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Homeopathic / herbal remedies that work please!

25 replies

FairyAtTheBottomOfTheGarden · 16/12/2020 11:17

I'm fairly sure I'm starting menopause / perimenopause as I'm waking around 4/5am most days absolutely baking hot despite the window being open, and have these hot flushes during the day sometimes too. I have spoken to my doctor and can't have a blood test to diagnose it as I have a mirena coil which would mask my hormone levels.
So I'm looking for herbal / homeopathic remedies for the flushes and insomnia which will help whether it's menopause or not... any ideas gratefully received. Thanks!

OP posts:
Timbucktime · 16/12/2020 12:48

A Vogel Menopause support tablets.
I’ve been thinking about trying these for hot flushes, I’ve sent off for the free sample pack on their website so 🤞

FairyAtTheBottomOfTheGarden · 16/12/2020 13:04


A Vogel Menopause support tablets.
I’ve been thinking about trying these for hot flushes, I’ve sent off for the free sample pack on their website so 🤞

Ooh, thanks I'll give them a try! Hope they work for you...
OP posts:
JinglingHellsBells · 16/12/2020 13:39

I'm a bit confused @FairyAtTheBottomOfTheGarden

Are you saying your GP won't give out HRT without a blood test?
This is madness- the NICE guidance from 5 years ago says blood tests are not to be used for women over 45 as they are not accurate.
Their guidance for GPs is to treat symptoms. you have symptoms and already have the Mirena (which gives you the necessary progestin side of HRT) you only need estrogen adding in- either a tablet, patch or gel.

If your GP doesn't know this, I suggest you see a different one. or go back and show them the NICE guidance- you can print it off and it's linked at the top of this forum.

You don't need a blood test unless you are under 45 when peri symptoms such as missing periods might be for another reason altogether so a blood test is to rule that out.

Most herbal stuff doesn't work according to research done on all types, or it appears to work in peri but that's because the symptoms come and go anyway.

FairyAtTheBottomOfTheGarden · 16/12/2020 13:45

Are you saying your GP won't give out HRT without a blood test?

No, she offered me HRT but as my symptoms are mild (albeit annoying) I'm trying to manage them myself. If it gets unbearable I'll go back but hopefully the mirena is taking the edge off anyway.

Thanks for the advice though - all useful stuff Smile

OP posts:
ILoveYourLittleHat · 16/12/2020 13:51

Just to note - herbal remedies will have an "active" ingredient (that may or may not help you to any extent!)
Homeopathic ones don't. If you are set on using a homeopathic treatment you can use any, as there is no difference between them all - if they are properly prepared there won't be any of the original 'ingredient' left.
Good luck OP, can imagine it's awful!

FairyAtTheBottomOfTheGarden · 16/12/2020 13:54

Thanks ILoveYourLittleHat I didn't know that - learning all the time!

OP posts:
JinglingHellsBells · 16/12/2020 14:10

I don't see the point in trying to work through loads of herbal stuff which rarely works.
Even if it did (and you can search online for the research trials- ignore the claims by the manufacturers!!!) it doesn't help your bones, heart and pelvic floor, all of which need estrogen to function properly.

Estrogen is completely safe for at least 5 years so you've got nothing to lose by trying it now.

TrufflyPig · 16/12/2020 14:16

Alternative medication is not particularly well regulated, you don't have to prove any sort of efficacy and anyone can sell it, they may well just be ripping you off.

You'd be better off giving HRT a go.

FairyAtTheBottomOfTheGarden · 16/12/2020 14:29

You'd be better off giving HRT a go

I don't want to take anything I don't need to (had to have the mirena after seriously heavy periods and low blood pressure were making me very wobbly!) so I'll stick with something gentler for now. I didn't even have pain relief for labour as I wanted to be in touch with how much pain I was in - I'm weird like that Grin

OP posts:
TheHoneyBadger · 16/12/2020 14:57

Angus castus. I tried it with success in my late 20's when I was having crazy long cycles with really bad pmt and it worked great and I took it for years.

45 now and I was getting really excessive hot flushes with facial sweating and accompanying anxiety for the last couple of years and pmt back again and so started taking it again this year. Hasn't stopped hot flushes but they seem more manageable and shorter lived and less sweaty. Pms is definitely much better than it was but my periods are starting to be irregular last few months so peri menopause stepping up I guess.

In parts of Europe it's actually prescribed for various female health issues including pcos and has done well in clinical trials.

I've tried lots of allegedly useful supplements eg evening primrose, sage, black cohosh etc with no success but Angus castus has saved me before and seems to be helping now

JinglingHellsBells · 16/12/2020 15:02


You'd be better off giving HRT a go

I don't want to take anything I don't need to (had to have the mirena after seriously heavy periods and low blood pressure were making me very wobbly!) so I'll stick with something gentler for now. I didn't even have pain relief for labour as I wanted to be in touch with how much pain I was in - I'm weird like that Grin

Me too! BUT I am fine with HRT as it's as natural as all that herbal stuff. It's made from yams. It's important to know it's replacement so it's the same stuff in terms of chemical structure as you have yourself.

Your choice of course, but don't forget that herbs are not always safe - possible to overdose and some have serious side effects in some people.
TheHoneyBadger · 16/12/2020 15:04

Should have said in my 20s taking it took me from cycles varying from 31-45 days with drawn out crazy lady levels of pmt to having regular 28ish day cycles for the first time ever. It apparently works on the pituatory gland which in turn regulates hormones.

Not expensive and definitely worth a go for a few months to see if it helps.

Last I heard I wouldn't be able to have hrt and was no longer allowed the pill because of aura migraines and their changed understanding of how that and oestrogen together compound stroke risk. Though maybe the advice has changed now. It was explained to me something like they used to think aura migraine rid factor and oestrogen risk factor had to be added together but had discovered they actually had to be multiplied itms

JinglingHellsBells · 16/12/2020 16:10

@TheHoneyBadger The Migraine Trust website has info on hrt. Might be worth a look? Last time I looked, they said hrt was ok for migraine sufferers. I have 'ordinary' migraine all my life and it's never been an issue with hrt. you would need to use transdermal- not tablets- to avoid risk of clots which tablets have.

TheHoneyBadger · 16/12/2020 17:44

thank you Jingling! I will look them up.

TheHoneyBadger · 16/12/2020 18:02

Interesting - they don't even mention aura as a risk factor. Maybe the view has changed or maybe it was about the pill and i just assumed it would also apply to hrt.

I'm coping so far I think. I've had problems with mental health on and off (ish) all of my adult life so my biggest concern is that really. I've never had a night sweat and I'm not even sure if the hot flushes are real hot flushes - it's basically when I've rushed about or if I am really flustered.

It's only recently that I've had the odd cycle where I've had an extra/way too early period. My periods remain fairly light and short. I also have aching joints - particularly the outsides of my knees when I'm in bed at night and trouble sleeping and recently a lot of headaches - not migraines (my migraines in middle age have largely 'just' been intense aura and weirdness followed by exhaustion and a kind of hangover rather than headaches).

I also get periods of brain fog that remind me of what I was like for the first few weeks after giving birth. I don't know whether to put these together as perimenopause or if they're separate things Confused

It's crazy how much of this is a mystery given half the population has been dealing with it since time immemorial.

Sorry for the thread hijack.

TheHoneyBadger · 16/12/2020 18:04

Actually one more question - does hrt make you put on weight? I'm really struggling to lose weight so wouldn't want to add in any other things that make you put on more.

CallistoSol · 16/12/2020 20:53

Try maca root powder which really helped in the early days (works by helping hormone production), also soya isoflavones which are a plant based oestrogen. I'm pretty much menopausal now and going to try hrt, but been peri for three years and these two really helped. My hot flushes are manageable but the insomnia is breaking me hence trying the medical route. I wouldn't bother with homeopathy though, it's expensive rubbish.

TheHoneyBadger · 17/12/2020 09:34

Call thanks. I've ordered a soya isoflavines supplement. I had added soya beans to my diet but need a more consistent source I think.

I want to manage with natural stuff as long as I can so if I do have to take hrt it's for as short a time as possible.

I also don't want to pin my hopes too much on hrt because I know it's not great for everyone.

CallistoSol · 17/12/2020 09:45

That's my feeling on it too. Hope the soya iso helps 🙂

trumpisaflump · 17/12/2020 11:19

@TheHoneyBadger I have been on HRT for 3 years and I haven't put on an ounce since starting. I know I'm a very small sample size but there you go! I will take it for the rest of my life if I can-I'm evangelical about it 😂

JinglingHellsBells · 17/12/2020 11:36

@TheHoneyBadger me too as with @trumpisaflump

I've been on HRT for around 12 years and not put on weight. I DO take a lot of care with my diet anyway because I'm short and would be apple-shaped without being careful- I certainly don't eat all I could!

HRT is supposed to help reduce the bad lipids/ glucose levels in the blood too and reduce risks of diabetes and heart disease.

JinglingHellsBells · 17/12/2020 11:39

@TheHoneyBadger Just missed your previous post.

Isoflavines from soy are not really that much different to modern HRT.

I think a lot of women don't realise that transdermal estrogen is made from plants (yams) as is micronised progesterone.

So it's pretty much the same as eating loads of foods with soy, except it's in a regular dose and has been tested.

It's not necessarily 'safer' to use soy products as women who can't use HRT (maybe because of breast cancer) are also told to avoid soy isoflavines.

TheHoneyBadger · 19/12/2020 06:43

Interesting thank you.


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TriSeaSwim99 · 19/12/2020 06:56

Your list of symptoms above honey are what I would say are peri-meno. I too have been on oestrogen gel with mirena coil for a few years now and not gained weight. The reverse I’ve lost and stabilised weight because I’ve felt better in myself and had more energy to exercise daily and the biggest changer to my weight has been to fast 14hrs everyday overnight. So I stop eating at 7.30pm and don’t have breakfast until 9.30am it’s an easy fix for me to cut the middle aged belly growth I was getting. Plus I’ve been sea swimming this year along with mostly a whole load of other middle aged women Grinwe all think it helps joint aches, moods and wellbeing.

TheHoneyBadger · 19/12/2020 07:23

Thanks you.

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