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Running pram and a baby

8 replies

Browniee · 27/09/2019 19:27

Hi there - wondering if any runners can help me! I’m getting back into running after a very long hiatus. I didn’t run while pregnant due to first trimester nausea and just generally feeling too pooped to motivate myself after that. My baby is 5 months old this week and I’ve started going on some short runs to test the waters. At the moment I can only really get into a regular routine with it by going out once DP is home from work and before bedtime feed for baby, but the nights are drawing in and I do prefer running when it’s light out so I started looking into getting a pram i could run with in the daytime.
However googling has confused me, basically mixed info about not running with babies even in special running pram until they’re 9 or even 12 months old, but then others saying they run with babies from birth?! Also all the prams I’ve seen so far, including the Out’n’About which I’m veering towards, say they’re suitable from birth.
I’m confused! Should I wait until baby is slightly older to start taking her out with me?
Other info (if this makes a difference) - i live semi rurally and there are a few good cycle/walking trails nearby which are flat but slightly uneven in surface. I probably wouldn’t be running much on pavements with the pram as there aren’t really any routes round us that are suitable.
Any tips from your own experience very welcome!

OP posts:
mummagirl · 27/09/2019 19:35

We had a fabulous running buggy for our lo
3 wheeled very light
We got it on my eBay fo £60
Huge big wheels are important
Look in running magazines etc
Keep your eyes on ebay
Only trouble was no rain cover

Sirzy · 27/09/2019 19:36

There is a group on fb called the original buggy runners which I have found very useful.

BikeRunSki · 27/09/2019 19:37

I ran with both my babies. 1st one in a p&t sport from about 6 months, second one in a O’n’A Nipper 360, from about 8 months. They were both big babies, and able to hold their necks up properly and pretty strong the Nipper was much better for running, although I’d ideally have had a proper running buggy like the Nipper Sport or Baby Jogger running buggy. The more suspension the better!

Both my children got pretty bored of running by the time they were about 15 months old.


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Browniee · 27/09/2019 22:08

@Sirzy thank you! Not on Facebook but do Instagram occasionally so I’ll see if they have that / equivalent!

OP posts:
DontBuyANewMumCashmere · 27/09/2019 22:15

I have a Thule Cougar chariot which is a bike trailer but also has a jogging wheel option too.
As a PP says it has three massive fat tyres and suspension.
I have jogged in rutted paths (woodland) and cycled loads, plus (it has smaller stroller wheels too) it bumps up and down curbs so easily.
I'd recommend this one if you have lots of room for storage (I keep mine in our garage) and you are ever likely to cycle as well as run. Buy second hand, they're dear brand new but excellent quality.
I used it from a little over 1yo but that's only because I only got it from this time. I think it's mainly to do with the baby holding their heads up.

Browniee · 27/09/2019 22:15

@BikeRunSki thanks for the reply. The OAB nipper sport was what I was looking at actually so glad to hear you’ve used it! Good to hear you ran with both!
She’s got great neck control and is a pretty sturdy girl so I think by the time we’ve ordered the pram and it gets here she’ll be near enough to 6 months.
I’m hoping to start running into work when I’m back of mat leave so by the time she’s a year old it won’t be so pressing to run with her in the daytime. But I’ve just gone down to statutory pay and think it would be a good way to get out and about, a nice cheap activity and hopefully a chance for her to have a good nap (?!) we’ll see!

OP posts:
Caspianberg · 28/09/2019 07:57

From what I have read its to do with baby being jostled more when running. Hence you should run with a newborn.

By 6 months, with decent neck and head control, I think its up to you whether you think they are ready. You can always start on smoother tracks and slower for another month or so.

If you add something like a pram sheepskin to the jogging pram, that should also support them more from moving side to side.

surreygirl1987 · 29/09/2019 15:59

Okay I've got an 11 month old and am into buggy running. I have the Out n About Nipper Sport V4. Its amazing! You can get them cheap on eBay or Facebook marketplace if you are happy with second hand. Mine was £120 and is perfect!

As for age... most pram companies will say not to be used under 6 months (at least!). Its true that babies get jostled. However, they also say to use a bassinet for 6 months and my boy literally would not fit in our icandy bassinet past 4.5 months. My personal opinion is that using a running pram is fine once baby is out of the bassinet.

However, I did start gentle jogging when my baby was around 8 weeks old. I joined a mummy and baby fitness boot camp group where you brought yout bqbt along in the pram! We only ran for a few minutes at a time on smooth paths but I had a robust three wheeler pram (icandy all terrain) with bassinet for that. My son was absolutely fine. I had a nice sheepskin underlay for him and cosy blanket padded around him. He didn't get any more jostled than he did on any walks - less so than out off road walks up slopes etc!! Some women even jogged with their 4 wheeler icandies.

You may find it's worth joining Facebook for the Oringinal Buggy runners group (awesome) and Facebook marketplace.

Hope that helps.

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