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Internet Safety - top concerns

1 reply

sophnew93 · 16/04/2019 10:26

As my dc grows up (9 y/o), my SO and I would like to get a step ahead of how we can protect her online. I know it's inevitable she will be on the internet and social media, but what's the best approach?

All advice welcome.


OP posts:
MsMarvellous · 16/04/2019 10:35

What are your specific concerns?

My daughter is approaching 8. Her dad and I are tech competent types (within reason) so are already starting to set up access with a view to safety. We already spoken to her about trust, and how we will expect access to anything she is on as she gets older, until she is approaching adulthood. We talked in a light way about why and have set up a 'kid safe' log in on the computer. We also have the Mac in a family space.

I would say the best tip is to use stuff yourself so you know how it works. Download and tinker with the apps that are current as she grows. If you have knowledge you can provide the best support and sensible limits.

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