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Good board games for learning letters and words

5 replies

stilldeciding · 07/11/2017 19:58

Ds is struggling with letters and learning key words at school. Any recommendations for any board games to help make it more fun


OP posts:
junebirthdaygirl · 08/11/2017 23:14

Could you get magnetic letters..lower case and make little words like cat fat etc..
Also get him to make letters in sand or flour .
Starfall online is good too.

Mrstumbletap · 11/11/2017 00:59

The foam letters for playing in the bath are great.

ineedaholidaynow · 11/11/2017 01:05

DS loved the foam letters for the bath.

Orchard Toys do really good board games for small children, some of which relate to letters.


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EveryoneTalkAboutPopMusic · 11/11/2017 14:15

Was going to say have a look at Orchard Games too. Like this one. Dominoes is good too.

Agree with getting them to draw them in sad or flour or even painting them with water outside.

Wisteria1979 · 11/11/2017 14:17

I just bought an orchard one - think it’s called match and spell - for the same reason.

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