020 15:24

Thank you - they do love colouring so that’s a great tip. I usually pack card games for the plane but, of course, they would work on the beach too

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