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Find out what MNers think of Smartick’s online after-school maths programme

255 replies

JustineBMumsnet · 10/06/2019 09:54

This is the feedback thread for the Mumsnet users who tried and tested Smartick’s online after-school maths programme for children. This product test was open to all UK MNers with at least one child between the ages of 4 and 14, that have access to an internet-enabled computer/laptop or tablet.

Here’s what Smartick have to say: “Smartick is an award-winning, AI-based, online maths programme designed to develop mathematical abilities in children ages 4 to 14. Smartick promotes an understanding of maths through personalised and accelerated learning by adapting to each child's level and learning pace in real time, allowing them to work according to their maths needs and capability. Each child has a unique and personalised path that constantly adjusts to help fill in gaps in knowledge.

There are more than 20,000 users of Smartick in over 100 countries. We've collaborated with the MIT G-Lab and been published by Harvard Business Review and Forbes as well as featured as an app favourite by Apple.”

Testers please answer the questions below:

  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?
  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?
  2. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?
  3. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?
  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?
  2. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

All testers will be required to leave feedback on this thread on Mumsnet and also fill in a short survey. All who do so will be entered into a prize draw where 3 MNers will win a £100 voucher of their choice (from a list).

Thanks and good luck


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Find out what MNers think of Smartick’s online after-school maths programme
OP posts:
StressedMumOfTwo29 · 10/06/2019 10:14
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?
My son really struggles with maths at school and I have been trying to help so much from home but have learning problems myself I was starting to struggle myself. So when the chance to review this came up i applyed so happy I did.

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?

No I didn't need to I found the site quite easy to get around.

  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

Both my children really love doing this thru ask everyday to do smartick and love changing there little persons hair and what they are wearing.

  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?
We have used one before that the school had given us but it was to difficult for my son and smartick is so much better for him.

  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

I think it's quite important to learn number solving as you do need them later on it life but unless you want to do maths in life stuff like algabra I don't think is that important

  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

Yes I have recommend to post of friends and family. Its help my son so much
Whathappenedtothelego · 10/06/2019 10:31
  1. Main motivation: for DC1 main motivation was improving confidence and reinforcing basics before starting secondary. I'd been thinking of getting a tutor, so jumped at the chance to try this out. For DC2, a maths lover, main motivation was to stretch a bit whilst having fun.

  1. I did get an email about someone trying to phone, but didn't feel I needed to get in touch- everything seems v straightforward to me, and working fine.

  1. My children both really enjoy the sessions, and they seem to experience plenty of success, so stay motivated. They like having the chance to "earn an extra tick" by correcting their mistakes. And they really enjoy changing their avatars appearance.

I like having everything emailed to me with how they did each time.
I also like that they are supposed to do the sessions without any input from me. DC1 can be over reliant on adult help, and going it alone has been a confidence booster.

  1. We have only used Abacus before, through school. My children don't like it as much, I think Smartick feels less pressured for them.

  1. I think critical thinking and problems solving skills are a great area to focus on.

  1. Yes, I would definitely recommend- though it is fairly expensive.
LoudestRoar · 10/06/2019 12:56

What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths
practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)? Improve his grades and confidence

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful? No, I didn't need to speak to them.
  2. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick? He enjoyed earning the stickers, although it was still hard to get him to do it. I enjoyed the ease of it, and that it could be done anywhere.
  3. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used? My son had a bit more enthusiasm to use this, so it was more useful than other programmes.
  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills? I feel it's very important, although my son did struggle with some of them.
  2. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not? Yes, I thought it was a brilliant and inventive way of getting kids to do maths.
Yorkstone · 10/06/2019 16:28
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?

My eldest son (14) struggles with mathematical concepts, I thought that this may help as a focus for additional lessons. My middle son (10) is dyslexic. I wanted to see how dyslexic friendly the platform is.
  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?

I did not access help.

  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

My youngest son (8) liked the virtual world, this was a positive incentive to using the platform.
I liked that the questions were read out, this helped my middle son (10) to require less support during his session.

  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math programmes you may have used?

This is the first maths programme we have tried.

  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

I am not sure I noticed the emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving skills.

  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

I liked the concept of the platform. The assessment section was long and my son was losing concentration. My eldest son (14) found the narrator's voice, branding and virtual world 'annoying' and aimed at younger learners than him.
So I would recommend it to a younger audience.
UpToonGirl · 10/06/2019 17:01
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?

DS (7) is good at maths in school but struggles with motivation at home.

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?


  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

DS enjoyed the visual achievement/progress. I liked that it was child-led.

  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?

We haven't used any others.

  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

I didn't feel that was a huge aspect of this programme.

  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

Yes, easy to use, easy to register.
stickerqueen · 10/06/2019 18:06

Thank you for letting us test Smartrick

  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths.

For us, it's not really additional maths because dd is home educated so it's replaced her mental maths sessions for now.

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?

Yes I emailed Camilla she did try to call me but I missed the call. She was helpful.

  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

She enjoyed the different questions each session.
I liked the short sessions (great for a child who has ADHD and can't stay focused for a long period of time)

  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?
It's good for short sessions but is very expensive compared to some sites.
We have used Mathaletics in the past and our daughter says she prefers that too Smartrick because she can pick the topics she wants to do and work on the areas she knows she struggles with. We now use edplace because it covers more subjects and has lots of different levels and can work beyond her level.

  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

Great idea works the brain.

  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

No because of the heafy price tag that comes with it.
mummashine1 · 10/06/2019 18:37
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths practice

We are home educated and was looking for a fun math activity to complete easily at home.
  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?

Yes someone phoned me and asked if everything was OK and told me if I needed help I could contact them at any time.

  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

Varying activities, can earn stars that they can then spend on the site, also additional small games to have fun with maths.

  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?
The assessment period is much much longer, usually we will do 1 assessment then get on with the programme.

  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

We really enjoyed the way it was set out and would like to see more programmes using this method.

  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

I would recommend however I would really like to see the assessment made shorter as it took up many many sessions which my daughter was not happy about.
PinotAndPlaydough · 10/06/2019 18:38
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)? They used to enjoy maths work and did it in their own tone for fun, this year at school they have lost that passion and as a result the standard they were working at has dropped.
  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful? Didn’t speak to anyone.
  2. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick? My daughter says it’s fun and she finds it more interesting than her work at school. She enjoys the avatars and being able to change them she also liked the rewards system which allowed her to “buy” things in the game. I liked the fact that she could do the work alone and that I received feedback via email.
  3. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used? Website is easier to use than others we have tried, I think the whole format appeals to children.
  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills? I think they are important skills to have, however it wasn’t something that jumped out at me as being hugely emphasised.
  2. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not? I would because it’s a great learning tool, however I don’t actually think any of them would use it because of how much it costs!
hanliying · 10/06/2019 18:39
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)? To give extra support to what’s been taught at school
  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful? No
  2. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick? My kids love the app and have been volunteering working on the app every day. I like that I have been sending report every day on their progress
  3. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used? Not used any other app
  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills? That’s great
  2. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not? Yes definitely
Spockster · 10/06/2019 18:39
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?
I think she is not achieving her potential. She thinks she’s worse at maths than she is, I want to increase her confidence and show her that she can do well.
  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?

Yes, I was worried bc I needed to help her understand the questions. I got good support by email and a phone call.
  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

I like the daily reports and the feeling it’s tailored to her performance. She doesn’t really like it much but enjoys the games and earning stars.
  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?
We haven’t used any others
  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

Great; she’s good at that aspect so it increases her confidence
  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

Yes! Depending on cost of course.
Crissylou84 · 10/06/2019 18:47
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?

My daughter has always struggled with maths, she has extra help at school and I thought this would be a fun way to help her improve at home.

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?


  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

In all honesty my daughter really didn’t like Smartick, she found it very difficult and quickly lost interest as she kept getting questions wrong. She didn’t understand most of the questions she was asked.

  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?

I think from our opinion there are much more engaging maths programmes available, the school use not that my daughter enjoys using, however she now finds it too easy to use.

  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

I think it’s good, as long as the child understands it and can actually learn these skills

  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

Personally no I wouldn’t recommend as my daughter didn’t get on with it and it is very expensive
SuperLoudPoppingAction · 10/06/2019 18:53
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths


Boost self-esteem - my child enjoy maths and the instant assessment means instant feedback on the fact he is doing a good job. And it stretches him more than school.
In school he is usually paired with children who ask for his help.

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?


  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

He liked being able to save up for a pet. And the questions were enjoyable.
I like the email updates

  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?

It's different from sum dog as you only do the 15 minutes. With sumdog he would be on for hours and got sick of it.

  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

I think sometimes the questions were hard to read. Most wrong answers were to do with the phrasing of questions

  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

Yes if they had the budget for it. It's fun
mummy81 · 10/06/2019 18:57
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)? I wanted to improve my child's maths level and her confidence.

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful? I didn't need to contact them.
  2. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? The fact you get instant feedback as to whether the question is right or wrong and the chance to rectify mistakes. She loved the games as well. What did you like about Smartick? I liked the feedback emails detailing what was done well and what wasn't.
  3. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used? I haven't used anything else before, but I was quite impressed with this.
  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills? Brilliant, my daughter needs to improve upon these skills.
  2. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not? Yes I would. My daughter really enjoyed doing the lessons and she asked to do them!!
queenoftheschoolrun · 10/06/2019 19:00
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?

My DD wanted to do it. She's in Y6, really enjoys maths and having finished her SATS isn't getting the opportunity to do it at school any more!

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?

Yes, they called me early on in the trial. I didn't really have any questions but it's good to know I could contact them if I had any problems or queries.

  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

She liked the fact that the content varies every day, unlike the school programme which just tests that week's topic. I like the fact that she likes it, I can just leave her to get on with it and get a daily e-mail to say how she's done.

  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?

It isn't restricted to the exercises picked by the teacher so there is a better variety of content.

  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

This is a good idea which we haven't come across on other online products.

  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

I think it would be really useful for children preparing for the 11+ exams but I don't know how much it costs so it would depend how expensive it is!
Hajra5611 · 10/06/2019 19:05
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?

My daughter has just turned 7 and she had her Year 2 SAT's a little while ago; this gave me the opportunity to help her with her Maths skills through an app which made it fun and want to entice her to learn more and then go to school happier as she can participate with the class in the different areas; she is quite shy and this has helped boost her esteem

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?

I have not spoken to anyone about the app, have received emails if I need support what I can do and who to contact regarding the app.

  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

My daughter loves the different topics it covers and how easy it is to go through the questions then as a reward it gives her stars which she uses in the Virtual World.

I love that its really easy to access and is ideal for short sessions allowing the brain to work quite quickly also that I can monitor progress and receive emails how my daughter has done in different topics so we know which areas to work on at home and where she has improved.

  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?

We have not used any online Maths Programmes, this was our first one.
Have downloaded a few apps on her ipad however to help her but she gets bored of them quite quickly, the apps we have downloaded cost a small fraction of the price of this so its quite expensive compared to that especially as its designed for short sessions.

  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

I thing this is fantastic it makes my daughter engage with this programme happily where she is learning alot of different skills and is happy along the way as it keeps her mind focused they cover different topics not the same ones and her brain is always in thinking mode

  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

I would highly recommend this to family/friends as its a great concept to have as children don't like to be engaged in educational activities for a long time; this enables them to have a short session which tests what they have learnt and also identifies what can be done to help them.
However I feel the cost of this may outweigh friends/family signing up to this.
Estraya · 10/06/2019 19:06
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?

My daughter struggles with maths and my son has struggled in the past, though is doing well now so I like them both to do some extra maths at home to ensure they're keeping up at school.

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?

I did email as we had some technical difficulties when we first started and I was emailed back quickly, which was good.

  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

My kids both liked the virtual world. They like changing the looks of their avatar and saving up for a pet. This was good motivation to complete sessions. I liked the feedback emails and the ability to be able to see what they got right/wrong.

  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math programmes you may have used?

We use Maths Factor and I think it's much better for teaching the kids maths, though it doesn't have the motivation of the virtual world that Smartick does.

  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

I didn't really notice this.

  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

No I wouldn't, sorry. The questions were often strangely worded and the kids didn't understand what to do. It doesn't seem to tie into what they have been learning at school this year. I don't feel like it's taught them anything and after the first few sessions, neither of them were keen to continue. It's also been difficult to use on their kindle fires and they don't have access to any other computers to complete it on. I also had a look at the prices and it's really expensive compared to other programmes out there.
mama36 · 10/06/2019 19:11
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?
My elder son has 11 plus coming up n younger had KS1 SATs this yr

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?

My subscription somehow ended after 15 days so have e mail the team waiting for their response

  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

Child .. ticks , avatar dress up, online competition
Me.. really like d detailed n comprehensive daily report abt how my sons r doing plus when they were absent from d session

  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?

My kids do matheletics and Smartick is very different from that as it takes ur child aptitude and taper question accordingly so I am very happy with this aspect

  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

Yeah Smartick give emphasis to both of these skills which r v imp in 11 plus exam but not taught in school as a syllabus

  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

Highly recommend cos it tapers to ur child need and is not one size fit all
Scoleah · 10/06/2019 19:15

What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths
practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?

My Daughter isn't confident at maths at all, she doesn't understand it and falls behind in class. They don't have the facilities for one on one help in school. She does attend Maths Catch up, but still fails to understand fast enough as it's taught in a Group. My motivation for using this was that she could learn at her Own pace in a comfortable environment, so wouldn't have the added pressure like she does in front of a Group.

2. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?

Yes a lovely Lady called us from Smartick, she said she had looked at my daughters attendance which has been 100% since starting. I didn't need to ask any questions as we have been getting on with it perfectly.

3. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

My child enjoyed the quick sessions, and she loved the emails it was sending me so I could see how well she had done. She also enjoyed the Bonus questions afterwards to make up her marks if she hadn't done so well.
I also loved the emails we were sent detailing how well she had done, and that you could go in and View the questions she was asked to do aswell, it's nice you can get involved afterwards and keep an eye on what they have done.

4. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math
programmes you may have used?

I haven't used any other online maths programmes, but we did do the old fashioned method of Sitting down with a pen and paper, but my methods were out of date and my daughter would get very frustrated that I was "helping" her in a way they didn't show her at school, which added her to be even more confused. I found Smartick showed her the way she learns in school so was an easier process for her to Grasp and use in afterwards

5. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

I thought the emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving were a great addition. As it has them thinking more and helps them show out their workings etc, and my daughter said it was a nice to do something a bit different to numbers constantly.

6. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

I would recommend to friends and family as my daughter has really grown using it & she says she understands her work better in School as the program has covered what she currently does there.
Her confidence has sky rocketed.
The price is A lot compared to some others though, so I think if it was priced competitively more friends & family would also join.

MrsElizabethShelby · 10/06/2019 19:15
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?
To give confidence and help prepare them for year 2 in September.

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?


  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

He enjoys solving the problems and getting to use the computer.

  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?

I haven't used any

  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?


  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

Yes I would, however smartick is in some ways easy to use and in others complicated.

I don't know if it's the translation but some of the wording used didn't even make sense to me nevermind my 5 year old trying to solve the problems by themselves.
The parent/tutor page makes no sense and I don't know what I am supposed to do with it.
mumsbe · 10/06/2019 19:16

What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths
practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?
To give them more confidence

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?

No I didnt
  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

They enjoyed working there way through and having challenges.
  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?
It's about the same
  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

Yes it's important
  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

Yes my child enjoyed it.
H007 · 10/06/2019 19:17
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)? Confidence. Whilst my daughter is able in maths, she lacks in confidence in her ability and it’s holding her back.
  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful? Email. Kind of.
  2. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? She’s like the competitive nature of it. She also like the little world where she could buy things with her points. What do you as a parent like about Smartick? That she asks to do maths. That it something on the tablet that’s educational.
  3. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used? I haven’t used any.
  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills? Good.
  2. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not? Yes I would, as everyday my daughter asks to do her maths test. That can only be beneficial.
sjonlegs · 10/06/2019 19:19
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)? Maths was always a weakness for me at school and DD has the same. DS2 is a bit of a maths genius - but he still had a go. I think he had a case of FOMO

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful? No no contact by phone - I believe I had an email early on.

  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

The kids were drawn in quite easily and it kept them engaged. The

  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math programmes you may have used?

I didn't find the sessions particularly diverse - pretty much the same type of math for the whole session and 15 minutes is a long session for a 10 year old. I'm not sure that the levels were assessed correctly, as my daughter lost interest due to struggling and my son found it far too easy.

  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

A great idea in theory - but keeping the children engaged proved to be difficult

  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

Yes and no. It's a personal choice because it's what suits your child. All children are very different and it's not one size fits all. I think perhaps there needs to be a little more flexibility and adaptation to meet the needs of the child.
Holly221288 · 10/06/2019 19:24
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?
My main motivation for getting my daughter (aged 6) is because she is so keen to learn so I want to encourage this.
  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?

I didn’t need to do although someone did leave me a voicemail checking everything was ok.
  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

My daughter absolutely loved Smartick and I mean loves it!! She asks to do it every day and gets very grumpy if we have no time! She likes the star incentive and getting to spend them in the shop. Also changing her avatar as a ‘treat’ at the end. I love how easy it is to use and seeing how much my daughter enjoys it.
  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?
It is so much better than Mathletics as it’s visually more pleasing and has a lot more to it
  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

I like it although would be happy with more traditional maths too
  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

I would absolutely recommend it apart from the price as it’s very expensive. I love how easy it is to get my daughter to do maths. The only things I would change is a bigger variety of questions, no daily emails (they made me feel guilty on the days we didn’t manage) and an option to do a booster session or something

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Ledkr · 10/06/2019 19:26
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)?

My daughter has always struggled with maths, this has affected her self confidence so I felt if she could improve it would have an effect on her overall feelings Confidence.

  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful?


  1. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick?

She loved the challenge and the enjoyment of getting her score at the end.
She liked the games at the end too.
I liked getting the emails. Even when I was away at the weekend I could see she had done her sessions.

She liked me getting her results too.

  1. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used?

She has access to some at school but the didn't engage her like smartick did. I think as they were tables based so she was put off. Smartick was fun and varied so she wanted to do it.

  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

I really liked this as it encouraged her to think differently and independently which helped with her confidence.

  1. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not?

Yes dependent on cost.
Miaow1234 · 10/06/2019 19:31
  1. What is your main motivation for getting your child or children to do additional maths

practice (e.g. to improve current grade, to progress beyond what they are currently taught at school, etc.)? To improve her self confidence and learn at her own pace. She struggles with overstimulation at school and that affects her learning.
  1. Did you end up talking to someone from Smartick via phone or email – whether you reached out or they did? Was it helpful? No didn’t use
  2. What did your child enjoy about the sessions? What do you as a parent like about Smartick? She enjoyed the avatar and making friends with people from other countries. She enjoyed the math lessons although she was frustrated at first until she got the hang of how things are presented. I like the fact I get an email about how she did and she likes knowing too.
  3. How does Smartick compare with other online math programmes or traditional math

programmes you may have used? It’s more interactive and an end goal that the children can think about. Collecting points to buy things is great.
  1. What do you think of the emphasis on children learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills? Great and I can see a big difference in how she is thinking about math in every day life.
  2. Would you recommend Smartick to friends/family? Why or why not? Yes I would recommend as it’s been great for my daughter, even school has mentioned her increased confidence. As a child with Asperger she struggles with a classroom environment even thought she’s very capable. ITs great as it alters to each child’s abilities.
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