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tell me your tips on how to keep cool at night - cheap or pricy

21 replies

nongnangning · 12/04/2023 07:45

It's not so much hot flushes. It's HOTNESS. How can I stay cool in bed at night?
I get into bed a normal temperature and then after a couple of hours I wake up hot. The worst thing is that the heat seems to pool underneath me in the mattress. I wake up every 2-3 hours boiling!
In the hot summer of 2022 I had to sleep with wet flannels at the side of the bed and put them on my spine to cool me down so am hoping to avoid that this summer by preparing early.
I'm not on HRT - I tried it a couple of times but it doesn't seem to agree with me.

Things I have already tried:
No alcohol in the evenings - I feel nice and healthy, but no improvement in the hotness
Getting a new mattress, twice - I got a foam one initially, which made it worse, then swapped to pocket sprung which is only slightly better. I would be open to changing the mattress again if I thought it would help
Adding a mattress topper - helped very slightly but not much

Please send your recommendations for ...
alternative medicine or vitamins
bed and bedding improvements
anything else

TYSM, yours hotly ...

OP posts:
rainbowstardrops · 12/04/2023 07:51

I feel your pain! People think I'm mad that I wear short-sleeved pyjamas with shorts all year round!

I bought a 'cool' pillowcase and blanket from Amazon. One side is made from a cool material and the other side is slightly warmer.
I also have about three of those cooling mats at the end of my bed, so that I can always find a cool spot for my feet during the night.

And unless it's really windy or absolutely freezing out, I always keep my bedroom window open.

Maple2023 · 12/04/2023 07:58

M&S comfortably cool bedding. Feels very smooth and cold to the touch
Pet cooling mat
Freeze gel packs and wrap in light towel

cocksstrideintheevening · 12/04/2023 08:00

Window open at this time of year helps, not in the stifling summer! I only wear vest and knickers to bed have a proper duvet when I need and a nice thin throw for when I don't.

Game changer though - slewing in a different bed to DH. I can toss and turn and spread out and keep the window open!

JenniferAllisonPhillipaSue · 12/04/2023 08:04

Agree with PP, sleeping in a separate bed to DH definitely helps me as I can move over to the empty, cooler side of the bed as need be! I have a ceiling fan rotating at low speed, and move various limbs in and out of the covers as need be to cool them down.

PoseyFlump · 12/04/2023 08:10

Drinking soya milk. (Google it)

SpeckledlyHen · 12/04/2023 08:26

I had the same, would wake up boiling, throw the covers off and would then be freezing. I bought a wool duvet called a baavet and it resolved it. You need to google but wool regulates your temp. Was a game changer.

BoomBoingBunion · 12/04/2023 08:28

Cut down sugar and caffeine. I'm really sensitive to both since peri menopause, and have noticed a direct link between having them in the day and boiling and sweating at night.

shouldawooda · 12/04/2023 08:34

I open the windows wide open and get the room down to about 17 degrees before I jump into bed (I can’t sleep with the windows open as too noisy). I have a fan on me all night because the white noise also helps me to sleep. And I have a new pure wool duvet which is helping.

Oh and I read a tip recently to wear bed socks, which I’ve started to do and it’s definitely helping. Something to do with kicking the body’s cooling mechanisms into action because your feet are hot.

But mostly it’s the HRT that’s made the biggest difference, sorry.

RandomMess · 12/04/2023 08:35

3 tog wool duvet and cold bedroom plus sleeping alone.

2pence · 12/04/2023 08:39

I have a plant mister spray bottle that I spray my feet with and sleep naked with feet outside the duvet.

Ariela · 12/04/2023 08:54

Wine cooler sleeves kept in the fridge. Pop a fresh one over your wrist, will cool you significantly quite quickly.

WarriorN · 12/04/2023 20:47

Sleep in a cotton bra top like thing.

Wool mattress topper. Really works!

Cotton/ linen sheets

Fan if really not coping

Moisturiser (eg Cerave lotion) by bed to slather on feet in night. Seems to help!

nongnangning · 14/04/2023 09:22

Wow thank you for all these great tips for cooling down and sorry for the late reply ( I went away to see my parents).
There are some really good ideas here.
I am not ready to chuck DH out of the bed but I have secretly fantasised about getting an extra single bed in our bedroom which would be nice and cool and I could just hop into 😀
But first I am going to try and get the gel cooling sleeve for wine today and if it doesn't work I can put it to its original use
Also the Baavet sounds good. I have pillows from there but not the duvet.
I need some new sheets so am looking up the M&S comfortably cool. Great tip.
On the soya milk. I've just never liked the taste of it but wonder if a soya tablet might have the same effect
Bed socks - interesting! I will try this one for a night or two and see what happens.

OP posts:
Nannyfannybanny · 14/04/2023 09:30

Menopause at 42, http 17 years. Moved,new GP refused to prescribe anymore. Tried, everything on here, plus red clover,black cohosh. Nothing helped. I would be happy if I woke up after a couple of hours. I get into bed (bought a couple of years ago,fancy "cooling topper" doesn't work. 4.5 tog duvet all year round. I need a bedroom temperature of under 14c. We have an air cooler,last year treated ourselves to a proper air conditioning unit. Don't care about the noise (ear plugs) or cost. We're in the hottest SE UK corner.

Nannyfannybanny · 14/04/2023 09:31

I didn't type http, that was the phone HRT!!

curlywillow · 14/04/2023 09:34

My bed is made with a bamboo fitted sheet and pillow cases (all bedding is in fact bamboo).

On top I then have.

2 x loose sheets
1 x lower tog winter duvet
1 x summer duvet

The two duvets are NOT press studded together.

This means that when I'm hot in the the night I can push off layers and then pull them back over when my temperature goes down again. Its saved our marriage!

Barold · 14/04/2023 09:40

If you’re open to really spendy, I keep seeing a thing called an Eight Sleep Pod advertised. Looks amazing.

Barold · 14/04/2023 09:41

Eight Sleep Pod COVER*

MrsSkylerWhite · 14/04/2023 09:42

Paroxetine works for me.

FoxFeatures · 14/04/2023 09:44

I always make the bed with a flat sheet between me and the duvet in it's cover - a bit like making a bed with blankets. During the night I kick off the duvet on my side of the bed (DH oblivious) and sleep with just the sheet over me.

babyjoeytribianni · 14/04/2023 12:00

The best sheets I've found that stay cool are pure Tencel. I use a fan too, lightweight quilt and window open.

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