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What detergent do you use to wash your babies clothing?

26 replies

Dreamzcancometrue · 19/04/2019 23:12

And what is your prefered method ? Hand washing or machine wash?

Need some advice. My daughter is 6 weeks old so I need to know the do's and dont's regarding baby laundry... My mums been doing the washing, as im staying at my mum's till may then I'm moving back to mine.. Single and FTM here so any advice would be great!!

OP posts:
TrixieFranklin · 19/04/2019 23:15

Non bio capsules and fabric conditioner in the washing machine Smile

dementedpixie · 19/04/2019 23:18

I only used non bio for a couple of weeks and then used the bio powder that was used for everyone else

dementedpixie · 19/04/2019 23:19

And I always machine wash. I don't have the time or inclination for hand washing


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Anfield11 · 19/04/2019 23:22

For babies things and even now they're all older I have always used Fairy Non Bio (liquid is best to use and cheaper per wash than powder, capsules etc) and either comfort pure softer, Fairy softer or a shops own sensitive softener. It's the best I've ever found that will be nice and soft for baby and smells amazing too so would highly recommend.
For stains etc I use shops own Oxy for whites and one for colours and usually have a smallish pedal bin as a 'soak bin' filled with some oxy, fairy and softer, to put items in that have stains on or that you want to keep lovely and white, just leave them to soak for a day or so, longer if you can, then wash as normal.

Hope that helps. Xxxx

dementedpixie · 19/04/2019 23:25

Actually powder is better at cleaning as it contains bleaches. It keeps the drum cleaner too

Anfield11 · 19/04/2019 23:25

Sorry, washing machine definitely as you'll never get it as clean as machine can by hand washing and rinse all the liquid and powder out properly so would stick to using machine.
But can soak things for anything from overnight to nigh on a week to keep whites white and clothes looking decent.


Anfield11 · 19/04/2019 23:29

Powder is more likely to clog the detergent drawer and with liquid it goes straight into the drum with the washing so dissolved into the washing a lot better than powder esp if you tend to wash on a lower temp.

I have used powder in the past but stopped and vowed to never use again as it isn't half as good as the liquid is for mixing in the water and getting into the clothes much much better than liquid.
That's why they do liqitabs not powder tabs as they know liquid is better working straight in the drum with the washing being done.

Flyinga · 19/04/2019 23:32

Same as I used for everyone else.

dementedpixie · 19/04/2019 23:35

Liquid causes more sludge build up. When I used liquids I got strange marks on clothes. I switched to powder and the issue went away

Milkn0sugar · 20/04/2019 02:57

Non bio powder (fairy) and softener (comfort pure) for all. I wash loads according to colour, not person - colours, lights, whites. Napisan powder added to the usual stuff for any poo stains or if there are any bugs in the house.

Milkn0sugar · 20/04/2019 03:00

Capsules caused sludge stains on clothes so we avoid them now. Powder for us. Detergent tray has to be washed out though as sludgey residue can build up.

fullprice · 20/04/2019 03:17

Ecover zero.
uses only plant-based and mineral ingredients, no phosphates and is fragrance free.

Chippychipsforme · 20/04/2019 07:22

Hand washing? How many hours have you got in your day?!

Machine wash, persil non bio, comfort sensitive softener.

Ragh · 20/04/2019 19:56

A non biological detergent is all you need. Fabric conditioner is just for the smell. I like Persil liquid although the Lidl version is pretty good substitute. And remember to put poo stains out in the sunshine rather than rewashing - gets rid of them like magic!

notharryssally · 20/04/2019 19:57

Ecover non bio and definitely machine wash

dementedpixie · 20/04/2019 19:58

Doesn't just have to be non bio. We used bio with no issues

mando12345 · 20/04/2019 20:01

we used bio powder for whites and bio liquid for colors add is non bleaching.
I did always use the extra rinse button to ensure they were well rinsed.

Rarfy · 20/04/2019 20:02

Fairy powder and softener. Love the smell of dds freshly washed clothes on the radiator.

NabooThatsWho · 20/04/2019 20:02

I much prefer powder to liquid as the powder keeps my machine nice and clean too. The liquids cause a build-up and musty smell in the machine, laundry doesn’t smell as fresh either. I just use any bio powder as it cleans better at lower temperatures than non bio.

I switch up the fabric softener depending on what’s on offer. For babies clothes Fairy or Comfort Pure is lovely Smile

MenuPlant · 20/04/2019 20:04

I used the classic fairy non bio

There's a pic of a baby on the box after all :D

We are a bit eczema - y in the family and I seem to remember that was OK or maybe I got something else for Dd2 who was worse, can't remember now!

Smurfy23 · 20/04/2019 23:13

We use fairy non bio here too. DH has sensitive skin and reacts to washing powders as does dd

stucknoue · 20/04/2019 23:44

At first I got non bio but it was rubbish at getting out stains so I used regular bio instead

CrazyOldBagLady · 21/04/2019 00:00

Bio powder for whites, non bio powder for colours.


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dementedpixie · 21/04/2019 07:48

Why non bio powder for colours? It contains bleaches just the same as bio powder. You would need a colour powder or a liquid to avoid bleaches

Whiskyagogo · 21/04/2019 10:48

With my 1st I washed everything with Fairy non bio. After my 3rd I didn't bother - just used regular detergent (probably supermarket own brand bio liquid).

Always machine wakes though! Why do it by hand if you don't have to?

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