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46 y/o sudden bladder leakage :'(

52 replies

heidianna · 11/04/2022 15:56

I’m a 46 YO woman, (and despite being here on my Mumsnet) I have no kids and have never been pregnant … In the last 6 weeks I’ve started having bladder leaks. I started noticing my underwear smelling like urine despite using wet wipes after going to the bathroom and taking frequent showers. My underwear doesn’t get extremely wet, just a bit damp, so seems like a light leak for now.

I have not been to a Dr yet, as I’m away for work but I’m trying to suss out what the problem could be. I don’t have any burning or anything that would indicate a UTI. My urine is light yellow to clear so I think I’m well hydrated. Seems like incontinence but I can’t quite tell what kind. I don’t feel a sudden uncontrollable urge to urinate, I just got as normal, although it's a bit more frequent lately. After half an hour after going to the toilet, I’ll get the slight sensation that my bladder is not quite empty and so I’ll go again but it’s only a few drops. Then I’ll notice later on that I’ve leaked more. It’s as if my bladder is never fully empty. It's worse when I walk and of course, when I drink more fluid.

I’ve been told this could be a symptom of peri menopause. Does anyone have an insight they can share with regard to this? Will it eventually go away or am I going to be leaking for the rest of my life? I am completely overwhelmed by it as generally I’m pretty healthy and it came out of nowhere. It’s going to be at least 2 months before I can see a Dr and I want to be sure I’m not doing anything to make it worse. I’ve now had to get discreet liners to stop it from wetting my underwear.

Just when I was looking forward to menopause and not having to wear pads anymore, this happens. :( I’m also recently single and was looking forward to start dating again but I cannot imagine dating with this condition.

If anyone has any valuable tips or insight, I’d greatly appreciate it!

OP posts:
GeneLovesJezebel · 11/04/2022 15:57

You need to check for a UTI.
I didn’t have the usual symptoms, it was only when I got loin pain that I realised I had a problem.

Orangesandlemons77 · 11/04/2022 16:10

I'm having the same, 45 here.

Allthestarsabovemyhead · 11/04/2022 16:14

I’ve had this since aged 13! They still don’t know what is wrong with me. Medication and operation (cystodistension) didn’t work either.

heidianna · 11/04/2022 16:22


You need to check for a UTI.
I didn’t have the usual symptoms, it was only when I got loin pain that I realised I had a problem.

I will do that when I'm back home. How long after the leakage did you notice the pain?
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heidianna · 11/04/2022 16:22


I’ve had this since aged 13! They still don’t know what is wrong with me. Medication and operation (cystodistension) didn’t work either.

Sorry to hear that! I hope you're able to find a solution! xx
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heidianna · 11/04/2022 16:23


I'm having the same, 45 here.

I'm learning it's quite common at this age. Are you having any peri menopause symptoms?
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Orangesandlemons77 · 11/04/2022 16:25

Kind of. Moodiness anyway. Still getting regular periods but they're a bit lighter, lasting for only 1-2 days. How about you?

OldTinHat · 11/04/2022 16:31

I'm 50 and recently started having exactly the same problem. It's infuriating.

heidianna · 11/04/2022 16:46

@Orangesandlemons77 I'm not entirely sure. I've been having very low moods the last year but I think it's more to do with personal circumstances. My periods are still right on time, but much shorter now, 2-3 days and not too heavy. I did have a bit of a hormone imbalance a few months ago but it was very minor and I was told may be diet related and I've not checked it again, but I will do when I'm back home.

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heidianna · 11/04/2022 16:48

@OldTinHat I'm so sorry, it really is so upsetting. Did it come on suddenly for you? Seems to have come out of nowhere for me. And have you been undergoing any treatment or procedures?

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SantaHat · 11/04/2022 16:52

I had quite a few bladder leakage issues come on as part of my peri/meno symptoms. Not quite like yours but they have seem to improved slightly since I started HRT.
I hope you can speak to the docs and get some help.

Orangesandlemons77 · 11/04/2022 16:53

Would pelvic floor exercises help with this I wonder?

OldTinHat · 11/04/2022 16:55

It did come on suddenly and I noticed it exactly the same way as you did. I've also not seen a GP because I reckon I'll be fobbed off because of my age and told to just do pelvic floors (which I do anyway).

No treatments or procedures. I take the POP so don't have periods so it's hard to tell where I am in the scheme of things. 🤷‍♀️

Sorry you're going through the same. I also feel the same way because I'd like to date but daren't with this issue.

Apileofballyhoo · 11/04/2022 17:01

Localised oestrogen but do rule out UTI. Vaginal atrophy begins with peri. Even if on HRT some women need localised oestrogen too.

Deux · 11/04/2022 17:09

From what I understand this isn’t that uncommon as a peri/meno symptom. Does it happen all the way through your menstrual cycle or more so at times when oestrogen is low?.

If your swabs come back clear then it’s worth mentioning vaginal atrophy to your GP id they don’t as they can prescribe Vagifem and/or Ovestin cream which should help.

heidianna · 11/04/2022 17:15

@Orangesandlemons77 I'm doing some kegels but not too much as I'm mindful of not doing them correctly until I can see someone to teach me properly. So far, they've not helped.

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BuddhaAtSea · 11/04/2022 17:17

Yup, I had that. Went on HRT and it stopped!

heidianna · 11/04/2022 17:18

@SantaHat if you don't mind me asking, could you describe what yours were like? It's a bit difficult for me to tell what I'm experiencing all the time and it helps to compare with what other people's symptoms are. Sometimes I feel like I'm imagining it and since there is very little wetness, I am wondering if it's physically not as bad as I'm thinking it is, if that makes sense.

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heidianna · 11/04/2022 17:21

@OldTinHat - are you in the UK? I know what you mean about feeling like you'll be fobbed off. This is also my concern but I think we just need to persist and push, otherwise it could impact our mental health long term. :'(

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heidianna · 11/04/2022 17:22

@Apileofballyhoo thank you for this, I had not heard about this yet. I assume you're in the UK? Is this something I could do on the NHS?

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heidianna · 11/04/2022 17:29

@BuddhaAtSea - this is really good to know - thank you!! If you don't mind me asking, was the leakage very frequent and noticeable? Just trying to gauge how severe my issue is compared to others. And did you have HRT on the NHS? I've heard this is a bit of a controversial topic.

I now feel totally thrust head first into learning about menopause and peri (always felt younger than I am, or perhaps I've just been in denial) so it's all a bit new and overwhelming!

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lululongdog · 11/04/2022 17:30

I had exactly this, on and off over about four years (I am now post meno) during the change. It took me a while to work out that it happened sometimes but not at other times, I could be fine for a couple of months and then suddenly I'd lose control several days in a row; it didn't feel like a physical issue somehow it seemed more like my body wasn't "listening" to instructions ie I knew I needed to urinate but then I just couldn't hold it even for a short time, no matter how much I tried, it felt like there was a disconnect somewhere.

The good thing is it seems to have gone away, I've not had it for a long time, and I'm presuming that's because my hormones have settled down. But yeah it's definitely a nuisance and I got used to wearing tena pads on days when I knew I wouldn't be able to quickly get to the loo, so I just managed it rather than finding a cause/solution for it.

GingerFigs · 11/04/2022 17:38

Watching with interest @heidianna (and sympathy) as I've started to get this occasionally. I'm 47.


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MardyOldGoth · 11/04/2022 17:40

Could be overactive bladder. I have it. Feel like I need a wee 10 minutes after my last one and next to nothing comes out. There is medication which helps. Definitely get checked over by a GP.

heidianna · 11/04/2022 18:15

@lululongdog thanks for sharing your experience. It's helpful to know what others have gone through as well. It's also encouraging to hear yours has gone away. I'm really hoping that will be the case with me. It feels constant at the moment though rather than off and on like yours. Without being able to see a GP right now, it's all guess work. I had been drinking more coffee (and less water) than normal these last 4 months so I'm hoping it's just irritation from that and only temporary. The other concern is having used the cup for the last 2 years and worrying that's done something to my vaginal wall. :/ Anyway I guess it's a waiting game until I can be seen by my GP. Did you actually get an official diagnosis for it (and what was the process like) - or did you just manage it on your own until it went away?

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