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Find out what Mumsnetters thought about BioGaia Protectis Baby Drops

39 replies

MaddyMumsnet · 16/12/2022 11:42

Created for BioGaia
This activity is now closed.

This is the feedback thread for the Mumsnet users who took part in a product test for BioGaia Protectis Baby Drops 5ml.

Here’s what BioGaia has to say: “BioGaia are passionate about Probiotics. Our BioGaia Protectis Baby Drops is a high-quality food supplement that helps balance baby’s gut flora and give a good start to life and is suitable from birth. It is the most researched probiotic for infant colic and contains a probiotic strain found naturally in breastmilk. It is recommended by paediatricians worldwide.”

Testers, please give your feedback by answering the below questions, as well as giving your feedback via a short survey we’ve emailed you.

  1. Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?
  2. What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?
  3. Were you aware of this product before trialling it?
  4. Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?
  5. Do you think the product was easy to use?

All testers who leave feedback will receive a £5 Amazon voucher and be entered into a prize draw to win a £100 voucher for a store of their choice (from a list).

Thanks and good luck!


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OP posts:
OrangeSmartiesTasteDifferent · 19/12/2022 19:05
  1. Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before? Never tried them before but interested in the way they work.

2.What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic? Gripe water, infacol and colief.
3.Were you aware of this product before trialling it? No I wasn't aware of it before trying it.
4.Did you find the user instructions easy to understand? Yes easy to understand clear instructions.
5.Do you think the product was easy to use? Yes very easy to use
CatSophie · 19/12/2022 19:10

Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before? No I haven’t.

What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic? Gripe water.

Were you aware of this product before trialling it? No.

Did you find the user instructions easy to understand? Yes.

Do you think the product was easy to use? Yes.

Emschels · 19/12/2022 19:17
  1. Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?

    never tried before, although very interested as had read about the benefits of probiotics when it came to tummy issues!

  2. What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?

    Infacol firstly, then gripe water, co lactose and colief. Colief was the only ones to work but v. expensive!

  3. Were you aware of this product before trialling it?

    No, I hadn’t heard of it until the mumsnet thread.

  4. Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?

    Yes, extremely simple and easy to find on the product.

  5. Do you think the product was easy to use?

    Yep. A few drops in the first bottle of the morning, became a very nice routine!
AmberM2022 · 19/12/2022 19:29

1.Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?
yea very interested, never tried before

2.What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?
Gripe water, Co lactose, Osteopath,different milks

3.Were you aware of this product before trialling it? Saw a poster in the chemist

4.Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?
Yes very

5.Do you think the product was easy to use?

HeyBlaby · 19/12/2022 20:14

Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before? No
What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic? None
Were you aware of this product before trialling it? No
Did you find the user instructions easy to understand? Yes
Do you think the product was easy to use? Yes

Bec0mum · 19/12/2022 20:23

Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?

I haven’t tried them before but I was interested in the science behind them.

What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?

We’ve tried gripe water and looked into infacol.

Were you aware of this product before trialling it?

I had never heard of these drops before.

Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?

Yes, the instructions were simple to follow.

Do you think the product was easy to use?

Yes it was easy to use these.

DueinJuly22 · 19/12/2022 20:52

Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?
I've read a lot about probiotics and the supposed benefits of them. This is my first time trying them.

What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?
Infacol, colief, grip water.

Were you aware of this product before trialling it?
No I was not familiar with the brand or product.

Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?

Do you think the product was easy to use?
Yes but would have been easier to be able to be used on babies tongue rather than expressing and mixing with breast milk.

Fallingwhere · 19/12/2022 21:00

Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before? Yes used another probiotic that's targeted for new borns +

What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic? Infacol, another probiotic

Were you aware of this product before trialling it? Yes

Did you find the user instructions easy to understand? Yes

Do you think the product was easy to use? Would be better for option of syringe too so can be fed directly in mouth as 5 drops in spoon for breastfeeding baby isnt very convenient. There was always residue left so I felt like we were giving 3 or 4 drops equivalent.

Emmzo · 19/12/2022 21:49

Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?

Not tried before but have heard of their use when I’ve been reading about colic relief, so was very interested to try them

What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?

infacol and gripe water. The downside of these being that you have to give them regularly, compared to the probiotics which are just once a day

Were you aware of this product before trialling it?

Not heard of this brand previously

Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?

Yes, very easy

Do you think the product was easy to use?

Not particularly with a breastfed baby, you obviously can’t drop straight into their mouth. I tried putting them on a nipple as my baby latched but this didn’t work well for us. The instructions say to use a spoon but this is really tricky too, we eventually found a small plastic weaning spoon worked best as we could tip them in her mouth then turn the spoon over and make her lick it to try and get the dose in.

Beanbagtrap · 19/12/2022 21:55

Can I give feedback even though I didn't do the Mumsnet trial? I gave one drop of these to my then 5 month old DC who has multiple allergies and it caused a very bad reaction. I was not completely sure why so I waited a month and tried again with the same result, 14 mucousy nappies, blood in the nappy, lots of stomach pain. These might work for some people but certainly not for us.

CatiaR · 20/12/2022 09:32

Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?
Never tried probiotics before

What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?

Were you aware of this product before trialling it?
I have heard of the brand but didn't know this product

Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?

Do you think the product was easy to use?
I don't think it was particularly easy to use as it was hard to give to breastfeeding baby without wasting, a syringe could have been more helpful to administer.

ruthr79 · 20/12/2022 12:11

Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?
What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?
Were you aware of this product before trialling it?
Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?
Do you think the product was easy to use?

Anera · 20/12/2022 15:23

1.Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?
Not tried before
2.What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?
Infancol and Colief
3.Were you aware of this product before trialling it?
Yes, I was reading about it before but not tried it
4.Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?
Yes, easy to understand
5.Do you think the product was easy to use?
Very easy to use

elrider · 20/12/2022 16:00

Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?
Yes for myself but this is the first time for my children

What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?
Tried a variety for my first child. For this child, mostly reflux medication and now this.

Were you aware of this product before trialling it?
No, I wasn't

Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?
Yes, very simple

Do you think the product was easy to use?
Yes, I was giving it on a spoon as baby is EBF and sometimes they spat it out but mostly successful! I usually gave it with vitamin D at the same time.

Rumab · 20/12/2022 16:59

Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?
Am interested and have not tried probiotics before
What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?
infacol, gripe water
Were you aware of this product before trialling it?
no I wasn’t aware
Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?
Do you think the product was easy to use?
yes it was

Regularsizedrudy · 20/12/2022 19:44
  1. Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before? Yes I am interested and I have used them myself (baby hasn’t until trial) as I have read a lot about the gut-brain connection.
  2. What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic? Gripe water and infacol
  3. Were you aware of this product before trialling it? Nope
  4. Did you find the user instructions easy to understand? Yes very clear
  5. Do you think the product was easy to use? Yes very easy to use
1stNameCrap2ndNameBag · 21/12/2022 14:28
  1. Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?

Never tried them before but was interested as they'd been recommended to me by another mum.

  1. What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?


  1. Were you aware of this product before trialling it?

Yes was recommended by another mum but the version also containing vitamin D.

  1. Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?


  1. Do you think the product was easy to use?

Yes. We used a flexible silicone weaning spoon.
BostonFern · 22/12/2022 11:31

Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?
Yes, I was interested having not tried them before.
What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?
Infacol, dentinox colic drops.
Were you aware of this product before trialling it?
Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?
Do you think the product was easy to use?
Yes, easy to incorporate into the morning routine.

sakura222333 · 26/12/2022 21:35

Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?
Yes, I was interested as I haven't tried them before.
What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?
I've heard of Infacol but not tried it.
Were you aware of this product before trialling it?
Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?
Do you think the product was easy to use?

Hayleypayton19 · 27/12/2022 17:24

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Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before? Yes since her birth iv been struggling helping her colic

What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic? Boiled water

Were you aware of this product before trialling it? No

Did you find the user instructions easy to understand? Yes very

Do you think the product was easy to use? Yes and I have recommended yo my baby group

Pickywicky · 29/12/2022 10:14

My little one has suffered with colic and having tried biogaia she has transformed into a happy and calmer baby. Family and friends have also noticed. I am so very grateful that something has worked, rather than being told by the doctors that it was something that she would grow out of and something I would have to put up with.

LucettaB · 31/12/2022 21:18

1.Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?
I have tried probiotics before when my son had antibiotics.
2.What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?
3.Were you aware of this product before trialling it?
No, did not know about it but I did know about BioGaia Brand.
4.Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?
Yes, clear instructions.

  1. Do you think the product was easy to use?

Yes, easy to use but would have preferred if it would have come with spoon. I found washing the spoon after each use a little bit difficult cu wash as the product is very greasy.
jimbojc · 03/01/2023 13:19

Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before? I have personally but not for my baby
What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic? Gripe water and Optibac probiotics
Were you aware of this product before trialling it? Yes
Did you find the user instructions easy to understand? Yes
Do you think the product was easy to use? Yes


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Stupidpeoplesuck · 04/01/2023 16:36

Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?
Interested in them, but never bought them before.

What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?
Infacol, gripe water, Colief.

Were you aware of this product before trialling it?

Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?

Do you think the product was easy to use?

MoltenChocolateBabycake · 04/01/2023 17:05

• Are you interested in or have you tried probiotics before?

I hadn't tried them but was interested

• What other products (if any) have you tried or considered trying to relieve colic?

Colief, infacol and gripe water

• Were you aware of this product before trialling it?


• Did you find the user instructions easy to understand?

Yes, very easy

• Do you think the product was easy to use?

Again, very easy - my baby loved licking the drops from the spoon

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