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Read testers’ feedback on Equazen supplements

100 replies

JustineBMumsnet · 15/06/2020 10:09

This is the feedback thread for the Mumsnet users who have been testing Equazen - a naturally sourced fish oil supplement - with their children over the last couple of months.

Here’s what Equazen has to say: “Equazen is a high quality, clinically researched fish oil supplement. A unique and specific formulation of Omega-3 and Omega-6 to support normal brain function*. It’s no secret that living a healthy lifestyle helps us to perform at our best. Essential fatty acids are vital since our body is unable to produce them and so must be obtained through the diet. However, it can be difficult to eat the recommended amount of oily fish a week and so a quality supplement like Equazen can help bridge this nutritional gap.

*DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function. The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250mg of DHA.”

The supplements are available in three formats: chews, liquid or capsules. More information on each can be found below.

Equazen Chews
Strawberry-flavoured, child-friendly chews that are specially developed to be more appealing to young palates. Suitable for those aged 3 or over. Please note these are not gummy vitamins, they are chewable capsules.

Equazen Liquid
A child-friendly liquid that uses a blend of natural lemon flavours to deliver a scientifically formulated blend of Omega-3 and Omega-6 without the fishy flavour. Suitable for those aged 3 or over.

Equazen Capsules
Tasteless, odourless capsules to help the whole family supplement the amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids they get from their diet. Suitable for those aged 5 or over.

Testers, please give your feedback on the supplements by answering the questions below, as well as completing the short survey we’ve emailed you.

  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?
  2. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus
• memory
  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?
  2. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

All testers who give both pieces of feedback will be entered into a prize draw where one tester will win a £100 voucher for the store of their choice (from a list).

Thanks and good luck!


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Read testers’ feedback on Equazen supplements
OP posts:
BristolMum96 · 15/06/2020 11:06

Testers, please give your feedback on the supplements by answering the questions below, as well as completing the short survey we’ve emailed you.

  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

I thought they were ok. Very expensive price point for what you get. Disappointed that the chews had gelatine in. For a highly priced item you would expect better ingredients. The citrus liquid tasted disgusting (as tasted by myself and my child)

  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements: • attention and focus • memory

No changes to my child

  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?

No changes to my child

  1. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

No changes to my child
firefly101 · 15/06/2020 11:09

We tried the Equazen Children’s chews, the children weren’t keen to start with as they are used to the gummy type vitamins so these took a bit of getting used to.

My 5 year old did go up a book band whilst we were trialing this product and his teacher said he was flying. Obviously I can’t tell if he would have progressed anyway. Since Lockdown both attention span and sleep have deteriorated.

MESSING2 · 15/06/2020 11:16
  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements? DH and I tried the adults' (flavourless) capsules and were happy with them - the capsules are easy to swallow and don't leave an unpleasant aftertaste. We would use these again if the price was right.

DC have been taking the strawberry flavoured capsules under duress - they really dislike the flavour of both the gel coating and the liquid inside, and have to down half a glass of orange juice afterwards.
I like that the capsules all contain the correct ratio of Omega 3 to 6.

  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus
• memory
I can't honestly say I've seen a difference in either, but it's a difficult time to test a new product as circumstances are abnormal.
  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance? No comments from teachers about DC2 (8) but DC1 (10) received favourable comments about improved concentration levels not long before lockdown.
  2. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements? Again, difficult to say under these circumstances but I haven't noticed any significant changes in any of those.
Bearfrills · 15/06/2020 11:20

1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?
My DC really liked the strawberry chews. I did not like the "tasteless, odourless capsules" because even though they were only meant to be swallowed they did have a weird tasting residue on them which left a funny taste in my mouth and the open bottle stank. I do have a sensitive sense of smell though and I'm a super taster so that may be why?

They're rather expensive for what you get particularly when generic versions are far cheaper, the chewable capsules for kids seems to be the only unique selling point and I'm not sure I'd pay the extra for that alone.

2. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:
• attention and focus
• memory
No changes that I noticed. My son managed to lose his entire school bag shortly before lockdown so I guess the memory option is a no.

3. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?
No. They've progressed but I'd expect that anyway as part of normal development.

4. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

cherrylolly · 15/06/2020 11:22
  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

My child didn't like them and to be fair I tried them and didn't blame him for not liking them as I didn't like them either.
  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus
• memory
No change as didn't continue with taking them
  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?

  1. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

Not noticed any change.
sharond101 · 15/06/2020 11:24

We weren't keen on the texture of the capsules. It took tempting to get my Son to have them. They are expensive and didnt make a difference in memory or concentration but did improve his skin .which is dry with eczema.

Shangrilalala · 15/06/2020 11:30
  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

Capsules are easy to swallow, so importantly - no ghastly aftertaste. Nice big pack means you’re not constantly restocking. It is an expensive product though and this might be off putting.

  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus
• memory

In all honesty, not really but these are strange times and it’s very difficult to assess.

  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?

No interaction with teachers at this time, unfortunately.

  1. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

DS has been reading much more and has greater staying power with a book. I’d like to think supplementation has helped with this but obviously the unique circumstances of the time may have had some impact.

Thank you for selecting me for this test and the very generous sample amount sent.
TargaryenDragon · 15/06/2020 11:35
  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

We had the strawberry flavoured chews. One child (son) took them no problem and actively asked for them everyday, my other child (daughter, with oral sensory issues) tried them but wouldn't have anymore. The child that did take them has developmental delay and concentration issues. Whilst it is difficult to say whether the chews have had an effect, he's learnt to write his name during home learning and has started to blend some phonics - he's 9, this is quite a step forward for him. We will continue with these in the future because I feel they are having a positive effect and I want that to continue.
Also, as an adult who also tried them, they taste very nice, no 'fishy' after taste at all and would likely be appealing to most children.

  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus
• memory
Attention and focus: He's happy to sit and learn with an adult for short periods of time, something we've struggled for years to get him to do (but there are other factors, home learning is still a new novelty).
Memory: his memory was good before and hasn't noticeably changed.

  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?

I don't think he was taking them long enough before his school closed. I didn't notice any comments.

  1. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

He's always slept well and full of energy, that hasn't noticeably changed. His engagement in activities (like junk box modelling, colouring, role play etc.) appears noticeably more structured, usually he 'bounces' from one activity to the next with very little actual play, he's doing things with more purpose and meaning (if that makes sense).
its2019ffs · 15/06/2020 11:39

What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

They are totally unsuitable for children who cannot swallow tablets whole. They are a liquid filled capsule that if you chew have the most disgusting taste and leave your mouth feeling horrible. I tried them as well as my ds5 and neither of us could stomach them. Since my ds isn't yet able to safely swallow a capsule of that size he couldn't take them and I really struggle swallowing tablets so I could not taste them either. My dh took them in the end and he has noticed no difference.

  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus
• memory


  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?


  1. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

noideawhat · 15/06/2020 11:40

1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

We tried the liquid and the capsules. My DC weren't too keen on the taste I'm afraid & DH found the capsules too large to swallow comfortably.

2. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:
• attention and focus
• memory

None, but I'm not sure how much lockdown impacted this as well.

3. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?


4. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

No, but lockdown has obviously had a massive impact on our family. As others have said, these are very unusual times so I'm not sure how fair we've been to Equazen.

SweetPeaPods · 15/06/2020 11:41

Thanks for picking us to test.

  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

DH and I tried the adults' (flavourless) capsules and were generally happy with them - the capsules are easy to swallow and don't leave an unpleasant aftertaste (unless you burp soon afterwards then it tastes fishy according to DH!). We would use these again if the price was right

DC (aged 5 and 6) tested the strawberry flavoured capsules - they really disliked the flavour of both the gel coating and the liquid inside so refused to take.
I like that the capsules all contain the correct ratio of Omega.

  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus
• memory
I can't say I've seen a difference in either, but it's a difficult time to test a new product as circumstances are abnormal with no school and changes to routine.

  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?

No comments from teachers but both dc refused to take so not surprised.

  1. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

Again, difficult to say under these circumstances but I haven't noticed any significant changes in any of those.
OhMsBeliever · 15/06/2020 11:49
  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

I took the capsules which were easy enough to take. My son took the chews, he said they were fine. I tried them and didn't like the fishy aftertaste.

  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus
• memory

My son has ADHD and autism and I have noticed a difference in his ability to sit down and concentrate on his work (he's home educated) He was able to concentrate for longer periods.

I have autism too, and suspect I also have adhd, I feel like I have got a lot more done than I would normally, but hard to tell if that's because of current circumstances.

  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?

My son is home educated so I'm the one teaching him. Yes, I definitely have seen improvement with how much he's achieving now.

  1. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

He does seem to get to sleep earlier now. Before he wouldn't sleep till 11/12 now he's usually asleep by 10.30.
I haven't seen any affect on my sleep.
solarlightexpress · 15/06/2020 11:54
  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements? The child chewables tasted awful. The adult ones were easy to swallow and did not leave a taste. I did have high hopes for both versions but unfortunately they came up short. We noticed no difference in myself, husband or son.

  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus
• memory

There was no difference to any us that took them.

  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?

No, the teacher mentioned nothing.

  1. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

No there were no changes whatsoever. I had high hopes that this could aid my son but unfortunately not.
emphasisofmatter · 15/06/2020 11:58
  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

We didn't like them. We all tried the liquid - two adults and two children aged 3 and 5. No one liked the taste or the aftertaste. It was too strong to mix into cereal milk also.

  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus
• memory

No changes noticed.

  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?

No comments for my school age daughter.

  1. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

TheCatsHouse · 15/06/2020 12:05

Testers, please give your feedback on the supplements by answering the questions below, as well as completing the short survey we’ve emailed you.

  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

Good I would buy them. No lingering aftertaste

  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus
• memory

Difficult to say but do not think there has been any noticeable difference

  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?

Difficult to say if anything changes were as a direct result of Equazen

  1. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

Mindblank · 15/06/2020 12:06
  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

We tried the the liquid - it smelled absolutely foul, and as a result, took quite a bit of persuading to get the 7 year old to try it (the 3 year old flat-out refused!). She got used to the taste quite quickly and now takes it regularly.

  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus
• memory

None. But as others have mentioned, it's a difficult time to be able to assess this

  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?

No, none

  1. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

Yes, for the worse. However if forced to give a reason for poorer sleep patterns etc, I would blame the wider circumstances
doctorboo · 15/06/2020 12:19

1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements? The chews had an odd and strong flavour, the kids weren’t keen. The taste and texture of the capsules were off putting. No change in attention and we had to stop testing early due to adverse reactions - tummy aches and hives.

2. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:
• attention and focus
• memory
None, although we had to stop the trial pretty quickly.

3. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance? No, they were more concerned about the rash!

4. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements? None.

Read testers’ feedback on Equazen supplements
Read testers’ feedback on Equazen supplements
Read testers’ feedback on Equazen supplements
LittlemissAWOL · 15/06/2020 12:23
  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

The children didn't like the taste of the chewable ones and preferred the other ones.

  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus
• memory

Their attention and focus seems to have gotten worse but this is probably due to lockdown.
I noticed no change in their memory.

  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?

No I did not.

  1. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

My 9 year old has been having appalling mood swings. My 4 year olds mood has also worsened. I think this is probably unrelated for both though. Their energy levels and seeping patterns have been unchanged.
hanliying · 15/06/2020 12:44
  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements? Great product. My children do not eat fish but surprisingly like the flavour of the liquid product. I would definitely keep buying.
  2. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements: no observed any change
  3. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance? No
  4. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements? No
TheGirlWhoLived · 15/06/2020 12:56
  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

Really loved the fact that they were in a large flip top tub, so dd could get to hers and they were easy to store. Dd1 is usually incredibly fussy but enjoyed the chewable tablets! Dd2 was not a fan of the taste however. Dh and I found the capsules easy to swallow and with no aftertaste

  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus: my daughter seems to concentrate on one thing for a longer amount of time and her concentration has become more focused
• memory: dd1 has always had a good memory, so I have not noticed an improvement as such, but definitely less ‘batty’ for example she doesn’t stop in the middle of sentences

  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?

My daughter was definitely told that she had started concentrating and an increased effort in class before lockdown

  1. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

My daughters mood has been stable throughout lockdown and she able to look at things rationally and calmly- as we haven’t been in the lockdown situation before, I can’t comment as to whether she would have been this calm but I would like to think the supplements had something to do with it!

As an aside, after taking the equazen myself, I finally fell pregnant after 2+ years of trying, so the omegas can’t have hurt!
Nsmum14 · 15/06/2020 13:27

1 - My daughter was happy taking both the pills and the liquid. She didn't like the flavour but knew they were good for her. My son could not take either they made him gag.
2 - My daughter's spelling and her focus when writing improved dramatically about 3 weeks after starting taking the pills. This could have been a coincidence, but it did catch my attention.
3 - As mentioned, a remarkable improvement in neatness. She even won the head teacher award one week, the difference was noticed by the school, and celebrated.
4 - My daughter has always been energetic. She has suffered from less low moods lately, which could be from not having to go to school, or from the healthy fats, maybe a combination of both.

Thistly · 15/06/2020 13:32

1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

It was great to have a good amount for the trial, I was disappointed that they did not contain vitamin d, as I would expect from having had cod liver oil previously. Nobody complained about the taste or the capsule.

2. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:
• attention and focus
• memory

Not really.

3. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?

No, but to be fair it wasn’t long enough to tell.

4. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

He is happier, but I put this down to not having to go to school, which he wasn’t enjoying.

He is as energetic and sleeps as well as he did before.

Congratulations The girl who lived !!!!

Thistly · 15/06/2020 13:37

Sorry, I gave feedback for one child only. The other one who took the capsules has not been enjoying lockdown, so her mood, energy and sleeping are all worse, but I put this down to lack of routine and contact with freiends rather than anything to do with the supplements.

I think it must be really difficult to draw any conclusions from this product test; lockdown has impacted us all so much we can’t compare before and after the supplements fairly.


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UpToonGirl · 15/06/2020 13:44
  1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?

They were easy to take for both myself and children with no aftertaste/off putting smells. I personally found they gave me spots, I do have oily skin normally and have found the same happening with previous supplements such as Biotin. The changes in my skin were so noticeable I had to stop taking them and within 2/3 days my skin was pretty much back to normal.

  1. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:

• attention and focus
• memory
It's difficult to say as they were not taking them for long before lockdown - they were actually off school ill for a couple of weeks before the schools closed anyway. I didn't have any complaints from their teachers whilst they were at school during the time taking it however.

  1. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?


  1. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?

No, again due to the situation it is hard to say with any certainty.
SoVeryLost · 15/06/2020 13:50

1. What were your overall thoughts about Equazen supplements?
DS was happy with the chews and didn’t complain about the taste until he also had a multivit (was trying to supplement vit d as we hadn’t been out much). The capsules were a nice size for me. Although sometimes repeated on me, there was no real rhyme or reason to when it did or didn’t happen.
2. What changes (if any) did you or your child notice to the following while testing Equazen supplements:
• attention and focus

I didn’t notice a difference in this.
• memory
I’ve noticed a little difference in my memory. Not that memory was an issue before but small things I’ve noticed like I haven’t lost my keys (which is amazing as I’ve been rarely using them and normally I’d have to retrace my steps the night before).
3. Before lockdown, did you notice any comments from teachers about any improvements with any of the above, or with academic performance?
Yes, DS has had a lot of praise about his attention to detail increasing it’s slipped during lockdown but it’s not nearly as bad as it was before.
4. Have you noticed any changes in your or your child’s mood, energy or sleeping patterns since beginning testing Equazen supplements?
I have noticed that he is getting to sleep really easy but that has happened since lockdown so I’ve put it down to feeling settled at home.

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