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Dash robot, or other coding robot for kids?

9 replies

IAmNotThrowingAwayMyShot · 09/01/2018 07:04

I need a gift for my son’s 8th birthday and I’m thinking of getting the Dash robot. It gets great reviews but it’s quite expensive. There’s also the Anki Cosmo, which is even more expensive but I could swing it if I combine it with the GPs. There seem to be cheaper alternatives as well. I don’t know much about all of this stuff so it’s hard for me to tell them apart.

DS loves Minecraft and he’s starting to pick up Scratch as well. But he is definitely the kind of kid who plays with something a few times and gets bored, so I don’t want to waste my money. I’d love any advice!

OP posts:
RunningHurts · 09/01/2018 07:05

Lego boost

Jerseysilkvelour · 09/01/2018 07:07

The dash robot is fab, they have them at my daughter's school and I've been able to play with them a few times. I'm going to get one for my DD for her birthday - she will be six but it grows with them as the tasks get more and more complicated.

unicornpoopoop · 09/01/2018 07:10

Not a robot but the Kano lets you hack mine craft with coding


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IAmNotThrowingAwayMyShot · 09/01/2018 07:23

RunningHurts (I agree btw!), I was looking at LEGO Boost but I’m not sure if I can manage another LEGO set. My DS loves LEGO but he can barely keep track of the pieces long enough to build a set. I know he would end up losing some of the pieces if he had to take down and rebuild something.

Glad to hear the Dash is good. I will check out Kano as well.

OP posts:
IAmNotThrowingAwayMyShot · 09/01/2018 07:25

What about Osmo? Anyone familiar with that? It doesn’t have to be a robot.

OP posts:
CrazyExIngenue · 09/01/2018 07:30

We got DS Cosmo for Christmas. He loves it. It's really quite neat (or would seem to be, I haven't gone near it LOL).

MiaowTheCat · 09/01/2018 10:11

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IAmNotThrowingAwayMyShot · 09/01/2018 10:48

CrazyExIngenue how old is your DS? Is the Cosmo really worth £200??

OP posts:
CrazyExIngenue · 09/01/2018 10:50

DS is 6. It's pretty neat. My DH says it's the best thing we will ever get, ever (I think he likes it more than DS). Honestly, I just know they both love it.

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