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Read Mumsnetters feedback on Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent NOW CLOSED

247 replies

AmeliaMumsnet · 12/05/2017 13:57

This is the feedback thread for the 250 Mumsnetters who are testing Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent.

Here’s what Ecover has to say: “Natural born innovators since 1979, here at Ecover, we unlock the power of plant-based biodegradable ingredients to bring you a greener, cleaner clean that’s not only effective, but lessens the burden on our planets resources. Packed full of Smart Green Science with naturally derived active ingredients, our new concentrated laundry detergents leave your washing spotless and smelling sublime. Derived from soybean, our plant-based formulation smooths and protects laundry fibres making them luxuriously soft and kind next to skin – an expert formulation that’s kind to the environment, your home and your family. Expertly blended with naturally inspired, dual-note fragrances, leaving your laundry beautifully scented and full of natural freshness. Tough on stains and safe for even sensitive skin, choose Ecover for a greener, cleaner laundry experience.”

Testers, please give your feedback by answering the below questions as well as completing the feedback survey we’ll soon be emailing you. All who complete the required feedback will be entered into a prize draw where one MNer will win a £300 voucher.

  • What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio -
  • Concentrated Laundry Detergent?
  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?
  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

Thanks and good luck,


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Read Mumsnetters feedback on Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
angiehoggett · 12/05/2017 16:12
  • What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio - Concentrated Laundry Detergent? The smell was beautiful and the second best thing was just how soft it left my laundry.

  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent? I was quite critical that it would have cleaning power but it really surprised me, my laundry was clean, fresh and beautifully soft!

  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent? Yes definitely, I have already recommended it to friends and family.
Stargirl84 · 12/05/2017 16:24

What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?
The smell of the washing as it came out of the machine and whilst wearing clothes washed in Ecover, they smelt so fresh!

What surprised you the most about Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?
I was surprised how many washes could be done with one small bottle.

Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?
Yes, I think so, depending on the price of the product.

thenewaveragebear1983 · 12/05/2017 16:35

What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio -

  • Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

I have never used a liquid detergent before, only capsules, so I was pleased about how convenient the liquid actually was as I had expected mess! However, my favourite thing was the scent of the liquid- not a traditional 'laundry' smell but it was very fresh and clean smelling
  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

I have to admit that I always thought that 'green' products would compromise on performance so I was pleasantly surprised that this was not the case with Ecover.
  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

It depends on the price largely, although I will continue to use the rest of the bottle to see how well it lasts. I might buy Ecover specifically for bedding and use my normal brand for every day washing!
TwoDogs9 · 12/05/2017 16:36
  • What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

It has a lovely smell and you only need a small amount. It has a very clean feeling about it, possibly because of the product being clear.

  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

It got the clothes really clean!! My cloth nappies and whites were dazzling bright!

  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

I would be but it's a little too expensive for me to be honest.
WhatILoved · 12/05/2017 16:40

What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?
...the smell was lovely and fresh and lasted for a few days.

What surprised you?
I would never usually use non bio as believe they don't get stains out. But this dealt quite well with tomato and nappy over spill!! Still had to hang out in sun to get whites really bright, but this is normal.

Are you a convert?
If it's on offer. Yes.

MrsBellefleur · 12/05/2017 16:42
  • What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio - Small compact bottle and it smelled lovely

  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent? You only needed a little to clean the clothes.

  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent? Not really. Although the clothes seemed clean they didn't smell fresh to me, they didn't smell of anything really which was dissapointing as it smelled lovely in the bottle. I might not have used enough so will be doing another load over the weekend.
RumbleRoar · 12/05/2017 16:51

What was my favorite thing- loved how it made my washing smell. I wasn't keen on the smell when I smelt it straight from the bottle. But once washed it smelt lovely. Reminded me of holidays. It also did a great job of making my washing soft, even line dried washing.

What surprised me the most- I never use liquid washing powder, so was happy with the results. It struggled a bit with really stubborn stains, but did a great job on normal everyday marks which I was pleasantly surprised with.

Are you a covert- I am.definitely very pleased with the results. I will most likely buy again, but will maybe use it for sheets and lightly stained clothes and still use powder for the tough stains

OrdinaryGirl · 12/05/2017 16:54
  • What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

I like the brand, and I respect their eco credentials. It smelt nice in the bottle.

  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

The scent on clothes that have been washed with it was just a bit...weird. I can't explain it. I think it's the sandalwood. I love sandalwood in a perfume, but in a washing liquid, I just found the clothes sort of didn't smell of CLEANNESS. It was more like they'd been worn for an hour by a posh lady wearing perfume and then put in a pile. This effect on baby clothes was...odd. Babies should smell of...clean. Perhaps if they removed the sandalwood note and just had lavender and lemon or something, that would work. I'm guessing they are going to be seeking to woo some of the people that usually buy Fairy NonBio, and I don't think this scent is going to do it.

  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

No. I wanted to love it, I really did, but the scent isn't right and the cloth I'd washed in it brought my son's face out in a rash, so unfortunately it's a no from me.
Candyperfumegirl · 12/05/2017 16:55

What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

I love Ecovers enviromental ethos & the fact that their products are not tested on animals, plus the fresh scent was amazing and lingered on the fabric - was lovely to get a nice whiff of it every now & then.

  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

It worked well at cleaning clothes - particularly my toddlers mucky tops after lunch! Really impressed.

  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

It's a little pricy for me to buy week in week out considering I do a lot of washing! I would certainly buy it if I saw it on offer. In fact I bought the Ecover dishwasher tabs the other day so I am certainly interested in the brand in general now!
Read Mumsnetters feedback on Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent NOW CLOSED
nippey · 12/05/2017 17:00

What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio -Concentrated Laundry Detergent?
The smell was amazing!

What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?
The whole product was surprising, it cleaned really well, smelt beautiful, didn't irritate DD's skin. I was so impressed that an eco-friendly product was so effective

Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?
Yes absolutely. It is pricey but I think it's worth the extra money.

AlwaysOldBeforeMyTime · 12/05/2017 17:14

What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio -Concentrated Laundry Detergent?
That it was a comparatively natural/eco product

What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?
The smell is completely different to most laundry detergents but is lovely and fresh smelling! It cleaned well despite the disgusting state of my boys clothes after a busy day.

Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?
I would love to be but couldn't justify the price on a regular basis.

sharond101 · 12/05/2017 17:21

The fresh smell was amazing. I was impressed with how well it washer the clothes despite being all natural. The price is steep compared to other brands which puts me off buying.

silviuccia · 12/05/2017 17:29
  • What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio -
  • Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

The very little quantity of detergent that I need to use, impressed! I like the smell and how it clean the laundry!

  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

The eco quality and the smell, absolutely!

  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent? I think yes :) but I will buy when it will be in offer ;)
ulab · 12/05/2017 17:33
  • What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent? I really liked fragrance and how the clothes smelled after washing.
  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent? How much washing I've done with the small bottle of it. And how good it was against stains.
  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent? Definitely!!!
InWithTheOutlaws · 12/05/2017 17:34

The smell was nice, I thought it had a crisp, clean fragrance. I liked how the clothes came out smelling and feeling. I also liked the bottle, it was solid and well shaped. The green factor is a real plus for me with this product.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the same experience as others mention of getting a very dirty load clean...poo stained clothing was still very much poo stained, in spite of it not being a large load and my having used a generous dose of detergent. I would only use it for a lightly dirty wash load.

I'm afraid not, I liked the idea of it a great deal - but ultimately I couldn't justify buying a different detergent for heavily soiled clothes and this for the rest, I'd just stick to one that does the job.

Dizzywizz · 12/05/2017 17:47

What was your favourite thing - I liked that it is natural, and not a lot was needed (using the dosage guide, which was a lot less than I used when I did it free hand)
What surprised you - actually the smell. I found it much too strong, and would not buy this again for this reason alone, as it cleaned very well.
Are you a new convert to non bio concentrated - I'm not sure, I've always used non bio but as a powder.

Etihad · 12/05/2017 17:49
  1. The smell was really nice. Also like the ethos and effort put in to make it environmentally friendly

  2. Was surprised at how well it did compared to the usual brand we use. And how much foam it produced!!

  3. Yes if I could find it somewhere on a really good offer - it's a bit too expensive for us.
Read Mumsnetters feedback on Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent NOW CLOSED
Carriecakes80 · 12/05/2017 18:00
  • What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio -
  • Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

I really liked the scent. I don't say that alot, sounds daft, but I get migraines, and sometimes on bad days, smells can make them so much worse, so was slightly trepidatious about giving it a whiff, however, was very pleasantly surprised! And while the scent is pleasing and gentle, it still makes your clothes smell really lovely.
I also confess to mixing a little with some boiling water to clean my floor, and again, smelled beautiful and cleaned it up nicely!
I used Ecover to wash my sons aprons for work, he works in a chocolate shop and gets filthy, and I usually have to soak it overnight to ensure the stains are gone, but Ecover worked very well, got the stains out, smelled nice, it really does the job!

  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

What surprised me was how well it washed, I must admit, with the delicate fragrance, I thought that maybe it wouldn't be very good on clothing with a lot of stains, I was happily proved wrong!

  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

Oh definitely! I have to have things that smell mild and gentle, as sometimes I have to even change my clothing if I have a bad migraine, as I can smell the washing liquids on it so strongly, I had a bad head when I used Ecover and can honestly say it wasn't really bothering me! It has a lovely mild scent and I love it!
Read Mumsnetters feedback on Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent NOW CLOSED
Read Mumsnetters feedback on Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent NOW CLOSED
lizziefield1982 · 12/05/2017 18:06
  • What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio -
  • Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

Loved the smell, perfect for bedding and towels, not sure how long it will last in the airing cupboard but lovely just out the wash.
  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

It's stain removal. I haven't used it for a few years as I previously gave up on it as it didn't seem to get everything clean. Now I have a toddler and a newborn and it got most things out first time. Loads better than I remembered.
  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

Going to look at price per wash when I next do a shop for laundry powder/liquid and if it's ok comparison I may well do.
CheeseEMouse · 12/05/2017 18:07

I liked using the liquid, less messy than my normal powder. I also like the idea of the brand being ecologically sound (though admit to being hazy about the effects of non-eco cleaning products on the environment.

I didn't like the smell. It was a bit overpowering and smelt a bit like moth repellant (maybe that was the sandalwood!)

I was suprised by how well it cleaned and thought that was effective.

I am afraid i am not a convert. Partly because of the smell and also because of the price point. I can get more washes for less with my usual non bio powder. I hoped i would really like the product but i am sorry i won't be switching.

MammyCon · 12/05/2017 18:08
  • What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

The scent was lovely. I've used their other products before and have always been impressed.

  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

You don't actually need that much and it cleaned my washing really well.

  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

I liked it so possibly. But I don't use non-bio very often if at all. I would purchase it though if on offer.
BigGrannyPants · 12/05/2017 18:10

- What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio - Concentrated Laundry Detergent? I absolutely loved how the clothes smelled when they came out, everything smelled so fresh and clean!

- What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent? I really wasn't expecting such a great result on cleaning. I have 3 young kids and hard to get out stains are part of daily life, but the Ecover performed amazingly and left everything really clean and soft!

- Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent? Yes definitely, I am forever looking for something suitable for the kids sensitive skin that still cleans well and is affordable, I think this is it! Grin

LighthouseLass · 12/05/2017 18:15
  • What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio -
  • Concentrated Laundry Detergent? The lovely smell - quite original for a laundry detergent.
  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent? Nothing really surprised me to be honest. I was happy with the results.
  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent? I would buy it again if I was going back to liquid, it cleaned well and the smell wasn't too overpowering.

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Bicnod · 12/05/2017 18:16
  • What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

I love love love the smell. It honestly smells delicious, especially when dried on the line. Not a chemically smell like most detergents.

  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

I wasn't expecting it to perform as well as my usual non-bio powder but it did. Clothes just as clean and smelling much nicer.

  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent?

Yes, although I'd prefer a powder version.
CrispyBathTowel · 12/05/2017 18:18
  • What was your favourite thing about using Ecover Non-Bio - Concentrated Laundry Detergent? It's eco credentials and that it's meant to be kind to baby's skin.

  • What surprised you the most about Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent? I was a bit sceptical that it would have cleaning power but it surprised me and my washing was clean and fresh.

  • Are you a new convert to Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent? No, it's too expensive for me to use on a regular basis. If it was on special offer I would consider it. I prefer using a 2 in 1 detergent and fabric softener rather than having to buy and use softener separately.
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