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Where do you keep your ironing board?

68 replies

dulcieM · 06/01/2024 10:58

Where do you keep your ironing board if you don’t have a utility room and where do you do your ironing?

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FrenchandSaunders · 06/01/2024 11:31

Permanently up in spare bedroom. I very rarely iron but DH and DD seem to 🤷🏼‍♀️

Mum1234567 · 06/01/2024 11:57

In the hall cupboard, where the hoover and coat hooks also live. I rarely iron but when I do, I iron in the kitchen.

Psychoticbreak · 06/01/2024 12:34

Possibly the utility room behind a fridge but could not be sure. Not even sure we own an iron.

TheFairyCaravan · 06/01/2024 12:40

I have a utility room , however I iron upstairs in the dressing room so the ironing board is kept up there. I iron, hang it up and put it all away in one go. It’s so much easier.

MrsClatterbuck · 06/01/2024 12:44

I have a utility room but no room to set it up so do any occasional ironing in the kitchen.
My mum kept hers in the kitchen and did her ironing in the kitchen. But in later years kept it in adjoining garage where she also ironed. The ironing board was then kept up permanently.

Babyroobs · 06/01/2024 12:49

It's normally permanently up but tucked under the overhang of the kitchen Island !
Currently it was put away over Christmas when we had visitors and is in a storage area where the downstairs loo is.

EveryOtherNameTaken · 06/01/2024 12:49

Don't have an iron or board. I use a clothes steamer.

YoullCatchYourDeathInTheFog · 06/01/2024 13:14

Tashface · 06/01/2024 11:27

I'm not telling you. You might come and steal it Shock

Whatever happened to the poster whose ironing board was stolen by pixies?

I've got a tall Ikea cabinet with pull out cleaning shelves on one half which leaves space for broom and ironing board on the other side.

Where do you keep your ironing board?
Xelda · 06/01/2024 13:17

Under the sofa

Anotherdayanotherdollar · 06/01/2024 13:20

I keep mine in the past, along with my free time to do such things.
I do have an iron however, and on the rare occasion I use it I iron at the kitchen table with a couple of clean towels on top

Cotswoldbee · 06/01/2024 13:22

Ironing board is kept in the storage cupboard under the stairs.
Utility room is a tad small for ironing so it is done in the kitchen/diner/family room, under no circumstances does it migrate to the living room!
OH and I have different irons with neither of us liking the others iron, suits us.
Ironing takes place 2-3 times a week, we tend to iron practically everything so there is usually a pile gathering and both of us tackle it whenever we have an hour or two to spare, usually while watching something on TV.

ihaveayod · 06/01/2024 13:26

I iron most things and iron in the bedroom. I have a utility room but the ironing board is kept in the wardrobe in the bedroom. The iron (one of those steam generator ones) lives on a shelf in the wardrobe as well (once it's cooled down of course).

TheFormidableMrsC · 06/01/2024 13:32

Mine is down the side of the fridge. I iron daily. This is because I like ironed clothes but I simply can't stand with a pile of ironing and do it. I've got a filthy 12 yo son so lots of washing, especially in the holidays. So I prefer to just iron our clothes for the next day every evening. Takes all of five mins to do. I do it in the kitchen.

Newlittlerescue · 06/01/2024 13:32

Under stairs cupboard, on a Barbranta wall hanging contraption which hangs the board, the iron and the cord and is the most transformative purchase ever made (previously the board stood up against the wall).

Iron in the dining room, next to the understairs cupboard which conveniently has a high-level socket, presumably put in for that purpose.

AnnaMagnani · 06/01/2024 13:39

Permanently up in a spare bedroom.

Used it once several years ago and it was too much effort to put it away.

Plus the cat likes sitting on it.

closingdownsale · 06/01/2024 13:39

In the boiler cupboard

Minewasthesame · 06/01/2024 13:44

We ditched the full size one and have a mini one that hangs in the wardrobe

ComfortableAtLastTookLongEnough · 06/01/2024 13:47

We send our ironing out.

For back up we have an iron and an ironing board in the boiler room.

When DS was 4, a visitor needed to iron some thing, he pointed at the board and iron and said what is that………

My proudest moment….😂

ShinyAppleDreamingOfTheSea · 06/01/2024 13:48

I got rid of my ironing board a few years back when the weekly ironing of the school shirts stopped and I realised that most things if tumble dried and hung don't need ironing . I still iron occasionally - mainly in the summer as line dried clothing seems to retain more creases but I just put a towel on the kitchen table and iron on there.

anothernamechangeagainsndagain · 06/01/2024 13:52

Cloakroom cupboard with the electricity meter, a huge heap of shoes and random coats barely worn (the ones in active use are in the hallway) oh and the bit broken umbrellas

anothernamechangeagainsndagain · 06/01/2024 13:53

I don't do ironing, it's magically done by a lady down the road when we remember to book her, dp does his shirts (when he forgets to book the ironing service pick up) in the kitchen

weegiemum · 06/01/2024 13:54

I iron very very occasionally and like some others have the small ikea tabletop ironing board. No one in the house routinely wears anything that needs ironing, all the dc have left school and dh has built up a collection of work tops that don't need ironing at all (he's the boss so gets away with it!!).


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Lizzieregina · 06/01/2024 14:00

I have a laundry room in my basement so it lives there. It doesn’t get much use though.

If I’m going on holidays in the summer and need to iron, I’ll drag it up to the living room and iron in front of the Telly.

JenniferJupiterVenusandMars · 06/01/2024 14:04

Behind the door in the spare bedroom, I enjoy ironing and do it upstairs in my bedroom.

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