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Top of stairs stair gate help

18 replies

Cait73 · 21/12/2019 13:28

I’ve got a gate at the bottom of the stairs but I heard you have to have a “fixed” one at the top because there’s a risk the gate could become dislodged?

Can anyone recommend a suitable gate for the top of the stairs please?

OP posts:
therewerefour · 21/12/2019 16:03

We got ours in the aldi baby event

Cait73 · 21/12/2019 16:19

Thanks, is it “fixed” so screwed into the wall? What type is it?

OP posts:
Heymummee · 21/12/2019 16:20

We bought ours from Argos. You drill into the wall and there are pressure fittings which sit in the wall fittings, don’t know how to explain it properly. Ours has come out before but only when our older son fell into it coming up the stairs. No other bother and we have a very destructive 2 year old.


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therewerefour · 21/12/2019 19:50

Yes screwed into the wall. We have the same top and bottom. It's a hauck one. Weve had no problems so far. You should be able to find them with a search on argos or amazon I suspect.

Bol87 · 21/12/2019 21:04

We have a townhouse & so two sets of stairs. We have 4x pressure gates .. they aren’t screwed in? What’s the issue? They haven’t budged an inch in over a year and a half! We got ours from Aldi..

Cait73 · 22/12/2019 05:58

I heard a radio discussion where several parents reported gates dislodging at the top of the stairs causing injuries to children as they tumbled down stairs with gate, it’s worried me ever since

OP posts:
PeachesandPie · 22/12/2019 06:02

We have the baby dan no trip gates on the stairs. My concern with stairs isn't that they may come close but that it's easy to trip over the bottom bar when carrying baby and other stuff down. No trip ones dont have the bar and are screwed in. Also come in wood rather than metal so look better!

PeachesandPie · 22/12/2019 06:02

*loose not close

randomsabreuse · 22/12/2019 06:10

We have one of the fabric ones you pull across - so no bottom bar to trip on. Screws to the wall and the mounting point to the opposite side.

More difficult to climb than a standard gate too.

Iwantedtrianglesnotsquares · 22/12/2019 06:47

We put ones on the children’s bedroom doors instead as it was almost impossible to put one on t top of the stairs the way the stairs were built. It was a different solution, but worked well for us.

randomsabreuse · 22/12/2019 07:14

We needed one for the stairs once DC1 was out of nappies at night - too easy to go straight on instead of turning right for the toilet!

Strangerthingshere · 22/12/2019 07:17

We also put on on.the children's doors, pressure gates from Tesco. Old house with wonky stairs though and uneven at the top

Mumdiva99 · 22/12/2019 07:22

The pressure one wouldn't work in our house at the top. It just pushed the Bannister's apart - and I worried about damaging them permanently. We got a handyman in to sort out top and bottom one out with a fixed to the wall lindam gate.

RhubarbAndMustard · 22/12/2019 07:54

Another one who put the pressure gates on the bedroom door instead. Our stairs wouldn't fit one at the top and this makes life much easier.

KittenVsXmastree · 22/12/2019 08:54

My understanding was you need something without a bar across the bottom, as that can cause you to trip.
We screwed some spare skirting board into the banister end posts then could screw the safety gates to those wooden posts - solved the problem of needing to fix things where the posts weren't flat.. We had a lindam gate top and bottom.

mommybear1 · 22/12/2019 13:20

Another Baby Dan user here however there is quite a gap at the bottom when they are hung- my DH is fairly handy so he screwed in a strong piece of wood to the bottom to stop DS going underneath it (believe me he tried Confused). I heard the same as you OP re gates but we have pressure gates everywhere else apart from the stairs they have taken quite a bashing and we have had no issues with movement etc - they are also Baby Dan. Good luck!

SomeHalfHumanCreatureThing · 22/12/2019 15:30

Either one like this:

Babydan folding gate

Or one of these:

Retractable stair gate

Both hard to climb, both very secure, no trip bars, easy to fit to weird staircases etc. I sold both of mine on second hand for about half what I paid for them, so might be worth checking ebay etc.

Cait73 · 22/12/2019 22:51

Thanks for all the help everyone especially screwing a skirting board onto the wall

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